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Type 2 Diabetes - Do You Really Know Why You Have Diabetes? Check Out This Surprising Cause!

By Beverleigh H Piepers

For most people, Type 2 diabetes hits them because they have been living an unhealthy lifestyle including obesity, low-fiber diets and sedentary behavior. But new research is finding that there's more to the story, at least in certain people.

Everyone knows that obesity is tightly correlated to the Type 2 diabetes risk. But what most people don't know is where that fat actually hangs out makes a huge difference in your diabetes risk and blood sugar levels.

And while it may be too late for you to undo that diabetes diagnosis, being proactive about this particular Type 2 diabetes contributor can help you manage your blood sugars better than following the same old tired treatments like prescription drugs.

In general, the fat around your midsection tends to promote insulin resistance more than fat in your arms or legs. Scientists at the German Institute for Nutritional Research in Potsdam-Rehbrücke found that how much fat you have in your belly predicts your diabetes risk much more than the tried-and-true body mass index or BMI.

Why? The fat in your belly cranks out pro-inflammatory cells like there's no tomorrow. These cells get in the way of insulin's action, shooting blood sugar levels though the roof. Importantly, belly fat also ups your risk of heart disease and dementia... two more reasons to trim down your belly fat.

A large belly is considered dangerous if your waist measurement is over 40 inches (101 cms) for a man and more than 35 inches (89 cm) for a woman.

Here's how to turn on your body's belly fat burning machinery:

Healthy Fats: Healthy fats don't make you fat. However, "bad" saturated and trans fats do. When they're not clogging arteries, they're rushing to your midsection to become is latest tenant. A study in "Topics in Clinical Nutrition" found that women who ate high amounts of saturated fat tended to have large waists.

Become a Low-GI Joe: When you eat a rapidly digesting high-GI food, blood sugar shoots up like a NASA rocket. Your body cranks out massive amounts of insulin to get that blood sugar back under control. Unfortunately, this insulin spike also promotes belly fat storage.

Pump Iron: Resistance training increases the amount of muscle you have on board... which burns belly fat throughout the day. Lifting weights also reduces insulin resistance, something that will improve your blood sugar management and reduce your belly fat.

It is also found Type 2 diabetics who combine aerobic exercise and resistance training have improved blood sugar levels compared with diabetics who do not exercise.

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