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Selected Frequently Asked Questions About Glucose And Diabetes

By Aurther Shoko

Diabetes just like high blood pressure and heart disease is a chronic disease that affects millions of people all across the globe. In fact millions more people are living with diabetes without knowing it. When left unchecked diabetes can even cause loss of sight, limp loss through amputations and may cause other existing diseases to deteriorate rapidly such as high blood pressure, heart disease and even kidney disease. The following are some questions often asked about glucose and diabetes;

What Is Glucose Monitoring?

Glucose monitoring involves a keeping watch of the levels of blood glucose. This prevents a diabetic condition from deteriorating any further. It helps diabetes patients to be in control of a diabetic condition. Results of a glucose monitoring will inform what food one eats, the activities they engage in and the medications they need to take. Using a blood meter a patient pricks the tip of a finger with a special device to obtain a blood sample which the meter uses to interpret blood sugar levels.

What Is Whole Blood and Plasma Calibration?

This is a simple concept which yet confuses many that is used to define how blood glucose is measured. A blood glucose meter can be calibrated to measure glucose levels in the blood using whole blood or plasma. Plasma is a part of whole blood. Plasma calibrated measurements are often used in labs.

Both whole blood and plasma measurements numerically point to one and the same thing. It is best understood as temperature measurements. temperature can be measured in degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit. Both mean the same thing in as giving us an understanding of the accurate state of the weather.

What Is Continuous Glucose Monitoring?

A fairly new technique, CGM as it is also known in short involves the insertion of a tiny device under the skin to continuously provide glucose levels for days on end and even up to a week. This device sends signals to yet another device that is attached to the belt like a pager of the patient. This does not eliminate the need for a standard meter. The user will still need it to take a sample of their blood in order to program the CGM device.

These are some of the often asked questions about diabetes and glucose. It needs to be remembered that diabetes is a chronic disease which can be managed for a life time. Monitoring and measurement is only but a part. A lot more depends on what a person eats, exercise and so on. Our eating habits will need to change to accommodate a diabetic condition.

Type 2 Diabetes and Urinary Tract Infections - Does Cranberry Juice Help?

By Benjamin Hedley

Type 2 diabetes and cranberry fruit juice... why is this important to you? Really there isn't any lack of health-related proof that unsweetened cranberry extract fruit juice is a great way to deal with bacterial infections of the urinary system. Complex polysaccharides present in cranberry fruit juice (as well as in fruit juices of other bog fruits, for example blueberry), layer the liner of the bladder as well as urethra therefore germs can't ever "root" and also the flow urine merely flushes them.

Lots of people with diabetic issues, type one as well as type two, discover once they go for their own yearly or even bi-annual health-related check-up, they have a urinary tract infection. However they had no typical indicators including:

- Discomfort and burning whenever urinating

- Rate of recurrence of urination and only passing small amounts

- Cloudy pee... occasionally blood is present

- Sensation usually "bad" all over... exhausted, unstable and beaten up

When you've got a fever this suggests the problem has reached your renal system... generally there isn't any fever once the infection is in your bladder or even urethra.

As you can tell, the nature of urinary system bacterial infections is they may continue undetected from lower levels for days, several weeks, or even many years. The actual germs inside your urinary system result in a continuous, low-level of irritation that's not sufficient that you should point out for your healthcare specialist, but it's sufficient to create inflammatory proteins that go around throughout the body.

Out of control blood sugar lead to spillover of blood sugar in to your own urine, and that sugar offers continuous nutrition for germs. The germs may come to be mats and tangles which "hug" the liner of the bladder and urethra so that they do not flow away with your urine which is the reason why they do not get discovered in urine exams. Plus they may generate just enough of the triggers associated with irritation... they inspire the actual "growth" of stomach fat and also solidifying of the arterial blood vessels.

What will help stop low-level vesica bacterial infections?

Cranberry fruit juice keeps germs from developing colonies. A shot cup of cranberry fruit juice at least one time per week might stop in it is tracks any kind of low-level vesica bacterial infections. Just make sure you drink real cranberry fruit juice or even blueberry fruit juice directly, without any additional sugars or artificial sweeteners.

A normal dosage of fruit juice not only will eliminate vesica germs, it might help a person manage both glucose levels and your excess weight. Try a weekly cup of cranberry fruit juice and find out if you cannot detect enhancement in control of your type 2 diabetes.

Is Bubbly Urine a Sign of Diabetes?

By Kum Martin

The way the urine looks or smells can give a person an indication whether all is alright with his or her health. Healthy and normal urine is either clear in color or pale yellow, and it does not have an odor. However, what about when the urine is bubbly and foaming? Does that mean there is something wrong with the person and he or she could be suffering from diabetes?

Based on several studies carried out, it is not necessary that bubbly urine is a sign of diabetes. However, this kind of urine tends to increase the chances of a person being diagnosed with diabetes. So, bubbly urine could be due to diabetes, but it not necessary to conclude that a person is suffering from diabetes just because he or she passes bubbly and foamy urine as there are many causes for bubble formation in the urine.

Some of the causes for passing bubbly urine are listed below:

Dehydration is one of the most common causes. When a person does not drink sufficient amounts of water, the body is unable to produce normal amounts of urine. This causes bubbles to form and hence the resultant urine, which is dark colored, will contain bubbles.

Controlling the urge to urinate often leads to bubbles forming in the urine when the urine is passed. This occurs when the urine is eliminated from the bladder with force after a person delays visiting the rest room.

Urinary tract infections are common causes of bubbles forming in the urine. However, along with the bubbles, the person will also experience pain and/or burning sensation while passing urine. These infections are best treated after consulting a specialist to avoid complications.

Proteinuria is one more cause for bubble formation in the urine. When the protein levels in the urine are higher than normal, it is known as proteinuria. This condition occurs when the glomeruli suffer from inflammation or damage and hence, they cannot filter out the protein. The high protein content urine reacts with the air on being passed out and this reaction causes bubbles to form.

Hence, noticing bubbles in the urine could be a sign of many health-related conditions and not just diabetes. If you are worried, it is best to consult a doctor and get the relevant tests done. The doctor would be the best person to inform you whether you are suffering from diabetes. A simple fasting blood sugar test should allow a doctor to diagnose whether you are diabetic or not.

Glucose Levels and Diabetes

By Robert S. Nelson

Persistently very high blood glucose amounts are an attribute of diabetes mellitus. Eventually, heightened blood glucose levels are going to cause harm to your system that could produce additional complications in the way of various, possibly severe, health problems. So, exactly why is elevated blood glucose harmful to begin with?

Glucose is an essential sugar which in turn is the main fuel for all of your body's cells. The cells depend on it for energy. However, consistently elevated blood glucose levels will often work against the body in these ways:

* By having an excessive amount of sugar inside your blood the pancreas must constantly boost its output of insulin in order to sustain normal glucose levels. Inevitably this task causes damage to the pancreas and so it loses the capability to make insulin.

* Surplus sugar coats and also adheres itself to your red blood cells. As a result of this sugary layer these sticky cells start to interfere with blood flow which in turn causes cholesterol accumulation in the blood vessels.

Given that it is your blood vessels that are affected any portion of one's body is vulnerable considering the fact that blood vessels are all over your body. Compromised blood vessels could cause numerous ramifications including:

* Kidney breakdown

* Cardiac arrest

* Loss of sight

* Neurological damage

* Stroke

* Erectile dysfunction

Exactly what is normal blood glucose levels? To be able to identify high sugar levels you initially need to find out what exactly is deemed normal. Presently, a blood glucose measurement which shows less than 140 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter) two or three hours after eating food or one which shows less than 100 mg/dL after fasting is regarded as being in the normal range, though a generally healthy individual typically has sugar levels even below that.

The quantity of glucose inside your blood is usually at its lowest level prior to eating a meal. For the typical individual who doesn't have diabetic issues, glucose levels will most likely range between 70 - 80 mg/dL prior to eating. These amounts can be greater or lower however, as previously mentioned, anything below 100 mg/dL is considered the norm when fasting.

Might blood glucose levels get too low? The blood sugar level with the majority of people hardly ever falls below 60 mg/dL regardless if they've been fasting over an extended period. This is because whenever you fast as well or diet, the pancreas halts production of the hormone insulin and secretes glucagon which in turn causes your liver to secrete stored glucose into your bloodstream. Even so, it is uncommon for blood glucose to fall to a level which is dangerous except when there are some unique health issues or perhaps when diabetes medicine is being used.

Since we now know what normal blood glucose levels are let's focus on exactly what elevated levels happen to be. Glucose levels higher than normal indicates the person might have pre-diabetes or diabetes. Listed below are several unique tests which can identify diabetes:

* Fasting Blood Glucose Exam: This particular test is conducted after an individual has fasted for 8 hours. In the event that their glucose level is above 126 mg/dL following this time the chances are they have diabetes.

* Oral Glucose Tolerance Examination: This test likewise requires going on a fast for 8 hours, then the individual is given a sugary liquid to consume. If blood sugar tests conducted 2 hours later show values greater than 200 then that individual has diabetes.

* Random Blood Glucose Test: Random blood exams indicating glucose levels over 200, together with the individual showing symptoms such as abnormal thirst as well as frequent urination, is believed to have diabetes. One of the two other exams would be needed to verify this finding.

An individual who has elevated blood glucose levels but who don't match up with the above mentioned criteria with regard to diabetes is considered to have pre-diabetes. Ultimately, anyone who has pre-diabetes runs a much greater chance of acquiring diabetes in addition to getting coronary disease. Fortunately by way of exercise and diet you can actually stop pre-diabetes from developing into diabetes.

By maintaining blood glucose levels within the normal range numerous severe medical problems could very well be prevented. This approach, coupled with routine follow-up health care, will enable you to control diabetes as well as enjoy a healthy and productive way of life.

Diabetic Retinopathy: Does Fish Oil Offer Hope?

By Jim Morham

Diabetes, a disease that affects millions of people in the United States is analogous to a fire starting in a house. The fire fighter shows up. He is expecting from his report, to find a fire in one room. The fire that has started in one room of the house quickly spreads to the hallway, then the back room, then to a bed room. If the fire isn't contained quickly, there is a real possibility of losing the entire house.

Diabetes Is the Fire and the House Is Your Body

For those suffering from diabetes, like the fire, you must be on constant guard by attending to your blood sugar level. Diabetes is an insidious disease that left unchecked, will attack and destroy your body organs, cause coronary heart disease, and may even cause blindness through retinopathy.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Excessive blood glucose levels over time contribute to swelling and pressure to the blood vessels in the retina. As these vessels expand, much like a balloon with too much air in it, they start to bleed. This causes damage over time and can eventually lead to a damaged retina. This is not like getting chest pains; you don't get lots of warning, and the situation if not identified, can lead to permanent damage to the retina and ultimately blindness.

Is There a Way to Detect This Problem?

Every diabetic whether a type one or type two, should have an eye examination at least once a year. The damage caused to the retina starts the day you become diabetic. Because you may not see any change or feel any symptoms means nothing. The clock is ticking and you need to check with an ophthalmologist each year to monitor the change. Most specialists will tell you that if you are in tight control with blood sugars, with an A1C level of seven or below, you won't see any signs of damage till about year fifteen.

What Are the Treatment Options?

The best thing you can do is keep your blood sugars in tight control and don't gain a lot of weight. Every strain you put on your system, whether it's from out of control blood sugars, to excess weight, to high blood pressure, increases pressure on your entire system including the blood vessels in your eyes. Short of tight blood sugar control, laser surgery is also an option. Once the bleeding starts from blood vessels even this surgery is only a temporary solution.

Good News About Treatment With Omega 3 Fish Oil

New medical research from the Children's Hospital of Boston has found that a diet rich in Omega 3 fish oil has shown less abnormal blood vessel growth to the retina. This finding is in line with other medical studies promoting the anti-inflammatory effects of Omega 3 fish oil. The fatty acids found in fish oil have a direct impact on fighting inflammation in every part of the body including the eyes. The effect of rich Omega 3 fish oil is essentially like letting some of the air out of a balloon that is expanding to the point of bursting. It only stands to reason that this research corroborates earlier findings of the positive effects of fish oil on the arteries of the cardio vascular system. The same theory applies to blood vessels in the eye.


Now that we know that Omega 3 fish oil offers a defense against the potential damage to the retina due to diabetes, it's time to be proactive and protect your eye sight before trouble comes knocking.

Type 2 Diabetes - Staggering Diabetes Statistics Highlight Unhealthy Habits!

By Beverleigh H Piepers

Data from the recent 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet have highlighted the unhealthy habits many people are still doing on a daily basis. This information, released in January of 2011, has some staggering statistics that will surprise many people.

A total of 25.8 million adults and children in the United States have Type 2 diabetes. That is a whopping 8.3% of the population. What's surprising about these statistics is that only 18.8 million people have actually been diagnosed, while another 7 million people are undiagnosed and have no idea that they're walking around with such a deadly disease. In addition, 79 million people are walking around in a pre-diabetic state that could turn into full-blown diabetes at any time. Even more surprising are the 1.9 million new cases of Type 2 diabetes that were diagnosed in people aged 20 years and older in 2010.

With so much being known about how to prevent Type 2 diabetes, many experts are shocked at how the rates are increasing year after year. There are many lifestyle modifications that can be made to prevent diabetes from ever occurring. This includes things like adding more fruits and vegetables to the diet, eliminating fast food and adding exercise to the mix on a regular basis.

One scary statistic from information taken in 2007 showed the diabetes was listed as the main underlying cause on 71,382 death certificates and was also listed as being a contributing factor in an additional 160,022 death certificates. That means that a total of 231,404 deaths listed diabetes as being a contributing factor. When people see the real risk factors associated with this deadly disease, experts hope that they will take it more seriously.

Diabetes is also a well-known contributing cause to heart disease and stroke. Adults who have diabetes have heart disease death rates that are 2 to 4 times higher than adults without diabetes. The risk for stroke is 2 to 4 times higher as well. In 2004, heart disease was noted to be on 68% of diabetes related death certificates for people who were 65 years and older. Stroke was on another 16% of death certificates among diabetics.

Other statistics showed 67% of diabetics have high blood pressure. Diabetes is also now the leading cause of new cases of blindness among adults ages 20 to 74 years. Diabetes is also the leading cause of kidney failure as it accounts for 44% or more of new cases.

There's no question that these diabetes statistics are alarming and shocking in some cases. The good thing is that Type 2 diabetes is completely preventable if the proper lifestyle changes are made.

Diabetic Neuropathy: Understand What Your Doctor Means

By Jenny H Jordan

Diabetic neuropathy, or the pathology of diabetic neuropathy, can appear mysterious and complicated to understand, for anyone who's first introduced to these terms. They are particularly difficult to understand for someone with a small amount of previous knowledge of the nervous system. You may be presenting to your doctor with a symptom like a certain pain, or loss of feeling in your feet, and instantly, your health care provider knows these as diabetic neuropathy symptoms. Most likely, you'll be confronted with some medical terms that you have never heard of previously. It seems that no matter how old we are, men and alike need to understand why we have a certain symptom, and the best way to treat it.

For example, maybe you have scheduled a physician visit due to pain, and your doctor instantly recognizes this as neuropathic pain, and starts to explain neuropathy affects which are related to diabetes. Additionally, in place of hearing about your levels of blood sugars, this talk has grown to talking about levels of sorbitol. It may be overwhelming for a patient to hear a barrage of new terms all at 1 time, or going from 1 subject to the other, such as flitting from discussing blood, to talking about a nerve. When doctors bring in new words to patients, such as nitric oxide and, it's not unheard of for a patient to leave the office with more questions than they went in with.

Diabetic neuropathy is actually divided into four groups: Peripheral neuropathy which affects the arms, hands, legs, feet, & toes; autonomic neuropathy affects the blood vessels & heart, the digestive system, urinary tract, sex organs, eyes, sweat glands & lungs; proximal neuropathy affects the hips, buttocks legs and thighs; & focal neuropathy which affects the lower back & pelvis, abdomen, chest, thighs, legs, feet, eyes, ears & facial muscles.

As you can see, diabetic neuropathy can affect the nerves throughout the body. Because of this, there can be several different kinds of symptoms. Because pain, numbness, sensitivity to temperatures, sweating, etc. are very noticeable symptoms of neuropathy from diabetes, there are several other more hard to determine signs that you can miss. This is why it's very important to inform your doctor of any physical changes you may notice.

Neuropathy may manifest in such a variety of ways that symptoms like high blood pressure, constipation, sexual dysfunction, blurry eyesight, heavy perspiration and so on, need to be assessed by a professional before they evidence themselves as, or are attributed to, diabetic neuropathy. In order to properly diagnose you, your physician can order specialized tests i.e. nerve conduction studies to see how well your nerves are transmitting and how the muscles surrounding them respond, use ultrasound to look at various organs, and they may check for a variance in your heart beat.

All About Bee Pollen And Diabetes - How Bee Pollen Can Aid In Weight Management In Diabetics

By Johan Petersen

Bee Pollen And Diabetes

There have been a lot of research about this supplement and its positive effects in counteracting complications and side effects of diabetes. Diabetes is a difficult disease to live with everyday because it costs time, money and effort to manage.

One complaint of diabetic patients is weight gain. Bee pollen can help patients deal with diabetes and the weight gain associated with it.

Bee pollen is considered the ultimate food because of its high content of nutrients that is unmatched by any other substance. This is the reason why besides diabetes, it is also used in lowering the risk of cancer and other forms diseases.

Bee pollen helps aid in managing weight with diabetes and its other complications because of its following benefits:

* It is not loaded with calories that can add up to a person's weight. In fact, it is considered a low-calorie food.
* This substance also enhances a person's metabolic process. This is essential in proper digestion of food in order for the calories and nutrients to be absorbed by the body.
* It contains an amino acid called phenylalanine that acts as a natural appetite suppressant. It makes a person crave less for food. Perfect for those with obesity problems besides diabetes.
* Lecithin is another component of this natural substance that can benefit those with diabetes and obesity problem. It helps dissolves excess fat in the body in order to be used as energy.
* It does not contain high sugar like those in honey. This is good news for diabetics who need to control their sugar intake.

This supplement makes it possible for diabetics to fight obesity by letting them have a healthier lifestyle and weight control regimen. This can also lessen other complications from diabetes such as slow healing of wounds and fatigue.

Bee pollen can be taken as a supplement because eating it as it is may not be as pleasant as other food. Supplements are convenient and are easier to take. Unfortunately not all of it is made of good quality. Invest in supplements that use pure bee pollen without any preservative included.

The best pollens are those harvested in New Zealand because it is known to be one of the cleanest places on Earth. Pollens are affected by pollution and its potency greatly diminishes if gotten from polluted places.

So invest only in bee pollen supplements that are free from contaminants and toxins in order to help manage diabetes and obesity effectively.

Diabetes in Children and Teenagers

By Guy Starbuck

Type 1 Diabetes is also known as Juvenile Diabetes due to the fact that it tends to occur mostly in children. Type 2 Diabetes is rather different because it tends to occur later in life, Juvenile Diabetes usually accounts for 5- 10% of the cases which are recorded every year. Certain children may show signs of Juvenile Diabetes after they are born while it takes a long amount of time to develop in others. Children tend to become sick from a lot of other things so it is difficult to know whether diabetes is the main cause of their health problems until they usually become very ill.

One of the most essential steps which is involved in treating Childhood/Juvenile Diabetes properly is to recognize the symptoms early. If you catch these symptoms early, you could get help quickly for your child and save them from a lot of harm. The sooner the signs and symptoms are noted and reported to a doctor, the sooner your child can get a diagnosis and get some treatment for their diabetes. This treatment can also aid in reducing some of the damage which the diabetes has already caused, this treatment can also prevent death and severe damage to bodily organs which come from not treating diabetes early enough and ultimately this could help your child lead a much more normal life.

Here are some of the warning signs of Childhood/Juvenile Diabetes:

* Extreme thirst
* Frequent urination
* Sudden vision changes
* Increased appetite
* Sudden weight loss
* Excessive drowsiness/lethargy
* Sugar in urine
* Fruity, sweet or wine-like odor on the breath
* Heavy and labored breathing
* Stupor, unconsciousness (typically in extreme cases)

If your child happens to have one or more of these symptoms listed above, it is quite possible that they could already have Type 1 Diabetes. It is essential that you get in touch with your doctors right away for proper testing in order to determine whether this is the case. You should never attempt to self-diagnose or self-treat juvenile diabetes. Every case and child is a different one so it is essential that you get a medical professional to assist you with it.

Juvenile Diabetes may be commonly misdiagnosed or under-diagnosed due to the fact that the symptoms are usually similar to other conditions such as the flu. A lot of people with Juvenile Diabetes tend to get diagnosed before they turn 30. The earlier diabetes is diagnosed and the treatment of the condition starts, the more which can be done to prevent much more serious problems and even death from occurring.

With studies showing that 35 or more children are diagnosed with diabetes on a daily basis and an excess of 13,000 each year, some attention has to be paid to the issue. Because no known cure exists for diabetes, it is essential to attempt to resolve the condition before it leads to damage that cannot be resolved. If you know the warning signs and you do something about your diabetes early enough, it can help you save your child's life.

Tips For Diabetic Food

By Jenny H Jordan

People who have pre-diabetes are also searching for food plans which can move them away from the onset of full-blown diabetes. There's not a lack of reduced sugar recipes, Splenda recipes -- or any other sugar substitute, or even international diabetic-friendly recipes. A wonderful salad or sugar-free dessert can be created by anyone who knows something, or a lot, about cooking and specific recipes. The question is -- how do you weed through all of the thousands of diabetes recipes and find several that work for you?

There are many ways that blood sugar levels can be made normal, and one of those methods is by diet. Glucose meters and medicines are several ways to reduce the risks that come with having diabetes. Through judicious use of diabetic recipes, an excellent meal schedule will be varied and interesting and help diabetics get over the overindulgence which sometimes happens at holiday & other family gatherings.

A good meal plan does not mean that any person has to deprive themselves. Along the way, a person who is diabetic is able to lose weight, and lower their chances of stroke, heart disease, & other diabetes caused conditions and problems. As you learn to handle your type 2 diabetes, picking healthy foods, with a little practice & study, may become second nature. Choosing meal plans for diabetics also means learning to eat the right quantities. Just because you create sugar-free recipes, does not mean you can eat an overly large amount of them.

We've got some tips and tricks: Eat a variety of colorful fruits and veggies. Non-starchy vegetables in diabetic menus may include carrots, broccoli, spinach & others. A good dish such as whole grain spaghetti along with stir-fried vegetables is often a favorite among recipes for diabetics. Reconstituted dried beans such as pinto and kidney beans, along with lentils, add protein to any diabetic dish. There are a lot of recipes which include beans. Eat fish entrees up to 3 weekly.

Baked fish along with a nice sauce is easy to make and creates a great meal for a diabetic. When you consider meat, think lean. Sirloin steak, beef tenderloin, pork loin, skinned chicken breasts or other types of poultry is very versatile and quick to prepare. Dairy, such as skim milk & low-fat cheese and nonfat yogurt may make some rich and creamy sauces. Water and calorie free waters and tea are much better than diet sodas.

Go for single ingredient products when you can, to make up your meals. Use light veggie or olive oil to cook with. Fat is fat, but these two are superior than others. Check out low caloric and good for you desserts. There are a ton of great tasting recipes out there. Watch portions, no matter what you create.

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