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Enjoy the Party With Diabetes

By Nick A Jones

People sometimes ask, "what can I do if I get invited to a party".

The answer is simple, GO!! You can do all the things your friends do and go to all the same places. Once you know you have diabetes this is easy. You now have to manage it, if it is managed well you can even snack and eat some of the so called bad foods.

Say you are invited to or even want a birthday party for you or your child.

You can have the traditional party cake and then frost it with non-dairy whipped topping. Hamburger, pizzas, hot dogs all OK. Make sure there is activities planned as well during the party so that any extra carbs are used up and don't get the chance to become sugar in the blood.

If you are having canned fruit then stay away from fruit canned with syrup because the fruit will absorb some of the sugar in the syrup, this is because the syrup has the higher concentrate of sugar, higher than the fruit. You can't rinse this off neither as it is in the fruit. Go for fruit in natural juice but again make sure you read the label and this time you can drain or rinse the fruit juice off. I'm sure you know the bad things to look out for, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose, lactose. What about stuff like sorghum, molasses, dextrin or invert sugar (that sounds OK), all a big no no, sugar, sugar, sugar. You can get diabetic canned fruit which won't have any extra sugar and will often be in water but not compulsory.

What about cookies I hear you ask, well again you can buy diabetic cookies and sugar free ones or you can bake your own to take to the party.
A couple of things to remember though. Diabetic may not mean sugar free, just that one or more of the ingredients have been changed. It could be salt free, have a sugar substitute. You may also find that just because something is sugar free it is not always lower in calories. If you are baking your own then you need to get a good diabetic cookbook that explains the nutritional makeup for their cookies.

Desserts, Well you do have to be extra careful as most desserts are full of sugar, if you can get some input to the party this will be easier to manage as you can take the route above, make you own but with the right ingredients. That same cookbook should help. Also the same applies, what does sugar free and diabetic really mean?

Enjoy the party, watch what you eat and get in involved in preparing as much as you can. Read the labels, understand what it all means and you will be OK. Gain as much knowledge as you can and this will assist you to make the right choices.

Being in Control With the Diabetic Diet

By Denchi Minh

The Diabetic Diet is the best way to take control of one's diabetes. Supplemented with proper exercise the individual can even forgo medication if it is just type 2 of the illness and it is not yet of alarming levels. A healthy meal plan is the first thing someone who has just been diagnosed of the illness should be looking for. The creation of a healthy meal program however can be a little complex because it is not simply eliminating carbohydrate because doing such will lead to malnutrition. Carbohydrates should simply be reduced but to a certain minimum. Studies show that an average diabetic can still eat 50% of his usual carbohydrate intake and get away with it without any problems. Meals should also come in constant and regular intervals to help maintain the stability of the nutrients in the body.

Carbohydrates are a requirement to a healthy body even though they increase blood glucose levels because they are the primary energy providers. Too much of them however will lead to weight gain and being overweight is a mortal sin to diabetics because it increases the dangers of the illness exponentially. Carbohydrates also support the regular functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system.

Starch and sugar are the two categories of carbohydrates. Starch being complex is considered a lot healthier than sugar which is simple. This is because complex carbohydrates consist of a variety of other vitamins and nutrients and also take several hours before they are broken down into components that can be absorbed by the body hence the individual will take longer to feel hungry. Sugar on the other hand is readily absorbable by the bloodstream making the feeling of being full very short lived. Complex carbs also make it easier to lose weight.

Eating too much carbohydrate -rich foods within a short period of time is the primary culprit to weight gain and rising blood sugar levels. This is what the Diabetic Diet aims to avoid. A dietician is the first friend of any diabetic in formulating the proper meal plan. A dietician is a specialist in creating meals that can provide the person with just the right nutrition his body needs. Carbohydrate count as well as absorption speed are only some of the necessities that a dietician can provide. He can also tailor fit the meals to match your preferences in taste to make it easier for you to adjust to the new diet.

Diabetic Diet - Worthy Foods

By Denchi Minh

Maintaining a stable level of blood glucose is generally the foremost goal of a Diabetic Diet. The meal plans may be different from individual to individual because of the different conditions of their diabetes but they are all geared towards engraving to the person healthy eating habits. Three principles are usually employed which are avoidance of sugar-rich foods and foods that are rich in simple carbohydrates, mitigating the quantity of food without being detrimental to its nutritional value, and eating more small meals instead of three huge ones. In other words what is important is what you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat. The recommended food for people with diabetes can be categorized into five as given below.

Grains and Starches
This is the primary source of complex carbohydrates in the Diabetic Diet. Carbohydrates are essential in supplying the body with enough energy so it can function properly. But carbohydrates should be in complex form to be fit for consumption because such type takes long to be absorbed by the body thus keeping the individual full for a longer duration and thus help in losing weight. Grains and starches usually come in the form of bread. At least six servings of bread should be consumed each day.

Vegetables are important sources of fiber and other nutrients. The healthiest vegetables are considered to be tomatoes, carrots, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce and cucumbers. At least three servings are recommended each day and the vegetables can be served as side dishes instead of being part of the main course.

Sugar is still needed by the body even if there is diabetes because the body needs glucose to maintain its functions. This is the main reason why fruits are always part of any Diabetic Plan. Fruits that are rich in natural sugar and other nutrients should be picked such as bananas and apples. At least two servings should be consumed each day.

Dairy Products
Low Fat Milk is also integral in a Diabetic Diet because of the healthy fat it can provide. Milk also provides calcium which is essential in the development and maintenance of healthy and strong bones. Without enough calcium bones will become brittle and weak and may lead to several complications such as osteoporosis. At least two servings should be consumed each day.

Protein and Fats
This are usually achieved though the consumption of meat. At least two servings each day is recommended.

Screening for Gestational Diabetes

By Denchi Minh

Gestational Diabetes is a condition in which the pregnant mother who has never had diabetes before experiences abnormally high blood sugar levels during the pregnancy. The condition usually ends after delivery but it should not be ignored. When left unattended it may lead to perilous effects to the mother and most specially the infant. Anyone can develop such condition and every pregnant woman should therefore undergo glucose screening to make sure any problems related to blood sugar are detected. There are several commonly used methods of screening such as the non-challenge blood glucose tests, screening glucose challenge test, oral glucose tolerance test, and urinary glucose testing.

Non-challenge Blood Glucose Tests
This is the cheapest method of screening for Gestational Diabetes but it also has the highest chance to come up with false positive results. It is conducted by simply determining the blood glucose level for two consecutive days. The first test is conducted after fasting and the second test in conducted under normal circumstances. Levels exceeding 126 mg/dl on the first day and 200 mg/dl on the second day will result to a positive result.

Screening Glucose Challenge Test
This is a method of screening considered the most widely employed and is conducted around 24-28 weeks into pregnancy and is conducted by having the pregnant woman drink a 50-gram glucose solution and then take her blood sugar level after 60 minutes. Levels in excess of 140 mg/dl will result to positive analysis.

Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
This method of screening for Gestational Diabetes is considered to be the most lengthy of all procedures. It requires the pregnant woman to prepare for the procedure by making sure she consumes her regular diet with at least 150 grams of carbs each day for the entire three days prior the test. The procedure will then commence by having the woman undergo fasting of about 12 hours. She is then asked to drink a glucose solution and the changes in her blood sugar levels will be recorded.

Urinary Glucose Testing
High levels of blood sugar may also manifest in the urine. This is the basic principle behind this method of Gestational Diabetes screening. It involves conducting dipstick tests on the pregnant woman's urine. This test however is no longer widely practices as it has the chance of resulting to a false negative result which may endanger the mother and the infant with false security of not having the illness.

Type 2 Diabetes - Sleep and Diabetes Prevention!

For some people, the key to better weight control might just lie in a good night's sleep. There are a series of hormonal reactions to lack of sleep that could play a role: in increased cortisol and lower growth hormone, for example. Studies published as early as 2007 have associated sleep deprivation with Type 2 diabetes. Recent studies show associations with metabolic syndrome and insulin secretion.

Study 1: According to a study published in 2011 in the journal Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine, getting enough rest could be helpful in preventing the metabolic syndrome. Researchers in the Department of Preventive Medicine, Woniu College of Medicine, Yonsei University in Korea, looked at short sleep duration and the metabolic syndrome in middle-aged people... and their results should encourage people not to neglect sleep.

Metabolic syndrome was defined as a combination of:
    * high waist circumference,
    * high blood cholesterol,
    * high blood pressure, and
    * high blood sugar.

Three hundred and eighty-six men and 721 women were included in the study. Participants sleeping 6 hours or less per day were significantly more likely to be diagnosed with metabolic syndrome than those who slept 6 to 7.9 hours per day. The association was seen only in women, but more women were included in the study.

Study 2: The journal Diabetes Care, published in October 2011, reported the results of a study on changes in insulin secretion and sensitivity in volunteers who got little sleep and also had parents diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. The research was conducted at the University of Chicago in the United States:

Forty-seven healthy people were included in the study. Those who got an average of 1.5 hours less sleep than more well-rested volunteers, had more insulin resistance and secreted more insulin to maintain the same tolerance for sugar. In susceptible individuals, such as those with a family history of Type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance can lead to full-blown type 2 diabetes.

According to a report in the Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research October 2011, loss of sleep could interfere with the hypothalamus, a part of the brain involved in functions such as hunger, which could affect the pituitary and adrenal glands, which indirectly have to do with the regulation of blood sugar. Sleep loss could alter the normal patter of growth hormone, which is released from the pituitary and has to do with blood sugar levels.

Sleep deprivation also increases tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6, both involved in inflammation and diabetes. With lack of sleep the body suffers from lack of leptin and adiponectin, molecules that help to regulate fat metabolism and insulin sensitivity.

It is true sleep deprivation has become epidemic in the industrialized world, but that need not be the case. Getting your full eight hours of sleep is not a luxury, so put aside enough time each night for getting enough rest.

By Beverleigh H Piepers

The Dangers of Gestational Diabetes

By Denchi Minh

Gestational Diabetes is a condition in which the body fails to produce extra insulin which is required by the body to regulate blood sugar levels amidst the hormonal changes brought about by pregnancy. This results to alarmingly high blood sugar levels for the pregnant mother. Glucose levels will revert back to normal after delivery but this does not mean that the condition is harmless. The abnormality may endanger both the mother and the infant during the entire 9 months of pregnancy and during delivery. But the most serious complications are the chances the infant will develop certain illnesses when he grows older.

Gestational Diabetes can make delivery extremely difficult and dangerous especially if the baby is quite large. It may require the mother to undergo cesarean delivery because too much glucose impedes the regeneration of cells that and necessary bodily changes required to give normal delivery. It also greatly enhances the risks of the mother developing hypertension after child birth. Hypertension is a serious illness that can prove to be fatal when left alone. It may result to seizures or sudden periods of unconsciousness. Seizures can be very dangerous especially if they occur in hazardous places or situations.

Gestational Diabetes can also endanger the health of the newborn baby. The baby may be born overweight and grow up obese. He may have metabolic problems and will find harder time to lose weight. He may also have low blood sugar levels which may lead to lack of energy and concentration. This will make his day to day life very difficult because he may not have enough energy to do the things he wants to do. Normal body functions such as digestion will also be impeded making abnormally fast weight gain a problem. Jaundice is another problem the baby may experience. It is the yellow pigmentation of the eyes and skin.

Gestational Diabetes can cause very huge problems in the present and the future but such can be avoided with very simple solutions such as proper diet and enough exercise. The pregnant woman should develop meals that can provide his recommended dietary allowance while keeping her blood sugar levels stable at the same time. Eating healthy is always the best way to control and manage all forms of diabetes. A healthy diet along with regular exercise will also prevent excessive weight gain during the pregnancy. Excess body fats greatly increase the risks of developing complications such as heart attacks.

How to Battle Out Sugar Addiction

2:57:00 AM Posted by Diabetes 0 comments
Experiencing sugar cravings doesn't mean that you are feeble. Health care experts suggest that there are some actual biological reasons behind sugar addiction. When it comes to weight loss, sugar and sweets are definitely detrimental. Excessive amount of sugar in body can weaken the immune system, contributes to weight gain, tooth decay, depletion of nutrients, and acidification of body plus enhances the risk of cancer. Sugar is carbohydrate. It is a quick source of serotonin which is known to be a 'feel good' chemical messenger of body. When it comes to the question how to stop craving sugar, it is strongly recommended to follow a healthy diet full of nutrients and devoid of sugar.

Everyone has a sweet tooth. It is quite natural. When the taste of sugar touches your tongue, it tends to send nerve impulses to the brain. This hits the pleasure center helps you to feel good. Many people like sweets to lighten up their mood. Anything in excess is not good for health, be it drug or sugar. It can cause obesity, diabetes or heart diseases. Thus, it is very essential to battle out the sugar addiction with right eating plans. Learn how to curb your desire to have sweets.

You can continue with your current eating habits with the first two approaches of reducing sugar cravings. When it comes to follow the third approach to get over the sugar addiction, you need to keep the scientifically developed low calorie diet plan in mind. According to reliable surveys, it has been noticed that cold turkey reduction of sugar consumption brings forth more powerful results in a short time span as compared to the gradual way. All you need to do is cut out sugar intake in all forms such as cookies, candy, or cupcakes. Plus, you are required to control the high carbohydrate temptations like bread, chips, crackers, croutons etc. following Low Carb Diet Menu Plans is certainly not a cake walk. You need to be determined with your persistent efforts.

High Cal food is said to be a dieter's worst enemy. In such a scenario, Paleo diet can be the finest preferences to lead a healthier life without sugar addiction. It is basically a diet of natural foods. This kind of diet is considered to possess equal amount of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. This is the reason why they serve the purpose to reduce the sugar cravings. Nowadays, there is umpteen numbers of Paleo Cookbooks available to get well-versed with the cooking methods. You can find the most popular Paleo recopies over such informative websites.

In the gradual approach to reduce sugar cravings, some healthier foods are incorporated in the diet plan. It helps you to get an improved lifestyle. The planned low Carb diet involves combination of nutrition and low calorie food. Paleo diet is the best answer to your sweet or sugar addiction. What are you waiting for then? Find out the best Paleo Diet Cookbooks over internet and make your way for a healthier and happier lifestyle.

By Kim Stradley

Is There Such a Thing As a Diet for Diabetics?

When referring to a diet for diabetics, it is quite sad to notice how many have no idea what we are up against when talking about diabetes. This is disturbing due to the fact that it is a really common disease that can hit us at any point in time without even knowing about it. It is really important to stay informed and to know exactly what has to be done. There is such a thing as a diet for diabetics. No matter what people are going to tell you, there are different things that can be done and this happens due to a very simple to understand reason. In the past it was believed that diabetes cannot be controlled. Now we know that this is false, but there are still so many that believe that this is true, and that it is worrying.

Follow a specific diet for diabetics when you have diabetes

We can even build our very own diet for diabetics but the problem is that there is a need to be committed. There are different rules that have to be followed in any type 2 diabetes diet and you will sometimes have to work hard in order to get accustomed to a routine. If you can do this you will not even be bothered by the fact that you are following a diet for diabetics and not one that is accessible to every person on earth. The great part of it all is the fact that this diet for diabetics is not that different than what you should be eating every single day anyway. The only real difference stands in how many sweets you are allowed to eat and the need to control every single nutrient better. This what sets the diet for diabetics apart.

Now the first thing that we recommend with any diet for diabetics is to seriously start doing all that you can so that you can eat often, as opposed to too much in few meals. This action is more than enough to reduce many of the side effects that are associated with the disease. The reason for this is that we are faced with something that can be controlled and when you eat often you are basically making sure that your body has a better chance to actually use all the nutrients that you consume. When you do not eat too much in one go there is a strong chance that extra nutrients are going to remain unprocessed. They can easily transform in sugars and unhealthy fat. The quantities of nutrients taken in is crucial whenever referring to a diet for diabetics.

Fruits and vegetables are recommended in any diet for diabetics

What is always recommended with any diet for diabetics is that you take in higher quantities of fruits and vegetables. This does not mean that you need to become a vegetarian though. You can still eat meat but it is recommended to focus on skin-less poultry and avoiding meat fat at all costs. Dry fruits and canned fruits can also be consumed. However, remember that you still need to calculate the calories that you are taking in so that you will not end up sick.

The correct diet for diabetics basically allows you to live a normal life. The trick is to make sure that you are taking in all the right quantities of nutrients while making sure that you limit anything that could raise blood sugar level. It might seem like something that is complicated but the truth is that it is not at all something that is difficult. In fact, most people get used to all the changes that are made in the first month after modifying the diets. Just always remember that you should never skip a meal and that you have to do the math for everything taken in while also combining nutrition with exercising to control your weight.

Get a proper diet for diabetics

Discover an at-home treatment that will show you the proper way to control your type 2 diabetes without the use of drugs, and get you off your medications. Click the links to become one of many ex-diabetes sufferers who have put this specialized diet for diabetics to the test, and get information on the most delicious diabetes recipes.

By Sara Morrison

Where to Find Recipes for Diabetes

With specific recipes for diabetes patients, there is no reason why people suffering from diabetes would not live a healthy and normal life. The problem is that there is a need to make many necessary changes and this includes lifestyle changes and what you are eating. In fact, the importance of the diet is huge with this disease. It helps you control everything properly and does make a huge difference whether you are suffering from type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes. To make everything more bearable, people have started to look for recipes for diabetes. These are basically meals that respect the nutritional needs of the people suffering from the condition. The problem is that we need to know where to look for them as not all that come up during research are good. The most important aspect that you have to consider is to always know what to eat and what to avoid.

Where to find recipes for diabetes

There are many sources that can be trusted when looking for recipes for diabetes and even more that offer such information. The first thing that comes to mind is consulting good cooking magazines and even cook books. Some will include special sections for specific recipes for diabetes. However, you will quickly notice that you can end up spending a lot of money on some recipes that can be found for free online.

The best source that has to be used when trying to find recipes for diabetes is the internet. There are such pages on many big cooking sites but our main focus should not be there. We need to only look at those recipes for diabetics that have been created by people that actually know what they are talking about. Unfortunately there are many that build different recipes for meals and they say they are perfect for those suffering from the disease. When we analyze them we can sometimes notice different foods that are not actually recommended.

Recipes for diabetes can be hard to find

The trick is to always consult only the best sites that have proper background. It is best to trust the recipes for diabetics that have been written by professional nutritionists or doctors that will always know what to properly recommend. A failure to do this can lead to ending up with raised blood sugar levels without even realizing why this happened. In addition, keep in mind that there are differences in the nutritional requirements that appear with people suffering from type 1 diabetes when comparing with those that have to deal with type 2 diabetes. At a first glance this is something that may not be important but the truth is that it can really damage your health if you do not eat what is right.

In the event that you are not properly informed and you do not know exactly what has to be consumed or what not, we recommend that you take all the recipes for diabetes that you find and you take them to a professional. This is the best way to make sure that these recipes for diabetes are good and that they are not going to harm you.

We should also mention those foods that you find in stores and that have the "no sugars" label on them. Keep in mind that sugar is not the only substance that has to be avoided when you suffer from diabetes. Just because one product does not contain sugar does not mean that they are intended for diabetics. The same thing can be said about some recipes for diabetes that are found in different locations. Make sure that you are careful. Compare the list of ingredients with what you can and what you cannot eat at all times in order to be safe.

Where to find the best recipes for diabetes

Looking for the best recipes for a diabetes diet plan that are delicious and full of flavor? Click the links to discover a fantastic cookbook that is made up of over 250 quick and easy, delicious recipes for type 2 diabetes sufferers, that guarantees you will never eat anything that tastes like cardboard ever again.

By Sara Morrison

Gestational Diabetes Management With Healthy Eating

By Denchi Minh

Gestational Diabetes is characterized by sudden spikes in the amount of glucose in the bloodstream during pregnancy. It is caused by the inability of the body to increase the production of insulin to cope up with other chemical and hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy. The condition lasts only during pregnancy and goes away but itself after delivery when hormone production of the body normalizes. But even so, the condition may lead to very serious results especially for the baby. It greatly increases the chance of the baby to develop Type 2 diabetes in the future. This is the reason why it is essential that it be managed through healthy eating.

Gestational Diabetes is best managed through a healthy eating program. The diabetic can devise a meal plan that can provide her of her nutritional needs without causing his blood glucose levels to go over the manageable limit. Carbohydrates are the main source of glucose but they should not simply be avoided because they are also the body's primary source of energy. Insufficient carbohydrates in the diet can cause lack of energy and slow metabolism which can lead to weight gain. Gaining weight is a major sin to any diabetic because it greatly increases the risks brought about by the condition.

Carbohydrate control and not carbohydrate avoidance should be employed in the fight against Gestational Diabetes. This is best described as enhancing the quality of carbohydrates you consume. This means that all the carbohydrates you eat should be complex instead of being simple. Complex and simple carbohydrates both have similar energy giving properties. The difference lies in the way they are consumed by the body. Simple carbohydrates are readily absorbed which may lead to spikes in blood sugar levels. Complex carbohydrates on the other hand need to be broken down into simple components first before they are absorbed hence spikes in blood glucose is avoided and the individual stays full longer which helps him avoid weight gain easier.

The fight against Gestational Diabetes can be very complex because the health and proper nutrition of the baby in the womb should also be considered. It is always best to get help from a professional, in this case a dietician. A dietician is an expert in food and nutrition and can help you create meals that are not only to your liking but will also provide you and your baby enough vitamins and nutrients while keeping your condition under control.

Diabetes Diet Plan for Kids

2:49:00 AM Posted by Diabetes 0 comments
If your child is diabetic, chances are that you may have considered helping him or her embrace a specific diabetes diet plan for type 2 diabetes. Well, the truth is that a diet for diabetes is not much different when compared to a diet for normal healthy kids. The most important thing to note is that this diet should have balanced nutrition. The reason is that ordinary kids need a mix of nutrients such as proteins, carbs, fiber, vitamins and healthy fats so that they can grow at an optimum rate.

Any diabetes diet plan means managing the intake of carbs

Regardless of this need, it is apparent that carbohydrates will definitely have the greatest effect on their sugar level than all other nutrients. Thus, it is important to manage the intake of carbs effectively through a proper diabetes diet plan. For instance, in order to curb the blood sugar level, fiber-rich foods such as vegetables and cereals should be included in their diabetes diet plan. Whole grains also work well in reducing the net amount of carbohydrates in food.

It is important for parents to be more cautious when planning daily meals for their diabetic kids, especially in regard to the amount of carbohydrates to be served. As we have noted above, a pro diabetes diet plan should ideally incorporate more fibre and less carbs. Patients suffering from type 1 diabetes will find that the amount of carbs they take invariably determines the required dosage of insulin. Another important thing to emphasize is that parents should always monitor the carbohydrates consumed because it eventually ends up as blood sugar. Once the carbs have been broken down, they are absorbed into the blood stream in about 2 hours. Therefore, parents should monitor the blood sugar after or before the 2 hours elapsed to see whether it is ok. If not, adjustments should be made to intake of carbohydrates or insulin dosage.

Parents must ensure their kids follow a strict diabetes diet plan

Parents should also note that children's response to carbohydrates intake vary in some way. As a parent, you should ensure that your diabetic kid follows a strict meal plan daily. Meals should be eaten on schedule and this should be accompanied with regular injections of insulin dosage as prescribed your child's physician. It is advisable to enlist the services of a dietician when coming up with diabetes diet plan for kids. Depending on his/her experience, the dietician will develop a meal plan which incorporates specific foods to match the dietary needs of your diabetic child. The dietician will also factor in the medication and make meals more flexible to cater for daily intake and on different occasions such as parties.

You should also remember that following the right plan of treatment is crucial in helping your kids stay healthy. However, this is not equivalent to curing diabetes. The reason is that there is no cure for diabetes; therefore, kids suffering from type 1 diabetes will be on medication for a greater part of their lives. This shouldn't dampen your spirit. With proper care and a healthy diabetes diet plan for your kids, your child can grow up and live a fulfilling life, much like ordinary people.

A proven diabetes diet plan is an essential part of the treatment process

In conclusion, a diabetes diet plan for kids is an essential part of t their treatment goals. They not only help to control the diabetes, but also minimize the severity or intensity of symptoms. Consequently, this helps them to develop physical fitness and emotional and social growth. It is advisable for parents to ensure that blood sugar level is kept at normal levels. In general, kids suffering from type 1 diabetes should always take their prescribed dosage of insulin, eat balanced diet, engage in aerobic activities, and be guided in observing a proper diabetes diet plan.

Need a balanced and structured, proven type 2 diabetes diet plan? Click the links to find a proven effective at-home treatment option that will reverse your diabetes using effective natural principles. Live life not worrying about your blood sugar and reduce your dependence on insulin. Follow the links to discover a proven diabetes diet plan as well as delicious recipes for diabetes diets.-->

By Sara Morrison

Symptoms Of Pre Diabetes You Should Be Aware Of

Are you listening to the messages your body sends? If your blood sugar rises to the symptoms of pre diabetes range, your body is giving you a warning, loud and clear, that you need to heed.

Doctors and other experts are still debating whether this condition is actually a disease, but if detected they often prescribe medications and also strongly suggest you make changes in your diet and exercise plans.

An estimated 79 million adults in American. have prediabetes, where blood sugar levels are up slightly but not in the range that qualifies for diabetes. Prediabetes raises your risk of developing full blown type 2 diabetes over the following 10 years.

To find out if you may be prediabetic you can undergo one of two tests - fasting plasma glucose test (FPG), or a two-hour glucose tolerance test (OGTT). These tests involve blood samples that are taken after an overnight fast, with the two-hour test including the consumption of a sugary drink and a wait before the blood draw.

The standard fasting blood glucose should be under 100 mg/dl. So, if your number is in the 100-125 mg/dl range, you're considered prediabetic, two test results showing 126 mg/dlor over signal diabetes itself.

For the glucose tolerance test, the result should be under 140 mg/dl. For those with prediabetes, your blood glucose will be in the area of 140 to 199 mg/dl, should your number be reading at 200 mg/dl or higher, you're considered diabetic.

Some patients may take the A1C (glycated hemoglobin test) which calculates average blood sugar for the last 60 - 90 days. If the levels are from 5.7 to 6.4 you're considered prediabetic.

The trouble with prediabetes is that so few people even realize they have it, especially if going to the doctor for regular physicals isn't something you can fit into your hectic schedule. And since there are no symptoms, you'll have no reason to suspect anything. In fact, according to a CDC study, just 7% of patients have been told by their doctor that they are suffering with prediabetes.

The thing is, the extra sugar that's part of prediabetes can already be causing problems in some patients. The eyes are experiencing microaneurysms (enlargement of blood vessels) which can result in diabetic retinopathy and permanent vision loss. Others could be experience protein in their urine, an early indicator of kidney damage, that comes from the extra glucose.

This condition also ups your chances for heart disease, the top cause of death for Americans. Those with prediabetes are at 1.5 times greater risk of heart disease in comparison to healthy people. For those with diabetes, the risk of heart disease is two to four times higher than for non diabetics.

If you also have additional risk factors for diabetes, prediabetes as you might expect, puts you well on your way. Getting older, a genetic predisposition, being overweight, inactive and belonging to part of some ethnic groups all contribute to your risk of this disease.

But you can still put a stop to things. If you act right now.

You need to make the changes to your lifestyle, to what you eat and how active you are, in order to stop or delay the progression toward dangerous type 2 diabetes.

If you drop around 10% of your body weight, start working out 30 minutes each day five times a week (total 150 minutes/week), research shows you can bring down the chance of getting type 2 diabetes by nearly 60% over three years.

Eating more fruits and veggies, limiting those tempting saturated and trans fats (no more than 30% of calories from fat with no more than 10% from saturated fat) are smart ways to get started to avoid symptoms of pre diabetes developing.

By Kirsten Whittaker

Type 2 Diabetes - What Happens When Diabetics Don't Change Their Lifestyle?

If you have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, you know all too well how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Not only does your lifestyle directly affect your diabetes, but ignoring such advice directly impacts so many other diseases and complications that are a result of diabetes running amok. Yet, there are still those who have Type 2 diabetes and make the decision not to make these changes. What happens to them?

The individuals who make the conscious decision to remain in the lifestyle that helped to bring about Type 2 diabetes do so because they choose to. But if they were fully aware of the consequences of this decision, perhaps more of them would change their mind and adapt a better way of life. It might be tempting to imagine that simply popping a few pills or taking insulin injections will take care of your problem. But Type 2 diabetes is a disease for which medication alone is not enough.

The management of your diabetes needs to be supported by:
    * a good diet,
    * enough exercise, and
    * proper medications.

When a Type 2 diabetic ignores a healthier lifestyle, they risk a multitude of complications. To begin with, they can experience episodes of low blood sugar: although this is rare for people with Type 2 diabetes who are not taking hypoglycemic drugs or insulin. High blood sugar is the greatest single danger for people with Type 2 diabetes.

When blood sugars are not stable, the organs of the body most likely to be damaged by diabetes are those that do not require the presence of insulin to metabolize blood sugar.

Organs that can be damaged:
    * eyes
    * kidneys
    * nerves
    * blood vessels

Organs generally not damaged:
    * brain
    * liver
    * muscles

Several eye disorders are possible. Glaucoma, cataracts and retinopathy are common conditions that come from diabetes raging out of control. Left untreated, some of these can inflict permanent harm to your vision and even produce total blindness.

Large blood vessel complications can affect the brain, heart, legs, and feet in people with diabetes. Small blood vessel disease can lead to problems with the eyes, skin, kidneys, and nerves, and can slow-down healing.

Vascular problems are usually related to atherosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries resulting from a buildup of deposits along blood vessel walls. This also impedes blood flow. While this can destroy tissue, it also limits oxygen flow. One of the areas receiving less oxygen is an area that you always want to be well-oxygenated: the brain. Without proper oxygen, the brain experiences dizziness, lethargy, and an inability to reason and think clearly. Memory is also dramatically affected.

Restricted blood flow puts additional work on the heart, too. Now, it has to compensate for partially blocked vessels by pumping harder. This means an unnecessary strain being placed on it. This situation can cause a heart attack.

Let's not forget the kidneys. The body's filtering system has to overcome all of the extra glucose passing through it. Instead of releasing the normal amount in the urine, now it doesn't have the ability to keep up with the excess volume of sugar. The kidneys become damaged because of it and the individual has to be placed on dialysis permanently until a transplant can be arranged.

Another area where the extra sugar will attack is the nerves. All over the body, the sugar that is supposed to be burned for fuel is overwhelming the body. There is too much of it and it has to go somewhere. So it ends up in the bloodstream, coursing its way through the body and attacking nerves everywhere. These nerves will eventually fold under the constant barrage and become permanently damaged. This results in numbness, tingling and pain.

But the damage is not over yet. Even your hearing isn't spared damage. Tiny hairs in the inner ear are not able to process the sugar and you start to develop hearing loss. Your hair also begins to fall out. Your skin on your arms and legs thickens and glazes over. Your nails become brittle and sometimes yellowish. You develop bad breath and you experience severe gum disease and periodontal disease.

Not enough? Men suffer impotence, women develop yeast infections and urinary tract infections, while both increase their risk of heart disease, stroke and some cancers.

If that isn't enough reasons to keep your Type 2 diabetes under control, nothing will convince you.

By Beverleigh H Piepers

Natural Ways to Prevent and Cure Diabetes

By Pulak Kumar

Diabetes is becoming an epidemic in India and everywhere. Diabetes is commonly known as 'high sugar' problem. Currently a fasting blood glucose (sugar) level of 126mg% or more is defined as diabetes. The blood glucose level is normally kept in range by a hormone called insulin, which is produced from the pancreas. Insulin controls blood glucose levels by allowing glucose to enter the cells so that it can be used as fuel by the body.

There are two main types of diabetes, Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body is unable to produce any insulin and this has to be replaced, usually through insulin injections. Type 2 diabetes is when the body is able to make some insulin but not enough, or when the insulin produced does not work properly (called 'insulin resistance'). The aim for both types of diabetes is to achieve and maintain the best possible control of blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol; which will reduce the risk of diabetic complications in the future.

The British Dietetic Association has come out with the following research on food items that are useful in preventing and curing diabetes

Dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, avocados and whole grain contain magnesium which helps prevent and control diabetes. In a study done in England on 11,000 women in the high-risk category, it was shown that those with a high magnesium intake were 27 per cent less susceptible to diabetes. According to research, magnesium is known to lower blood pressure, relax the heart muscles, and controls homocysteine, which is a known trigger for heart disease and diabetes.

Priority wise the following categories of fruits and vegetables should be taken. Category I food items should become a part of your regular diet & the others can be taken from time to time:

Category I

Bitter gourd (Karela) contains high dosage of "plant insulin". Investigations and tests have shown this insulin to be very effective for lowering the blood sugar levels.

Jamun Fruit: According to Science Reporter "Jamun fruits are universally accepted medicine for curing diabetes because of its effect on pancreas. Jamun reduces blood sugar levels quickly and the best part is that it is virtually without any side effects. It contains oleanolic acid and hence inhibits the production of free radicals. During off season, the seeds of this fruit can be powdered and taken 2-3 grams a day. This stone contains a glucoside which prevents the conversion of starch into sugar. Dried powdered leaves of jamun tree also help in controlling diabetes.

Bael Fruit is an effective remedy for diabetes. The bael leaves have anti-diabetic properties. Their extract must be consumed, preferably with a pinch of black pepper in it. The leaves of the bael tree when chewed are very useful in diabetes. Pulp of this fruit could be dried and taken in doses of 5 to 10 grams a day.

Cherries: It is a fruit that contains a red pigmented antioxidant that helps the body produce more insulin. It is low in calories and high in fiber contents and its antioxidant properties provides many benefits.

Bengal Gram: Soup of bengal gram (chana) has been known to reduce the intake of insulin by diabetics to almost half.

Soybean: German Medical Journal considers soybean with its low starch and high protein and with high fat, valuable for diabetes. Freedenweld Ruhrah (1911) established that there was something in soybean, yet unidentified, which lowered the urinary sugar amongst diabetics. Soy Lecithin contains choline which was found useful in preventing and treating neurological complications of diabetes.

Wheat Germs: The combined action of the vitamins B1 and E present in wheat germ explains its anti-diabetic effect: 4 or 5 spoonfuls can reduce the glucose level and the need for insulin.

Barley: Barley is a blessing for those who want to reduce the blood sugar levels. It can be used as a substitute of rice. It is rich in fiber. It even reduces the glycemic index of that particular food into which it is added. It also helps you in eating fewer calories while keeping you fuller.

Fenugreek (Methi): is also highly effective at modulating glucose metabolism and can lower the blood glucose levels of diabetics by up to 45 percent. This spice increases both insulin receptor sensitivity and normalizes the imbalanced blood lipid levels of diabetics. The fiber contained in fenugreek also lowers the GI of a meal, thus modulating the postprandial blood glucose levels by slowing the absorption of high GI foods. The Director, National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad, India recommends inclusion of fenugreek in daily diet as an effective supportive therapy in the management of diabetes.

Cinnamon is a wonder diabetes inhibitor: According to a report published in New Scientist nutritionist Richard Anderson says, "People with type II diabetes could help themselves. Use of cinnamon plays wonders in diabetics. It is a common spice that reduces the LDL cholesterol in diabetics. Its high fiber content helps to control the sugar level and serves as a valuable source of magnesium. Cinnamon contains an extract called Cinnulin PF which works at the cellular level and increases the sensitivity of insulin cell receptors by three times. Poor response of insulin cell receptors is often a major problem in diabetics.

How to Naturally Lower Blood Sugar Levels?

2:44:00 AM Posted by Diabetes 0 comments
About Diabetes

There are currently some 25.8 million people suffering diabetes in the US (8.3% percent of the population), according to figures from the National Diabetes Information Clearing House. Of these, 18.8 million have been diagnosed with the illness, while a further 7 million are unaware that they have the problem.

Glucose is an essential source of energy for the brain and for the body. Glucose comes from carbohydrate foods, which are changed into glucose after we have eaten them.

The Insulin that the body produce transport glucose from the blood supply into fat and muscle cells, where it can be used for energy and switch off the liver once the level of glucose in the blood is high enough.

There are two main types of diabetes:

Type 1
People who do not make any insulin have Type 1 diabetes. They tend to lose weight very quickly because their body is actually being starved. They therefore require insulin by injection plus healthy eating to stay alive and maintain good health.

Type 2
People with Type 2 diabetes are still making insulin but the production is weak or their body is resistant to insulin. Type 2 diabetes can be treated with weight loss and regular physical activity. Medication in the form of tablets is often required to reduce the resistance to insulin or to stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin. Type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition in that the pancreas continues to get more sluggish over time.

Natural herbal tea remedies and lowering blood sugar levels

Drinking certain herbal tea remedues decreases the body's resistance to insulin, the cells get re-influenced by the insulin, absorb the sugar, disassemble it and as a result stabilize the levels of sugar in the blood.

Glucole herbal tea remedy, which was developed by Galilee Tisanes, is a natural mixture of medicinal herbs for reducing and balancing sugar levels in the blood. The tea reduces sugar and breaks down carbohydrates and fats, which rise to dangerous levels in diabetics after they eat a meal.

The tea, which includes the herbs, Stevia, Gymnema, Sage, Lemon grass, Olive leaves and Lemon verbena, rehabilitates and activates the pancreas, causing it to secrete insulin, a hormone which helps the cells absorb glucose from the bloodstream and use it to produce energy, thereby reducing sugar levels in the blood. In addition the tea helps diabetics absorb the insulin into their bodies.

Glucole tea is free of industrial extracts, preservatives or colorings. It contains Stevia - a plant that is 300 times sweeter than sugar but is not ingested in the body. This makes it naturally sweet and tasty, without the need for any additional sugar or artificial sweeteners.

For more information login to:

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

Dror Solodoch, CEO - Galilee Tisanes

By Dror Solodoch

What Makes The Accu Chek Aviva System The Least Painful Glucose Testing Meter?

Having to re-test your glucose levels can be frustrating, any diabetic could testify to that. Whether having to keep lancing your finger tip is worse or forking out the cash for the extra testing strips is worse, is up for debate. The Accu Chek Aviva system is designed around the concept of testing right the first time, ninety-seven percent of the time according to studies, which means less retesting and less money being spent on test strips.

How is Less Retesting Possible?

Not having to re-test is an awesome concept, but is it really possible? Not only is it possible but it's been perfected. There are two aspects at work that reduce, and practically eliminate, the need to re-test. The first is the quick fill test strips that only require 0.6 micro liters of blood to fill the test spot, so it's almost impossible to not fill it for testing. Based on studies there is only a three percent chance that you will fail to fill the test strip.

The second is the meter itself, which is accurate and reliable. It has one-hundred ninety-eight self checks to ensure the integrity of the meter. If any of the checks find a fault you will get an alarm indicating there is a problem. This ensures that the unit is testing and functioning properly so you can be confident in the results.

Here is How it's the Least Painful

To say you are the least painful lancing system requires that you back it up, and I have to say that they certainly have done just that. Using unique proprietary technology to minimize the side to side motion of the lance is a big part of it, but it doesn't end there. To take it to the next level there are eleven customizable depth settings for the lance enabling you to find the one that works best for you giving you control.

Additionally the precisely machined and designed lance has beveling that makes its entry smooth and much less painful.

Fully Featured

The meter is designed with comfort and control in mind starting with the non-slip rubber grips. It's such an attribute the meter received the Arthritis Foundations ease of use commendation. Independent studies were performed and they found that was easier for those with arthritis to use and allowed them to check their blood sugar with ease.

Here's a list of features that set this glucose meter apart from others:
- Fast results in five seconds
- Sample size of only 0.6 micro liters
- Ergonomic contoured design makes it easy to hold
- Test reminders that are customizable - up to four of them
- Store up to 500 test results - quick access to 7, 15 and 30 day averaging
- Easily download the test results to a computer
- Changing batteries is simple
- Up to two-thousand test on one battery
- Completely compatible with accu chek data management software
- Made in the United States

Some of the Special Features

One of the best things you can do if you're diabetic is to stay active and this meter has that covered for you. Test reminders allow you to stay active without having to worry if you'll miss a testing time. You can set up to four test reminders per day that beep every two minutes up to three times at the set appointment time.

If you happen to remember to perform a test before the reminder goes off the system will recognize that the meter is on and will not beep if you've done you testing within thirty minutes of a set testing time.

Understanding your health is key to keeping your blood glucose under control and maximizing your health. This monitoring system allows you to download your results and make intelligent decisions based off of data. To make that even better with this meter you are able to take advantage of the three-sixty diabetes management system to make more sense of the data.

How the Meter Results Should Compare to Lab Results

Comparing your meter results to lab results from your doctor could lead you to believe that your meter is inaccurate or not functioning properly. While it's true that the results will differ there is a really good reason for that. That is because they should differ because neither test is testing the same thing. They are testing for the same reasons, glucose levels, but the meter is testing whole blood while the lab tests blood plasma, so it is apples to oranges.

By Steve Hales

Hyperinsulinemia - Is It Diabetes or Not?

Hyperinsulinemia is not another word for type 2 diabetes or even for borderline diabetes. It literally means too much insulin in the blood. If you have high blood sugar, that is called hyperglycemia, and too little sugar is hypoglycemia.

Because your pancreas, or more precisely the beta cells inside it, make the two hormones that keep glucose at a safe and steady level in your blood, they are part of your endocrine system. Endocrine glands release the hormones that affect every organ and cell, and they always come in pairs so they can balance, or turn on and off processes, such as growth, stress responses, mood and digestion.

An endocrinologist is a doctor who specializes in the understanding of endocrine systems. That's why diabetes doctors are endocrinologists. They study the disease and its symptoms, and they have learned how to treat those symptoms. They can identify hyperinsulinemia, and though they are not sure of its cause, they know what it does.

Elevated insulin in the blood causes an increased inflammatory effect in every organ of the body. If that doesn't sound too bad, think about this. Inflammatory bowel disease, inflammatory arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome are only a few of the possible problems related to inflammatory reaction.

In hyperinsulinemia your pancreas is putting out larger amounts of insulin than your cells can use. Sometimes this is because of insulin resistance in the cells. Doctors know this is connected to the metabolic syndrome but they have no proof that the syndrome actually causes hyperinsulinemia. The result is often chronic low blood sugar.

On the opposite side is high blood sugar, what we know as diabetes or prediabetes. Elevated sugar in your blood damages blood vessels and spreads candidal infections through your bloodstream. The symptoms are not as obvious as those for hypoglycemia, which is why it is possible to have extremely high blood sugar for years and not know it.

You can have hyperinsulinemia for a long time, too, without being aware of it. Some of the symptoms of hyperinsulinemia are sugar cravings, intense hunger, weight gain, weakness, moods like grouchiness and anxiety, and poor concentration. These symptoms are very much like hypoglycemia.

Why Hyperinsulinemia Is Not Diabetes

Diabetes and borderline diabetes can lead to hyperinsulinemia, but there are other things that might cause it. One is a tumor called an insulinoma that makes the beta cells produce insulin when there is no need for it. There is also a disease called nesidioblastosis in which there are far too many beta cells in the pancreas pumping out insulin.

That means it's important to know the cause of high insulin in the blood so it can be treated properly. If the imbalance in your endocrine system is caused by insulin resistance, you are prediabetic unless your blood sugar count is high enough to consider you diabetic, and you can begin standard treatment of it with changes in diet and level of exercise.

Any endocrine imbalance is hard to treat medically. If you add insulin to bring down your blood sugar, you increase the chances of creating hypoglycemia, too little sugar in your blood.

That's why you use a blood glucose monitor every few hours while you're on insulin, and it explains why there's such a rush to make a continuous glucose monitor that is reliable. There is a great profit to be made by the company that perfects it.

And oral medications that try to mimic the actions of endocrine systems like the pancreas and heart always have undesirable side effects. You and your doctor have to weigh the risks and benefits carefully each time you are offered a new medication.

There Is A Better Way To Treat Hyperinsulinemia in Type 2 Diabetes

If your endocrine system is not regulating glucose properly because of insulin resistance there is actually something you can do about it. You can reduce insulin resistance by treating the metabolic syndrome. This has been proven to work.

Remember, the metabolic syndrome is a combination of conditions:
    * High bad cholesterol with high triglycerides
    * High blood pressure
    * Being sedentary (lack of exercise)
    * Obesity with fat deposits around the organs along with a low muscle mass
    * Abnormally high blood sugar

This syndrome is the consequence of lack of exercise, leading to low muscles and high fat. It is also caused by a diet full of over-processed and fast food with too much sugar and man-made fats. If that sounds too simple, the proof is in what happens when those two things are changed.

People who exercise, raise their muscle mass, and start eating things that are good for them actually find lower blood pressure, better cholesterol levels, and reversed hyperinsulinemia. It happens all the time.

The other option is to let doctors treat the symptoms with oral medications and insulin to help control the amount of insulin in your blood. It means a lifetime committment to this treatment because it does not offer a cure.

While researchers look for ways to artificially regulate insulin and blood sugar levels in your blood, you can be working on your own cure by helping your pancreas return to its normal functions. A 50% success rate is what doctors have measured with exercise and diet changes.

With drastic lowering of weight and high levels of exercise the rate of success is much higher. On the TV show The Biggest Loser they have seen a 100% rate of success in getting their diabetic contestants off of medications. That is beyond what any medication regimen offers you. It's more than just an option.

It's a way out of type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and any other disorder that is caused by years of stress we have put on our pancreas and cardiovascular system. We could recover a healthy pancreas if we do what has been proven to work.

We type 2 diabetics can at the very least reduce our complications. It's worth doing, and it will only cost us one thing. We will have to change.

Martha Zimmer invites you to visit her website and learn more about type 2 diabetes, its complications and how you can deal with them, as well as great tips for eating healthy that will make living with diabetes less painful.

Go to and find out what you can do to avoid many of the pitfalls of this life-changing condition, like paying for cures that don't work and spending money for things you could have gotten free. Martha has made the mistakes and done the research so you don't have to.

By Martha J Zimmer

Diabetes Fact - You Can Run But You Can't Hide From The Truth

By Ryan Wegman

The facts about diabetes is that once you have it you cannot run away and ignore the truth behind this terrible life changing disease. Well I guess you can try and cheat death by answering to all of your life's temptations. Indulging in that ever heavenly sweet desert, gorging out on all of those high carbohydrate pasta dishes, lots of bread. Surely all that vino and rich ale is a delight to your palate and your senses.

What begins as a simple little rebellion soon turns into an all out assault not only on your senses; but a dangerous war has begun deep inside your body that can shred your life down to it's deepest core. Let's stop and think about something for a minute that most people rarely think about. Let's stop and for just a minute or two lets think about ourselves for a moment. Our body the "temple" or "hand-crafted" work of art that sculpted into a beautiful masterpiece the day we were born.

Most of us were born healthy without any complications, we inherited habits early on in life. Our parents lifestyles were a huge influence in how we handle many things in our adult lives down to the food that we eat. Not always has this been the case we develop our own self destructive habits as we try to fill in a missing void or subdue an overbearing habit like a "sweet tooth." Getting back to "ourselves" it's not just a rebellion by ignoring the Doctor's advice it is truly a war not only on your physical being, it's also a war on your long stemmed consciousness.

The truth about diabetes is that you generally have it for life once you are diagnosed with the disease. The facts are that your body has an insulin problem. Your pancreas cannot function properly to regulate the amount of insulin in your body. Also certain types of diabetics cannot produce insulin at all and this is why they are often on shots. A diabetic patient can fall into two typical descriptions. A Type 1 or a Type 2 Diabetic.

Diabetes can be very tricky and a rather deceptive condition to have, primarily because blood sugar levels can fluctuate unpredictably. When blood sugar levels suddenly drop or sharply rise, blackouts can occur, requiring medical attention. In some cases diabetic patients have slipped into what's known as a diabetic coma. This is a very serious condition and you as a diabetic person need to address this fact about diabetes disease.

Once you have been diagnosed you can choose how you want to deal with the illness. Are you willing to begin to learn about all of the wonderful ways that you can protect yourself and get the support to get you through your own personal battles. Are you strong enough to handle this on your own? You should rest assured that you don't have to be alone. There are organizations that can help guide you, the Internet has a vast amount of information that can help to enlighten you.

Find your passion in healing yourself, while healing with others. diabetes affects over 18 million people every year in the Unites States alone. Can you imagine that, every year over 18 million people find out that they have been diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes disease is an epidemic of vast proportions.

It's no wonder that many cultures laugh,point and poke fun at the United States, our society has led us to obesity, mass disease, mass poverty (which is a huge demographic for diabetic patients), massive culture dependent on fast foods, fast medicine and poor cultural attitude towards good well being. Don't ignore the facts that are right under your nose. If you are a diabetic or have a friend or loved one who is a diabetic get involved.

Change your diet, change your attitude, change your life for the better. Help support your friends by being there, learning about the disease and sharing what you have learned. If you know of someone struggling with serious health issues be a guide to them if they are wanting to change. If you ignore the facts about diabetes, ignore the news, ignore the cause of the current symptoms a life could very well be in danger. A life could be sentenced to death by daring to ignore the diabetes facts and dangers that could very well lie ahead.

Why a Type 2 Diabetic Should Check Their Feet

2:31:00 AM Posted by Diabetes 0 comments
If you are one of the millions of Americans who have been diagnosed with type II Diabetes, you should know that you need to learn to watch out for more than just your blood sugar levels.

Did you know that the most common reason type two diabetics get hospitalized are for problems with their feet. Since you don't feel the pain you tend to ignore foot problems until a minor infection becomes a major infection. It is very important that a type 2 diabetic exercise good foot care. Prevention is the key to keeping the feet of a type 2 diabetic healthy and attached.

Neuropathy is what the loss of nerve function is called and this loss of nerve function typically develops over time and centers in legs and feet of diabetics. Type two diabetics can't feel their foot injuries as well as non-diabetics. Pain and discomfort are not noticed, and the problem tends to be ignored. It is commonly the poor circulation and lower immunity to infection that amplifies diabetic foot problems.

Besides dealing with pain, diabetic patients need to be aware of any tingling foot sensation, especially at night. Ulcers and other problems may even be painless. It is therefore very important for type 2 diabetic patients to develop a routine where they self-inspect each foot, and be sure it is done every morning and every evening.

It is not weight gain that causes diabetes. It is diabetes that causes weight gain. Most people with type 2 diabetes have an excess of insulin in their blood, which causes the body to lay down white adipose tissue. And it is this tissue that causes them to put on extra weight. A Diabetics Weight Gain has to be addressed and managed.

Managing Type 2 Diabetes is not as much of a challenge as you might think. Maintaining regular activity and eating healthy are very important in managing your type 2 diabetes because they can lower your blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides, as well as help control your weight. You don't have to change your whole life you just need to learn to change your eating habits to a more healthy option. You have probably been putting it of but as a diabetic you can't do that any longer.

Don't let having Type 2 Diabetes scare you to death. Just follow your doctor's advice and you will keep in under control.

For more information on how to effectively manage type II diabetes the natural way starting today, visit Dr. Jonathan Berns, D.C. offers effective solutions to help you maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Visit Integrated Health of Tampa and the Tampa Diabetes Project to learn more about how you can begin to manage your Type 2 Diabetes.

By Jonathan Berns, D.C.

Type 2 Diabetes - Praise The Insulin Pump (Or Not)!

The insulin pump is a small man-made device designed to mimic the release of insulin from your pancreas. An insulin pump is a device that administers insulin continuously under the skin; they are used to deliver insulin throughout the day, instead of the alternate method of receiving insulin via injection. While this device has many benefits, there are also some drawbacks to its use.

Some advantages of an insulin pump is that it eliminates possible spikes due to receiving too much insulin at once, as with an injection. This means a more balanced dosage through the day, and night. This also helps to alleviate the problem of low dipping levels after a night's sleep.

Insulin injections require keeping up with supplies and making sure that insulin vials remain at a comfortable temperature. In the middle of summer, this can be quite difficult to manage.

But there are some problems with using the pump:

One common annoyance is there is no hiding your disease. Most pumps require the wearer to insert a small plastic tube or catheter about a half-inch long into the fat under the skin using a needle in the center of the tube. After insertion the needle is removed, leaving just the soft plastic catheter in place. Usually this catheter is inserted into the abdomen or upper thigh, although other areas can also be used. Flexible tubing connects the catheter to the insulin pump, which is then clipped to a belt or carried in a pocket. The insulin is pumped through the tubing and into the fat under the skin.

At least with injections you can be discreet with your condition. Once you attach yourself to a pump, it is out there for everyone to see.

Another issue is having access to a constant drip-dose of insulin means you are bound to check your blood sugar at least four, or possibly five times per day... without fail. This is because your body may have swings from a meal that your pump will not automatically compensate for. The choice between multiple daily injection therapy and an insulin pump is largely a matter of personal preference, and there are pros and cons to either approach. Pump treatments offer the greatest flexibility to insulin dosing, and the tools for deciding how much insulin to give are getting better and easier to use all the time.

Some people develop an allergic reaction to where the catheter enters the skin. This can be a nasty rash that could be ongoing. Care has to be taken to keep the insertion site clean.

You also have to remember that the pump is a small computer. Like any other electronic device, there is always the possibility of malfunction. If this occurs, the person with diabetes could go into diabetic ketoacidosis.

The final factor, that for many holds the most decisive weight, is its cost. Insulin pumps, as well as their ongoing list of supplies, are expensive. Some insurance carriers might not cover some, or any of this cost, opting instead to offer coverage for the more traditional, and cheaper method of injections.

Insulin pumps can be quite beneficial in eliminating some of the problems with trying to maintain stable blood sugar levels. However, they are not meant to be a scapegoat for those who abuse the system by indulging in the wrong food choices and relying on their insulin pumps to save them.

By Beverleigh H Piepers

Differences Between Prediabetes and Diabetes

Prediabetes Versus Diabetes

The first thing you need to learn is the difference between prediabetes and diabetes. Knowing what prediabetes and diabetes are, and understanding the similarities and differences between them, makes it easier to find out if you have one of these conditions. Pre-diabetes means that you don't yet have diabetes, but if you do nothing you may develop type 2 diabetes in the future. The biggest worry with prediabetes is an increased risk for heart disease, even if diabetes never develops.

When you have prediabetes you have something called insulin resistance. This means that your body doesn't respond correctly to the insulin your body makes. Your body then has to make more and more insulin to keep your blood sugar levels in the normal range. When you have insulin resistance, other abnormalities of fat and blood pressure occur that can clog your arteries with plaque. So when I talk about treating prediabetes I am talking about preventing both diabetes and heart disease. This condition (and its associated disorder known as the metabolic syndrome, or syndrome X) is very common; more than 44 million Americans have it.

How High Blood Sugar Levels Related to Prediabetes and Diabetes

Diabetes, which is an abnormality of blood sugar levels, is classified by three distinct types. Type 2 is the most common and is the type of diabetes people get if their prediabetes is not treated. Type 1 diabetes is the form of diabetes for which patients must take insulin shots for the rest of their lives. The third type is gestational diabetes, which is a form of type 2 diabetes that can occur during pregnancy. When I treat patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, I work with them to bring blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels into the normal range. This helps lower their risk for heart disease and stroke (just as in patients with prediabetes) as well as the risk for blindness, kidney failure, and amputation.

When you are first diagnosed with prediabetes or diabetes you need to find health care providers who can give you the education and treatment that you need. Later I will describe how to find helps and who can give it. What is most important to realize right now is that we can do something about prediabetes and diabetes.

Don't Be Desperate if You Have Prediabetes and Diabetes

Having these conditions isn't the death sentence. Think of them instead as an opportunity to take control, to have a longer, healthier life. Many of the diabetes management skills I hope to I can make you (actually anyone) healthier overall. Fixing one part of your health - for instance, increasing the fiber in your diet to help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, can also affect another area, such a lowering the risk for colon cancer. Treating diabetes is treating your well-being overall.
You can read more about Natural treatment of type 2 diabetes. Another related article you might want to read is

By Pham Van Quyet

Negative And Dangerous Side Effects of Excess Blood Sugar

By Sandip Chandra

In medical sense, sugar is the amount of glucose that present in the blood. The body of a human normally maintains the level of blood glucose as a part of metabolic homeostasis, and it is the primary source of energy as well. Sugar is not a physiological disorder because it is a part of human organ system. However, it is okay when it is on its normal level, but if the level goes up then many physiological disorders can appear. Excess amount of blood sugar makes the ground for appearing several severe health disorders. According to medical science, high blood sugar shows the way to come numerous negative side effects and these are as follows.

Advanced Glycation End-product (AGEs)

Advanced Glycation End-products are the outcome of a chemical reactions chain later than a preliminary glycation reaction. According to the medical professionals, two factors mainly take major part in case of Advanced Glycation End products.

The first one is food that we take regularly the first source is the food we eat. If there is high sugar in your food, then it can it may appear. Another source is metabolism through which the carbohydrates are absorbed to affect your blood sugar levels. Nearly all of your blood sugar provides energy that your body requires to perform accurately. Nevertheless, a little amount of your blood sugar is glycated to form the Advanced Glycation End-products. In addition, simple sugars like galactose and fructose go through glycation nearly ten times a higher than the glucose.

Several severe diseases could appear owing to the Advanced Glycation End-products. The diseases are like the Cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Heart disease, Type-II diabetes, Atherosclerosis, High blood pressure, Kidney disorders, Visual impairment, Stroke, Skin disorders.

Depress Immune System

Excess sugar can damage a person's proper immune system, and we all know that devoid of proper immune system a person will be feeble by attacks of many diseases. An active immune system provides fighting power to the organic system to defeat the diseases.

According to medical experts, blood needs vitamin C to maintain a proper immune system. However, if there is excessive sugar in the blood, then there certainly could be a trouble. As the vitamin C and glucose possess same chemical structure, so they fight with each other for entering the blood cells. If there were low sugar, then there would be no trouble, as vitamin C will get the maximum chance to enter into the blood cells. However, if the sugar level is high, then the glucose will have the most cells. In this way, the immune system will be affected, and it will surely be depressed.

If the immune system becomes out of order or feeble, then many serious diseases will surely attack the body. So, in this way excessive sugar in blood can depress the immune system.

Autoimmune diseases

Sugar makes worse autoimmune conditions like asthma, arthritis, and various scleroses. The autoimmune diseases are distinguished by the resistant capability by the own tissues of body. Autoimmune disorders possibly will cause immune responsive cells to show aggression at the inside layer of the joints that is resulting in trigger immune cells or rheumatoid arthritis to attack the insulin making cells of pancreas, and it is known as the islet cells.

An active immune system identifies first, and then attacks, and damages viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, and cells cancer or any health destructive agents those are not generally present in the body. An inactive immune system cannot do these all the necessary tasks. Severe diseases like the pancreatitis, Crohn's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Sjogren's syndrome, and other many more. Allergies and several scleroses are the result of autoimmune diseases. Therefore, the excessive amount of sugar takes a vital part in the autoimmune diseases.

Dental Problems

A human mouth normally includes several kinds of bacteria that attack the tooth. When a person has excessive sugar in blood, the bacteria and germs become more active. The affects on tooth depend upon the amount of the blood sugar a person has in his body. The chances of dental problem depend on how much a person has blood sugar. In normal cases, means when a person is not having high sugar in blood, he or she can be easily cured by removing the affected teeth. However, high sugar patients never can follow such procedure. According to doctors, such course of action will be more harmful for the patients who have excessive sugar in the blood. Moreover, such problem ca eventually turns into malignant or cancer.

Cardiovascular disease

It is well known to all that the sugar is needed in blood, but when it rises over its normal level, several health disorders appear there. The cardio vascular disease is one of those disorders. If a person already has any cardio vascular disease then it could be very dangerous if the person has high blood sugar also. Sugar will help the disease to spread out and react more. If a person does not have any cardio vascular problem then he or she will have a great chance to get it if already carries excess sugar in blood. It mail attacks at the heart, veins, and arteries that provide oxygen to imperative life-sustaining organs of the body such as the heart, brain, and further crucial organs.

Therefore, such kind of disorder can bring in many dangerous diseases to one's body. Finally, the heart or brain may be affected, and so the death may be its horrible result.

Heart Disease

As previously mentioned, excessive sugar in blood can attack at the various part of the cardio vascular system and heart is one of the most important organs of cardio vascular system. If a person has excessive blood sugar, then it can attack any part of cardio vascular system and eventually the heart will be affected. For example, if the sugar attacks veins or arteries, then normally they will stop work, and the hear will not able to keep communication, so it will stop work as well. Thus, the excess sugar can be the cause of severe heart attack.

Faster aging skin

You may come across a fact that the chocolate can damage anyone's skin. However, the chocolate itself is not intrinsically awful for skin, but there possibly will a bit of truth as chocolate comes with excess sugar. It may truly move ahead the aging of a skin, by making the face more wrinkled and less young.

High level of sugar in blood damages the freshness of the skin. Not only, it damages the freshness, but it makes many wrinkles on the face as well. In such case, an affected person look more aged.


The level of sugar in blood is measured according to the presence of glucose in the blood. The glucose is produced as soon as we absorb or digest starchy foods like rice, potatoes, bread and sweet items together with chocolate and sugar. Another source of glucose is liver, as it is also produced there.

There is a hormone that is identified as Insulin, and it carries glucose throughout the bogy cells, where it is made use to make energy. The sugar diabetes patients may have short of insulin, or cannot utilize it, as it should be. It signifies that the excess amount of glucose in the blood carries the symptoms of sugar diabetes.

There are mainly two categories of diabetes, e.g. type 1 and type 2. In case of Diabetes type 1, the body is not capable to make insulin by any means while in case of Diabetes type 2, the body creates excessively small amount of insulin, or may not utilize what it produces efficiently. These both kinds of diabetes show their results in different ways.

High blood pressure

In order to function accurately the glucose is required by the brain. In view of that, it is always suggested not to stay away from glucose completely. However, it is needed to keep away from the sources of glucose. The eating habit of sugar-rich foods, sweets or candy, soft drinks reaches the intestinal tract instantaneously. Then, it causes an immediate reaction for the pancreas to make insulin.

In accordance with the medical experts, too much insulin production takes part in the occurrence of high pressure in blood that is known as high blood pressure. Therefore, the intake of sugar or such kind of food items produces more insulin in body, and it is the major cause of high blood pressure. In view of that fact, it must be mentioned that the sugar is the main source of having high blood pressure.

High blood pressure can take part in several parts of foremost organs like the heart, kidney, vessels, and fetus. It could be very dangerous during the pregnancy time as well.

Yeast Infection

Sugar and yeast infection are too closely related. Sugar and further sugar containing food items are measured to be the major cause of yeast infection. Yeast infection takes place because of excess development of yeast, which is identified as the candida albicans. In fact, the yeast lives in the body in little quantity by default. On the other hand, a number of definite conditions activate the excess growth of the yeast that shows the way to an infection. Such specific infection takes place due to microorganism increases on sugar and further sweet food items, because sugar is one of the major causes of the disorder.

If you are taking high sugar diet, then you must need to deal with such a difficulty. Not only, the sweet food items, but also the over utilization of carbohydrates harm the body similarly. In view of that, you need to stop intake of sweet or carbohydrate containing foods.

Poor Eyesight

People with high level of sugar may have a higher chance of eye problems. However, it never can be sated firmly that a person will have a poor eyesight if he has excess blood sugar. The ADA, which is renowned as the American Diabetic Association, expressed that a good number people with sugar have a bit of chance to have poor eyesight. However, it is recommended to those people who have high sugar, should keep touch with regular eye checkup, as it can become severe any time.

Gastrointestinal disorders

Having excess sugar in the blood possibly will show many health disorders, and gastrointestinal disorder is one of those. Gastrointestinal or the GI track takes vital part in our food absorption, and everyone now knows it. If the foods which we normally intake does not digested properly, then there certainly would be problem in metabolism. Otherwise, excess sugar in blood also affects numerous parts of a human body, and these are very important organs like stomach, duodenum, and pancreas.

Leptin Resistance

Leptin is a most important hormone control the fat mass in case of the vertebrates. The fat tissue makes the leptin to come out and its blood levels are relative to fat mass. So, there will be more fat if there is more secretion of leptin.

As soon as sugar metabolizes in the fat cells, at that time, they make surge from the leptin, and it is found that the sugar take vital part in cases of producing the leptin resistance. Everyone needs to stop taking sugar containing food items to control the right proportion of the leptin in body.


There is no doubt that excessive sugar in blood will certainly be the cause of numerous difficulties or health disorders. Those all disorders of health even could be a cause of death of human. Therefore, it is suggested to all people to take care of their daily food items and go through the doctors' suggestion to keep always away from high level of sugar in blood.

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