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Diabetes Research and Information

For years now countless billions have been spent on Diabetes research, and everyone who has been involved in this research hoped to be able to find the magical cure that would help all those that suffer with the dreaded diabetes disease.

Doctors have known for years about Diabetes and they know how to treat it. They know that it’s the pancreas that begins to fail in the production of natural insulin. But have you asked yourself why the pancreas stops working in the first place?

I’m sure the drug companies that make all the medication for diabetics are laughing all the way to the bank as they know with the present trend things will get worse rather than better.

Diabetes information is clear cut and as you get older there’s a good chance you will have some form of Diabetes that will drastically alter your life. It is also a fact of life that obesity is on the up as more people and children become overweight the more chance that they will become Diabetic.

Being a diabetic means that you have to monitor what you eat and should your situation become serious you will have inject insulin several times a day. Then you begin to live with the fear of having cardiovascular problems or maybe high blood pressure. It may be the case that you get kidney problems or liver failure, and then to cap it all your eyesight gets worse to the point you need new glasses every six months.

Going back to Diabetes research I did come across a website that asked the same question I asked earlier. Why does the pancreas stop working in the first place? Is it to do with pollution or preservatives or the lifestyle we lead? Perhaps it’s the lack of exercise or those dreaded e numbers that everyone is talking about?

The person that gave the answer to that first question gave a very plausible answer saying that it was the actual food we were eating. Straight away my mind went into overdrive because this last few decades we have all been told that certain foods are good for you only to be told later the opposite. This Diabetes research has also helped people with Cancer and Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s Osteoporosis and many more diseases that before have been proved to be incurable. For diabetic’s they were able to drastically reduce their reliance on insulin all from watching what they ate.

Researching and Treating Diabetes
Diabetes is a problem that affects so many people, both in the U.S. and worldwide, surprisingly, however, very little is known about the disease. There are a number of organizations that are researching exactly what causes diabetes, as well new and better methods for controlling it, monitoring blood sugar levels, getting insulin into the blood, newer medicines to correct the problems and even how to stop it before it starts.

There are numerous groups and organizations involved in research such as the FDA, the Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation, or DAREF, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the Diabetes Research Institute and the Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation and many, many others, in the United States, Great Britain, Australia and many other countries.

• A vaccination against the autoimmune response that causes type 1 diabetes. Testing is currently being carried out on animals.
• Genetic engineering to make liver cells that produce insulin. Although insulin is produced there is no internal control mechanism as there is with the pancreas, so the insulin levels from such cells remains constant regardless of the body's requirement for this hormone.
• Stem cells are the very basic building blocks of the human body and have the ability to develop into any kind of cell. It is possible that researchers will find a way to use stem cells to make insulin producing cells to replace those that have been damaged by the autoimmune problem that causes type 1 diabetes.
• Immunoassay for type 1 diabetes.
• The impact of exercise training for those with diabetes.
• A recent report that transplanted pig cells have been successful in reversing diabetes in test monkeys.
• Arterial issues.
• Enhancing the cell survival of important agents in diabetes.
• A type 1 diabetes medication that helps the beta cells in the pancreas to live longer, the loss of the beta cells is one thoughts of causes of type 1 diabetes, is currently underway by the Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation (DAREF) that may prove to help patients create insulin on their own, thus reducing the dependence on outside sources of insulin
Other research currently underway is the use of cinnamon to lower blood sugar levels. Dr. Richard Anderson at the United States Department of Agriculture's Human Nutrition Resource Center has been able to effectively isolate a compound in cinnamon that causes lowered blood sugar.

The reason that cinnamon is so helpful to someone with diabetes is the way that it inhibits enzymes in the body that may be responsible to insulin resistance. This is especially noteworthy to those who are afflicted with Type II diabetes and have insulin resistance problems. Cinnamon also was shown to increase the body's sensitivity to insulin causing insulin to be used more efficiently.

If you or someone you know is afflicted with this chronic illness, funding a research team may allow you to benefit immediately and enable you to play a role in research and the treatment of the millions of other diabetes sufferers in the world.

A couple of the more recent treatments currently in trials are - A medicine that is based on the saliva of a venomous lizard - the Gila monster. The drug containing this new treatment is delivered by injection in much the same way as insulin; however the early trials have seen many participants withdraw because of an increase in side effects when compared to those caused by insulin. All research so far undertaken has been sponsored by the pharmaceutical company that produces this drug.

Another new treatment going through trials is the delivery of insulin through inhalation. The insulin is prepared in a dry micro fine powder form which is inhaled directly into the lungs from where it is absorbed into the blood stream.

Is It Only The Sugar? Diabetes Awareness

Over 20 million Americans have diabetes.
When the world went fat-free, sugar took over to add taste to otherwise lame tasting foods. Unfortunately there is sugar in most packaged and fast food. You have to really study the labels to see if sugar is added to even seemingly non-sugar needing foods. Take packaged smoked salmon for example. Why do I need sugar in my salmon, or my tomato sauce? Is it only the sugar?

Omitting the processed sugary snacks, cookies, and foods with sugar added is not the only thing to do for prevention of a potential sugar overload lurking around the corner. Whether you already have diabetes, pre-diabetes, or just want to bring more awareness around sugar into your life, this hopefully will help you out. Meat and dairy plays a role as well. A new study that just came out says that a low-fat vegan diet treats type 2 diabetes more effectively than a standard diabetes diet, according to a study in Diabetes Care, a journal published by the American Diabetes Association. Study participants on the low-fat vegan diet showed dramatic improvement in four disease markers: blood sugar control, cholesterol reduction, weight control, and kidney function.

This is not surprising news to the macrobiotic world though. Michio Kushi has for years recommended wholegrain, especially millet, round sweet vegetable, especially pumpkin, and beans, especially adzuki beans, for diabetes. These are foods that help strengthen the pancreas.

In her book What to Eat, Marion Nestle talks about how children with type 1 diabetes often have antibodies against cow-milk proteins, which might have cross-reacted and destroyed the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin.

In another study, just one egg per day added to the diet of diabetics doubled their risk of heart disease. Excess meat not only makes you highly acidic, it also affects your pancreas, which then can affect insulin production. Animal fat and saturated fat is actually linked to insulin resistance.

Diabetes Prevention: Where does the sweetness in life come from?
Replace sugary substances with naturally sweet foods; omit cookies and candy. But also remember the fruit juices, sport drinks, and all those so-called naturally sweetened ice-teas.
Watch out for granola bars and other health fakes that promise energy.

Instead blend fruit juices with water, put some fresh lemon in water, have chilled peppermint tea or unsweetened green tea. Choose fresh fruit and nuts instead of granola bars. Replace refined grain and flour with wholegrain. People who eat wholegrain have a lower risk of diabetes, say researchers at the University of Minnesota. Wholegrain, fiber from grains, and the magnesium found in wholegrain seem to have a positive effect on diabetes, the study concluded.

Refined grain converts to sugar too fast as it does not have the same fiber content as wholegrain. This means omit or at least limit all refined flour, wheat, tropical fruit, most cold cereals (normally coated in a sweetener), regular refined wheat flour pasta and white rice.

It is also best to omit bread because of the yeast. Yeast can cause bacteria overgrowth and increase mycotoxins, which are linked to diabetes. Add more fiber rich food:
-Wholegrain (millet, oats, rye, bran, brown rice, quinoa, barley and buckwheat)
- Legumes; beans, lentils, peas. For some root vegetables are fine, for others, be careful with the glycemic index. The more fiber in the vegetables, the slower the sugar is absorbed. Pumpkin is also recommended.
- Fresh fruit (dried fruit has a higher glycemic index).
- Alkalize with a lot of green food and chlorophyll. Dark leafy greens such as kale, fiber rich green food such as broccoli, brusselssprouts, string beans, asparagus; and green drinks from cereal grasses such as wheatgrass, if you are on a health track.
- Limit saturated and animal fats. This means meat and dairy products such as cheese, butter, and milk. There are also mycotoxins found in meat, again linked to diabetes.
- Instead, get your healthy fats from foods rich in omega 3. Nuts, seeds, avocado, flaxseed, olive and flaxseed oil. Some fish can be implemented especially those higher in omega 3 fatty acids. (Wild salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines). - And of course, do not forget to exercise, move, breathe, de-stress (stress causes acidity in the body as well)

In his book, The Healing Power of Illness, Thorwald Dethlefsen draws the parallel between the pancreas (the organ weakened in diabetes) and our longing for love. Don't let it be the substitute of sugar; let it be the real stuff as in good healthy food, nature, love, community, laughter, and some nice ME-time.
In a nutshell:
1. A carefully balanced diet based on whole foods; wholegrain, beans and lentils, vegetables and fruit, plus low in saturated and animal fat.
2. A pure, positive, and creative mind.
3. An active lifestyle, which includes work, physical movement, and breathing exercises. -Yoga works well, so does nice walks or bicycle rides.

Diabetes Care: Blood Sugar, Diabetes and You
The battle against diabetes in the United States is an ongoing battle. Type 2 diabetes over 40 is more prevalent due to the rise in obesity and the sad shape of the typical American diet. This is because we eat more refined foods, have more fast food on a regular basis and get less exercise than ever before. Because of this, there is more need for diabetes care blood sugar education.

Foods that enter the body are converted into glucose, a sugar that furnishes energy for your cells. A hormone known as insulin is necessary to complete the process of making that energy available to your body. In type 2 diabetes, the cells become resistant to insulin and glucose builds up in the blood stream. This is what diabetics see when they measure their blood sugars with a glucose meter.

Insulin producing cells reside in the pancreas and a continuation of insulin resistance by the cells of the body cause the insulin producing cells to fail to produce enough insulin to control glucose levels. This condition is known as type 2 diabetes. Here we will talk about diabetes care blood sugar control and how it can help you to manage diabetes.

Often fatty foods and foods high in saturated fat contribute to aggravating the diabetic condition. That's why diabetes care nutrition is so important. Complex crabs like those found in fruits and vegetables, digest slower and release glucose more gradually as they digest. This is a great way to control the amount of glucose in the blood and helps the body better utilize the insulin it produces.

Another aspect of diabetes care blood sugar education if you are a diabetic is to make spot checks on your blood sugar levels at several times during the day. You can tell the effects certain foods have on your blood sugar and avoid spikes in blood sugar levels. There are many types of glucose meters available on the market. Some symptoms that you might encounter while performing diabetes care blood sugar checks:

1) Excessive thirst, urination or blurred vision. This is usually a sign of high blood sugar. Check for what you've recently eaten or if you have been ill, your blood sugar could be elevated. 2) Jitters, shakes or signs of weakness, these are signs of low blood sugar. Drink something that contains sugar like a pop (not diet) or orange juice, hard candy or the like to get your sugar level up quickly. If this happens after you take medication, it's time to talk to your doctor about adjusting your medication or insulin.

Another good way to do diabetes care blood sugar control is to exercise. So make exercise part of your blood sugar control program. Controlling your blood sugar is critical to type 2 diabetes over 40. Test several times a day, avoid fatty foods, consume more foods and vegetables and get some type of exercise every day. Keep yourself healthy and avoid the complications of diabetes.

Lick the Sugar Habit: 20 Ways Sugar Harms Your Health

Because most people love the taste of sugary foods, it is tempting to ignore the health consequences from chronic use of refined sugar. In fact, regular consumption of the refined sweetener can cause serious damage to your body. While weaning yourself off of a sugar addiction can be challenging, it is important to comprehend the dangers of continued sugar consumption versus the health benefits of switching to a natural sugar substitute.

20 Reasons to Avoid Refined Sugar

1. Addiction: Sugar is addictive; it can be intoxicating similar to alcohol and can contribute to alcoholism.
2. Weight gain and eating disorders: Eating excessive amounts of sugar leads to weight gain and other illnesses associated with obesity. Because sugar is addictive, consuming it causes sugar cravings and binge eating.
3. Dental problems: Sugar causes tooth and gum decay and can cause your saliva to turn acidic.
4. Tired and achy muscles: Eating sugar can make you feel weak and tired; it zaps your energy.
5. Hypoglycemia: Sugar increases fasting glucose levels and can cause reactive hypoglycemia.
6. Blood vessel damage: Sugar compromises the lining of your capillaries and also contributes to varicose veins.

Too much sugar makes you feel irritable and depressed.
8. Heart problems: Excess sugar has been linked to atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease.
9. Kidney and liver problems: Excess sugar can be damaging to your kidney and liver; it increases the size of both organs and causes kidney stones.
10. Sleep disorders: Eating too many refined sugars disturbs the normal sleep cycle.
11. Cancer: Sugar feeds cancer cells and has been linked with the development of many cancers including breast, ovarian, prostate, rectal, pancreatic, lung, gallbladder, and stomach.
12. Aging: Sugar causes a loss of tissue elasticity and can lead to premature aging of the skin.
13. Diabetes: Sugar leads to a decrease in your insulin sensitivity causing high insulin levels and diabetes.
14. Candida: Sugar greatly assists the uncontrolled growth of Candida alb cans (yeast infection).
15. Immune suppression: Sugar can suppress your immune system and impair your defenses against infectious disease.
16. Attention and Hyperactivity Disorders: Sugar can cause a rapid rise of adrenaline, hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children. Sugar reduces learning capacity, adversely affects children's grades in school, and can exacerbate learning and behavioral disorders.
17. Eyesight: Sugar weakens eyesight; it leads to cataracts and nearsightedness.
18. Autoimmune disease: Sugar aggravates autoimmune conditions such as arthritis, asthma, and multiple sclerosis.
19. Gastrointestinal disorders: Sugar is associated with an acidic digestive tract, heartburn, indigestion, ulcers, malabsorption, Candida overgrowth, food allergies, and an increased risk of Cohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
20. Mineral absorption: Sugar interferes with calcium and magnesium absorption, contributing to osteoporosis. Sugar also causes chromium and copper deficiencies.

Natural Sugar Alternatives
Natural sugar alternatives allow you to enjoy the sweet taste of sugar without the damaging effects on your body. Stevie, an herb, is a chemical-free sugar alternative with zero calories. It also lowers blood pressure and protects your teeth and gums.

Agave contains the same amount of calories as sugar, but it is a natural product - unrefined fructose - derived from the Mexican Agave plant.

Using natural sugar alternatives can be just the thing you need to lick the sugar habit.
Control your Diabetes Disease with the Foods you Eat
Diabetes is a killer disease. It can lead to kidney failure, heart disease, neuropathy, blindness, and much more. If you have diabetes, you must take control of it immediately.

Type 1 diabetes is the hardest type to control. It is also called juvenile diabetes, as it is common to get type 1 diabetes when you are a child. For type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin, which is needed to take sugar (glucose) from the blood to the cells. This results in very high blood sugar counts and this is the major cause of many of the serious complications that may develop.

A person with Type 1 diabetes needs to take insulin shots to lower the blood sugar. Diabetics need to have insulin called background insulin, which works throughout the day. Then they need to take extra insulin after eating a meal.

However, diabetics must test their blood sugar levels four or five times a day and make whatever adjustments need to be made. The normal testing times are before breakfast, lunch, dinner and bed.

What can someone do that has type 2 diabetes?
Sugar highs and lows wear down the body. One way to do this is by eating foods with a low glycemic index. Follow the glycemic index when eating. This index rates foods according to the way these foods react to your blood sugar. If the carbohydrates the food contains break down quickly, they tend to make your blood sugar levels jump quickly. These foods have a high GI (glycemic index) ranking. Foods with a low glycemic index break down in your body a slower pace and cause less of an extreme jump in your blood sugar.

For example, a potato has a high GI ranking. The carbohydrates break down very quickly and cause your blood sugar to rise rapidly. Beans have a low GI index, so the blood sugar effects are spread out over a longer period of time. You do not get the rapid sugar rise. Diabetics, in particular, need to learn to balance these foods to avoid those highs and lows. If you are having potatoes, for example, try eating a sweet potato instead or combine some low GI ranked foods with the potatoes to balance this sugar rise. It's well worth it for diabetics to learn as much as they can about this glycemic index. The best diet for a diabetic to follow will be eating more of the foods with a low to medium glycemic index instead of high glycemic index foods. Salt should be limited in the diet as the diabetic is at a greater risk for high blood pressure. Eat broiled or grilled chicken rather than fried chicken. This also helps control blood pressure and cholesterol. If you want to drink wine, drink it with a meal. There is less of an impact on blood sugar. Diabetes is a very dangerous disease and any diabetic definitely should be visiting a doctor on a regular basis. Diabetes can be controlled with a change in diet and lifestyle, Diabetics can help manage your illness and live a long life.

Diabetes Insipidus

What is Diabetes Insipidus?
Unlike other types of diabetes such as Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Insipidus is a disease that is linked to the pituitary gland in the brain. When the word diabetes is mentioned most people will assume that we are speaking of Diabetes Mellitus (Sugar Diabetes). Diabetes Insipidus though is not caused by a lack of insulin or the lack of insulin regulation. Diabetes Insipidus happens when the pituitary gland does not make enough of the hormone ADH. Diabetes Insipidus can be a serious or even fatal disease if not caught and treated. The treatment may be ongoing for the rest of your life.

What causes Diabetes Insipidus?
Like all forms of diabetes no one knows exactly what causes the actual disease however they do know that people that have had other problems are prime candidates to develop Diabetes Insipidus.

If you have or have had any of the following you may develop Diabetes Insipidus:
* A brain aneurysm which is a weak spot in a blood vessel causing the artery to balloon out much like a weak spot on a tire causes a “bulge”
* Any type of brain infection
* A Tumor of the brain
* A Tumor of the Pituitary Gland
* Compulsive, excessive fluid intake
* Bleeding inside the skull
* Family history of Diabetes Insipidus
* Head Injury that may cause damage to the Pituitary Gland
* Kidney Disease
* Surgery on the Pituitary Gland sometimes causes a temporary type that lasts about 14 days

If you have the following signs or symptoms, you should ask your physician to do further testing for possible Diabetes Insipidus:
* Dry skin, especially the hands.
* Constipation
* Passing large amounts of extremely clear urine
* Terrible thirst especially for cold or iced fluids

What is the treatment?
The treatment depends more on what appears to be causing the problem. This is one place where the allopathic medical community agrees with the naturopathic medical community. Remove the cause and you treat the disease. This is the underlying theme to most naturopathic treatments, where as the allopathic community is more a symptom treatment practices.
> Complete medical history and exam
> Basic Blood and Urine tests
> Computerized Tomography scan (CT scan)
> Daily weights to determine fluid loss or gain
> Dehydration test
> Intake and output measurements (I and O)
> Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
> Surgery. If a tumor is involved you may need brain surgery to remove it.

The suggestions and/or techniques described in this report are for informational purposes only. Contact the following groups for more information:
* American Association of Diabetes Educators

American Association of Diabetes Educators
100 West Monroe Street, Suite 400
Chicago, IL 60603-1901
Phone: 1-800-338-3633
Web Address:

* American Diabetes Association
1701 North Beauregard Street
Alexandria, VA 22311
Phone: 1-800-342-2383
Web Address:

* National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse
1 Information Way
Bethesda, MD 20892-3560
Phone: 1-800-860-8747
Web Address:

Annually the American Diabetes Association has a fundraiser bicycle ride called the “Tour De Cure” I often ride in this event which raises money to help with research to combat diabetes.

Some Facts about Diabetes Insipidus
When the kidneys are unable to conserve water as they perform their function of filtering blood, there can appear an uncommon condition called diabetes insipidus. ADH, also called vasopressin is the hormone that controls the amount of water conserved. This hormone is produced in the hypothalamus, a region of the brain, and then is stored and released from the pituitary gland, a small gland at the base of the brain.

When a lack of ADH causes diabetes insipidus, we can say we are dealing with a condition called central diabetes insipidus. The condition called nephrogenic diabetes insipidus appears when diabetes insipidus is caused by failure of the kidneys to respond to ADH. We must mention that diabetes insipidus has as major symptoms excessive urination and extreme thirst.

It is known that as a result of the damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland after a surgery, infection, tumor, or head injury, there can appear central diabetes insipidus.
This diabetes is rare, but even so, it is more common than nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

Diseases of the kidney like polycystic kidney disease and the effects of certain drugs like lithium, amphotericin B, demeclocycline can also cause nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

Usually, diabetes insipidus can show symptoms like excessive thirst- which can be intense or uncontrollable and may involve a craving for ice water- and excessive urine volume.
As signs and tests we can mention urinalysis, MRI of the head, and in what concerns the urine output, in central diabetes insipidus is suppressed by a dose of ADH, and in nephrogenic diabetes insipidus not suppressed by a dose of ADH.

Vasopressin, which can be administered as either a nasal spray or tablets can control central diabetes insipidus. Unfortunately, this is not effective for patients with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

If nephrogenic diabetes insipidus is caused by medication, it is important to quit that medication because this will lead to recovery of normal kidney function. In what concerns hereditary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, this is treated with fluid intake to match urine output and drugs that lower urine output.

We can mention dry skin, dry mucous membranes, fever, rapid heart rate, height loss, fatigue, lethargy, headache, muscle pains, and other. It is important to know that if treated, diabetes insipidus does not cause severe problems or reduce life expectancy.

Best Laboratory Tests for Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus

History and physical examination are most important tools for diagnosing diabetes Mellitus, however to confirm diagnosis one should have following laboratory tests.
Urine sugar test

Urine ketenes test

OGTT-Oral Glucose Tolerance Test, (also called glucose challenge test)

Blood glucose tests

FPG-Fasting plasma glucose Test

Random plasma glucose Test

Tests for ongoing monitoring of diabetes control:
HbA1c blood test - an average blood sugar measure over about 3 months.
Fructosamine blood test - an average blood sugar measure over about 2 weeks.
How frequently a person must check his sugar level is the decision of your doctor. It mainly depends upon patient’s age and number of risk factors like blood pressure, higher cholesterol or smoking. If you are above 45 years then you should have your blood sugar level after every 3 years.

A- Urine sample for sugar and Ketenes
You may have your urine analysis for sugar or ketenes which are produced by breakdown of fat and muscle cells to diagnose diabetes but you should keep in mind that if you are having positive urine test for sugar then it is not necessary that you are suffering from diabetes because there are other conditions as well which also cause sugar to appear in urine.

For diagnosing Diabetes Mellitus one must have this test because it is best, easy and comfortable to perform. You should have overnight fast (at-least 8 hours) before performing this test. If fasting blood glucose is below 100mg/dl, then you don't have diabetes. Between 100mg/dl to 125mg/dl is called a Pre-diabetes or Impaired fasting glucose condition. If fasting blood glucose is above 126mg/dl on more than two occasions then you are suffering from diabetes.

It is also a good test for diagnosing diabetes. In this test we take sample of blood shortly after taking a meal and then check glucose level in blood.

Though this test is not commonly used these days but it is still a gold standard for diagnosing diabetes. For diagnosing gestational diabetes this is best test.

Person is not taking anti diabetic drugs or any drug which alters blood sugar level.
Before test, person should eat high carbohydrate diet for three days.
No alcoholic beverages.
On test day one should not smoke or take coffee.

Glucose Tolerance Test Procedure
First normal blood glucose is tested. Then person drinks 75gm of glucose, for pregnant woman dose of glucose is 100 gm. Then blood samples are taken at particular intervals for measuring blood glucose level. Blood glucose level is measured five times over a period of 3 hours. In simple words, in normal person, this blood sugar level gets higher value by taking 75gm of glucose; however it falls down quickly, but in person having diabetes the blood sugar level rises higher than normal but does not come down quickly. If a person has fasting blood glucose above 140mg/dl and 2 hours value after 75gm of oral glucose greater than 200mg/dl and considered as diabetics. If 2 hours blood glucose value between 140-200mg/dl is labeled as Pre-diabetic condition or impaired fasting glucose. During pregnancy, 2 hours blood glucose value between 140-200mg/dl is treated as a case of diabetes.

Glycosylated hemoglobin Test or HB A1 Test:
Very important test which tells you how good you are in controlling your blood sugar. It shows your blood sugar control during the past 2 to 3 months. Intravenous GTT:
This test is performed in individuals who have intestinal disease or malabsorption.

Extended GTT:
In this the oral Glucose Tolerance Test is extended to 3-4 hours rather than 2 hours, for appearance of symptoms of hyperglycemia. In short if your fasting blood glucose is more than 126mg/dl on two or more days, or your random blood glucose is above 200mg/dl or your oral glucose tolerance test is positive i.e. 2 hours blood glucose value between above 200mg/dl after 75gm of glucose, then you are suffering from Diabetes Mellitus.

Always Get Your Blood Sugar Levels Tested To Monitor Diabetes
Although it is now common hearsay that one can easily detect the symptoms of this disease, but one cannot be perfectly sure of being diabetic. It requires a blood test to establish for certain that one has diabetes.

The blood test that is done for checking diabetes is a test to check the blood sugar levels in the body. The test is carried out in two phases on the same day. The first blood test is carried out on the patient’s blood when he is fasting. So, a patient coming for the test arrives without taking his breakfast or even a cup of morning tea or coffee. If the blood sugar levels are found to be 126 milligrams per deciliter or higher, on two separate occasions, after fasting, then there is a likelihood of diabetes.

Following this, another blood test is taken after the patient has had his breakfast and a cup of tea or coffee. This time the blood sugar levels should not go above 200 milligrams per deciliter. In case it is above this mark, then the likelihood of diabetes is high. At times the patient is given 75 gram glucose solution to drink. Then the blood sugar levels are checked for monitoring the blood sugar levels as well as the measurement of ketenes, which are the products from the breakdown of fats.

Once these tests have been successfully carried out, the patient is prescribed a course of treatment which involves both the physical and emotional aspects of his being, as diabetes is not a malaise of the physical body alone. It is also a disease that affects one’s emotions and reactions.

Glucose Meter for Diabetics - How to Use Them Correctly

Diabetes has become a major problem for the industrialized world. In 1985 around 30 million people world-wide had diabetes. 10 years later almost 135 million people had diabetes. The latest WHO estimate for the year 2000 is that 177 million people world-wide have diabetes with a change that this number will increase to at least 300 million by the year 2025. Diabetes-related death has been underestimated for a long time.

The costs for the health care system are enormous and it is estimated that 2-15% of the total annual health care budget are spent. It is therefore, crucial for every diabetic patient to self-monitor the glucose level in the blood. Sometimes this procedure is called 'SMBG' or ‘self-monitoring of blood glucose’.

Nowadays it is relatively easy to test for glucose. Hygiene is very important and before you do the reading you should wash your hand thoroughly first. It is recommended that hand are disinfected with alcohol. Then, take a sterile lancet and prick your finger tip. Place a small drop of blood on a test strip which is then placed in a glucose meter. You have to follow the instruction of the glucose meter carefully, as the procedure might change if you use different brands. The reading of the actual glucose content can be performed in different ways.

Many new models and meter types are available. Where some meters read the amount of electricity that ‘travels’ through the blood sample others may measure the reflection of light as this depends on the glucose level present in the blood. Modern glucose meters can record glucose concentration in the blood over a broad range – from as low as 0 mg/dL to 600 mg/dL. Furthermore, pay attention what ‘type’ of glucose you are monitoring, as meters can measure ‘whole blood glucose’ level or just plasma glucose.

Glucose Meter: Take a Minute to Shop
If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with diabetes, one of your first steps will likely be to find a glucose meter. Cost is a major issue for most people, but there’s good news if you have any kind of medical insurance. A glucose meter is typically considered to be a vital part of medical treatment and insurance companies often pay for a portion or the entire cost of the meter. At the same time, there is sometimes a limit on the amount the insurance company will pay, and that may severely limit your options.

While cost is naturally important, remember that you’re going to be living this life from now on. Finding a cheaper glucose meter that requires a more serious stick for blood may seem like the best option when you’re writing the check for the meter, but the tedium of the daily stick may negate that cost in the long run.

There are some companies out there that help with the cost of a glucose meter if you meet specific income guidelines. This may be a good answer if your quandary about which meter to buy is purely based on financial restraints. Remember that Medicare often pays on this important testing equipment as well. Your doctor, druggist or representative of a local medical supply company may also be good sources of information about how to find the best deals and how to get help paying for a glucose meter.

Finding a very inexpensive glucose meter may be the best answer to this situation. If the meter is accurate, it’ll get you through the initial period of adjusting your life to the regular testing of your blood sugar. Then take time to do some research into what’s hot and what’s not in glucose meters. You’ll find that some make absolutely ridiculous claims and you may have to ask some questions to find those companies that produce the glucose meter that will work best for you and your lifestyle.

One of the great things about the Internet is that it’s created a global community for discussions of topics such as diabetes. You’ll find there are a number of forums that will allow you to talk to others facing your situation.

Diabetes Supply

Diabetes Supply has often been an issue of where the best place to get your supplies is and what the best place as far as cost is. Obviously you have seen the television advertising for Liberty Medical Diabetes Supply.

When it comes to advertising for Diabetes Supply, no one comes close to Liberty Medical. There are other outlets where you can obtain your diabetic supplies and at reasonable rates. Not everyone qualifies for Liberty's Diabetes Supply. They basically work directly with Medicare, so based on your Medicare qualifications you could be turned down.

Diabetic Express com is an online diabetes supplier that may be a good alternative for your insulin, lancet, test strips, and pump supplies. They offer discount prices on over 1,000 items and accept Medicare and private insurance. They supply only the brands and products you want. They have pharmacists on staff to interact with you for fast accurate service. Diabetic is another diabetes supply online that specializes primarily in lancets, test strips, and test meters.

After you complete the online diabetes supply enrollment form, or call, the online diabetes supply companies listed above can verify your diabetes supply benefits with your insurance and obtain an authorization from your doctor. Every three months, with your authorization, they will mail your diabetes supply order, including blood glucose meter strips, directly to your door, free of charge. Diabetes supply is a necessary function that thousands of people need and require in order to live a healthy life. If you have diabetes and require diabetes supplies, be sure to check your blood count often and find a diabetes supply company that fits your needs for accuracy, timeliness, and price.

It's possible you can qualify for a free diabetes supply today.

Getting the Best Deal on Diabetic Supplies
For everyone who is diabetic it is very important to be aware of his or her blood glucose readings and never fail to keep up with them. This tracking of blood glucose readings usually requires a whole armory of diabetic testing supplies. Diabetics should always have on hand these diabetic supplies. The common diabetic supplies include an accurate glucometer, alcohol wipes, lancets, and test strips.

Depending on the type of your insurance, you may be able to choose where to take your diabetic supplies. For example, at first Medicare and Medicaid will cover the expenses for your diabetic supplies. The trick is that if you happen to damage your diabetic supplies, they may not allow you to take more diabetic supplies for a certain period. So, if you lose your diabetic supplies or if you destroy them in any way, you will not be able to take new diabetic supplies. If you have insurance, it will cover most of the expenses for the diabetic supplies.

However, if you have no insurance, the diabetic supplies will be at your expenses. Nowadays, online medical stores are available. Such stores are, and They all offer diabetic supplies at low price. In addition, they offer answers to any question you may ask about their products.

Most of these online shopping companies offer free delivery for their products. If you prefer to buy your diabetic medications together with the diabetic supplies, you can order them online with the new service the company Liberty Medical offers. The prescription medications service is available in order not to waste time by shopping online.

I think it is not necessary to remind how important for every diabetic is to have diabetic supplies available. Ask your physician about the regular basis of the blood glucose levels. Then, keep your blood glucose levels on this regular basis, as this is the only way to control this chronic disease. Monitoring of blood glucose levels is only possible with diabetic supplies. Your diabetic supplies should be always somewhere around you.

It is very important to test your blood glucose levels often enough. If the blood glucose levels are either too high or too low, something must be done. For insulin dependant diabetics the blood glucose reading is necessary because in this way they get to know what quantity of insulin is needed. You can be sure that diabetic treatment is working only by blood glucose testing.

Testing is best way to cope with the diabetic disease and that is why having on hand enough diabetic supplies is so important. Of course, some diabetic medications and food diabetic diets will be necessary but can only be sure that they are effective if you test your blood glucose levels with your diabetic supplies. With proper diabetic supplies, diabetes is an entirely manageable disease.

Know the Symptoms of Juvenile Diabetes

According to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International (JDRFI), “every year over 13,000 children are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.” There is no known cure for this stealthy disease that attacks and destroys the beta cells that produce insulin. Symptoms present themselves suddenly and progress rapidly. Knowing what symptoms to look for, if you suspect juvenile diabetes has gripped your child, will lead you to seek the medical counsel of a physician.

Know the Symptoms:
If your child has been potty trained and begins wetting themselves frequently, consider juvenile diabetes as a possibility.
Extreme thirst and a keen desire for cold drinks that is sweet.

Eyesight problems such as blurred vision.

Child complains of nausea and is vomiting. (Acute symptoms that need immediate attention) Losing weight while continuing to display a healthy appetite.

Listless, tired, abnormally quiet.
Falling into a coma. (A life threatening condition that requires immediate medical intervention)
It’s not always apparent that a child has type 1 or juvenile diabetes. Some of the symptoms seem like average childhood problems that occur. Untreated diabetic children may display restless behavior and an apathetic attitude when it comes to school. The inability to focus on tasks at hand leaves them somewhat dysfunctional and frustrated. Rapid, deep breaths that have a fruity odor are another more subtle sign that could easily be overlooked.

The behaviors may go unnoticed by parents as symptoms of juvenile diabetes until the child reaches diabetic ketoacidosis. DKA is a serious condition with the body receiving little or no insulin and resulting in energy being produced by the breakdown of fat. This process causes ketenes or acids to spill into the blood stream as toxins. One quarter of the children with juvenile diabetes has all ready advanced to the level of diabetic ketoacidosis before seeing a physician or being diagnosed. If the juvenile diabetes continues to go untreated, the child may lapse into a diabetic coma.

A diagnosis is made through blood tests that target glucose levels and urine tests that measure the level of ketenes and glucose. The tests are far simpler to read than reading the behaviors of your child and being able to pinpoint them as potential symptoms of juvenile diabetes. With knowledge comes power and by knowing the symptoms parents have the power to begin successful management of type 1 diabetes giving their child the opportunity for as normal a childhood as possible.

Children and Diabetes
Children, like adults, are often diagnosed with diabetes. Most children have type 1 or juvenile diabetes that will require insulin on a regular basis to sustain proper body functions. There are growing numbers of children that are now being diagnoses with type 2 diabetes that has historically only been found in adult populations.

Some facts about children and diabetes highlight the importance of understanding this disease and finding ways to manage and control it effectively:
* One in every 400-500 children in the world has diabetes.
* Approximately 150,000 children in the United States under the age of 18 have diabetes.
* Type 1 or juvenile diabetes occurs when the immune system begins to generate cells that destroy the pancreatic cells responsible for producing insulin in the body. If the child does not receive insulin every day the child will die.
* 13,000 children are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes every year. These children are at a greater risk for heart attack, stroke, kidney disease and immune complications throughout their lives.
* Type 2 or adult onset diagnosis is becoming more prevalent in children. This is a condition where the body is unable to utilize the insulin produced because it has built up a resistance to the insulin. Over time the pancreas is unable to produce sufficient quantities of insulin, and complications arise.
* Type 2 diabetes is more closely linked to obesity, especially if there is a history of diabetes in the family. It is also more prevalent in African American, Latino, Asian, and American Indian children.

Controlling diabetes in children
While not required to eliminate all their favorite foods, it is important to teach children concepts of portion control and healthy eating. Fast foods are not a good substitute for fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and whole grains.

Try to schedule so that your child has time to sit down to a balanced meal as often as possible, ideally three times per day. Try to include whole grains, fiber, lean meats, fish, dairy products and fresh fruits and vegetables. To get children to eat healthy try the following:
* Trail mix including a variety of nuts, dried soy nuts, dried fruits instead of potato chips.
* Granola bars instead of cookies or donuts.
* Whole grain bread instead of white bread.
* Carrot and celery sticks instead of French fries
* Bake foods instead of deep frying
* Salads with meals or as an appetizer before meals
* Raw vegetables or fruits dipped in yogurt

Remember that modeling healthy lifestyles will help your children learn. Exercise together as a family. Small changes in lifestyles can lead to big changes in health conditions over time. Start small and work together as a family to reach your diet and exercise goals.

The Ascension Breeze Diabetes Care System

The Ascension Breeze Diabetes Care System has been designed in order to help make the monitoring of a person's blood glucose levels simpler. Certainly for many people who are now suffering from diabetes being able to monitor their blood glucose levels effectively is essential to their health and well being.

The great thing about the Ascension Breeze monitor from Bayer Diagnostics is that it is extremely easy to learn how to use. This is because it comes with single function buttons which are not only easy to use but also easy to understand.

As well as it providing easy to use functions on the monitor itself this particular model eliminates having to use individual test strips. Instead it comes with a disc (known as the Ascension Auto disc) which contains 10 test strips so no longer do you have to worry about trying to get individual strips out from either a vial or a foil wrapper.

Another benefit of this monitor from Bayer compared to some of the other models already available is that it does not need to be manually calibrated each time you place new test strips into it. This machine will automatically do the calibration work itself. Plus the ergonomic design means that it is much easier to handle than many other models available on the market today. It provides the user with clear error messaging so it soon puts their minds at ease.

Probably one of the main reasons why someone who suffers from Diabetes should consider using the Ascension Breeze diabetes care system is that it only requires a small blood sample to be provided in order to carry out the necessary analysis. Plus if you wish you can buy software which then allows the user to download all the data from the tests taken and will help them to keep track of their results. This will then help them to devise a much more effective routine in order for keeping their blood glucose levels under control.

The Truth about Diabetes Cures and Control
In today's world of instant gratification, we all want our needs met with instant satisfaction. If you've browsed the internet for diabetes treatments, or cures, I'm sure you've found several sites promising almost instant cures, magic pills, herbs, and other formulas to make your diabetes go away. What's the real truth?

The fact of diabetes Type 1 or Type 2 is that there is no instant cure. READ THIS AGAIN....There is NO INSTANT CURE FOR DIABETES. You diabetes didn't occur overnight, and it's not going to go away overnight. Diabetes is a chronic disease with severe and sometimes deadly complications. With proper care and management diabetics can live a normal, productive, happy life. There's nothing available to make your return to good health happen overnight. Over time you can improve your health and your life.

Don't misinterpret what I'm saying to mean there's nothing you can take to help control your diabetes. There are some vitamins, minerals, and natural herbs that will assist you in gaining control of your blood sugars. The keys to learning how to control and manage your diabetes are learning and applying what you learn to your daily life. Learn all you can about diabetes. Your health care providers and others are willing to share their knowledge. Don't be embarrassed or feel uncomfortable if there's something you don't understand about how to get control of your diabetes. Take classes, read, study, and apply what you're learning into your daily life.

The steps you take each day will determine how well you're able to control your diabetes. Diabetes control usually requires changes in two major areas...nutrition and activity. Lifestyle changes to accommodate the food you need to eat, and the activities you need to include each day, should become a permanent part of your life.

Your physician may prescribe medication for you. Simply taking the medication doesn't "cure" diabetes. The medication is prescribed to help your body to effectively metabolize the food you eat, thus reducing the level of glucose or "sugar" in your blood. Diabetes management, unlike many other chronic diseases, requires more than taking your medications.

Taking your medications may help to relieve the high blood sugars, but it doesn't cure what caused the problem. Obesity is often a major contributing factor to type 2 diabetes. If you're overweight with diabetes, weight loss and increased activity can often get you back on the road to good health.

There are several vitamins, minerals, and herbs that do affect blood sugar. Read and learn about what's in the supplement you're considering. Talk with your health care professionals. Remember, learn all you can about your diabetes. Apply what you learn to your daily life.

What Exactly Is Diabetes?

Diabetes Mellitus is a condition that's one of the most costly and burdensome chronic diseases of our time - it is a condition that is fast increasing to almost epidemic proportions throughout the World.

Diabetes is a serious disorder of the pancreas. Glucose is obtained from the digestion of certain foods like bread, potatoes, rice, sugar and other sweet foods, as well as from the liver.
There are two main types of Diabetes known as Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes.

Type 1 Diabetes - this develops when the body is not able to produce any insulin. It is more usual for Type 1 Diabetes to appear before you reach the age of 40. Type 1 Diabetes is normally treated with regular insulin injections and a change in diet. Regular exercise is also recommended.

Type 2 Diabetes - this develops while your body is able make some, but not enough insulin itself, or if the produced insulin doesn't work properly (called insulin resistance). Type 2 Diabetes is often linked with being overweight, and more often than not appears in those aged over 40. Although in certain people, e.g. African-Caribbean and South Asian, Type 2 Diabetes can appear as early as age 25. Recently more children are being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.

This type of Diabetes is usually treatable with lifestyle changes, for example losing weight, a healthier diet and also by increasing your physical activity. Type 2 Diabetes may also require extra treatment in the form of tablets and sometimes insulin to ensure that the body maintains normal blood glucose levels. The aim with the treatment of both types of Diabetes is to have blood glucose levels, blood pressure and cholesterol levels as near to average as is possible.

As the long term complications of Diabetes can be an increased rate of morbidity and mortality mainly due to failure of various organs like the eyes and kidneys, it is important to recognize and have Diabetes treated as soon as possible. Diabetics are also at a much higher risk of peripheral vascular disease, strokes and coronary artery disease, and they are also at greater risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure) and obesity.

So what are the Symptoms of Diabetes?
You will also find you need to pay more frequent visits to the bathroom, especially at night time. Weight loss can also occur, as can general skin itchiness and sometimes blurred vision. You may also notice general weakness and fatigue as well as irritability.

Type 1 Diabetes develops much more quickly than Type 2 Diabetes, usually over a period of weeks. Type 2 Diabetes develops more slowly and the symptoms are not usually as severe. Often sufferers have not even noticed any symptoms, and it is only through a routine blood test that they are diagnosed as having Diabetes.

What Tests can be done to check for Diabetes?
There are basically two tests, one is a test on your urine, and the other one is a test on your blood. With the urine test some chemicals are added to the urine, and a testing stick is put into the urine. The colour changes on the stick indicate the presence or non-presence of glucose. The most accurate test however, is a blood test and this gives a very good idea of the level of glucose in the blood.

What Parts of my Body Can Be Affected by Diabetes?
Heart - the amount of fat and homocysteine in the blood are increased with Diabetes.
Kidney - due to the higher levels of glucose, the kidneys have to work much harder to retain essential substances and to separate waste products to produce urine. This in turn affects the small blood vessels and their filtering capability. Blood Vessels - the higher levels of glucose damage the blood vessels; as a result of this many of the diabetic complications occur in blood vessels.
Eyes - the blood vessels of the eyes can be affected by Diabetes. Damage can lead to several eye problems like damage to the retina, cataracts, or even total loss of vision. Feet - damaged blood vessels can reduce the blood flow to the feet and therefore increase the risk of you developing foot ulcers and infections.
Nerves - the sustained high levels of glucose over a long time damages the nerves, which can reduce sensation in some parts of the body. This can lead to numbness and tingling as well as dizziness and fainting.

How will I know that my Diabetes Treatment is working?
You need to learn how to test your own blood glucose levels (usually done with a small self administered jab to a finger, blood dropped onto a strip which is then inserted into a small machine to give a glucose level). Also get advice on how often you need to test your blood, and at what levels you need to seek advice. Keep a note of your blood glucose levels and show them to your Doctor. Your doctor will also perform blood tests, and these will show your blood glucose control over the past few months.

Look after your diet and exercise levels, take any medication you are prescribed and Diabetes need not interfere with the way you live your life too much.

Treatments of Diabetes
Before the discovery of insulin in 1921, everyone with type 1 diabetes died within a few years after diagnosis. Although insulin is not considered a cure, its discovery was the first major breakthrough in diabetes treatment.

Today, healthy eating, physical activity, and insulin via injection or an insulin pump are the basic therapies for type 1 diabetes. The amount of insulin must be balanced with food intake and daily activities. Blood glucose levels must be closely monitored through frequent blood glucose checking.

Healthy eating, physical activity, and blood glucose testing are the basic management tools for type 2 diabetes. In addition, many people with type 2 diabetes require oral medication and insulin to control their blood glucose levels.

People with diabetes must take responsibility for their day-to-day care. When blood glucose levels drop too low from certain diabetes medicines--a condition known as hypoglycemia--a person can become nervous, shaky, and confused. Judgment can be impaired. If blood glucose falls too low, a person can faint.

Treatment of type 1 diabetes: Type 1 Diabetes must be treated with insulin shots. Insulin cannot be taken as a pill because the juices in the stomach would destroy the insulin before it could work. Lack of insulin production by the pancreas makes type 1 diabetes particularly difficult to control. Treatment requires a strict regimen that typically includes a carefully calculated diet, planned physical activity, home blood glucose testing several times a day, and multiple daily insulin injections.

Treatment of type 2 diabetes: Treatment typically includes diet control, exercise, home blood glucose testing, and, in some cases, oral medication and/or insulin. Approximately 40 percent of people with type 2 diabetes require insulin injections.

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