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Type 2 Diabetes - Stop Diabetes From Destroying Your Eyes!

By Beverleigh H Piepers

Nearly half of all diabetics develop vision loss the National Eye Institute reports. High blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels that feed the eyes, literally starving your hungry eye cells. Also, both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes contribute to plaque formation in these same vessels, further blocking crucial blood flow.

However, just because you have diabetes, be it Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, this doesn't mean that you need to reserve your Seeing Eye Dog for next year. There are a number of practical ways to keep your eyes vibrant and healthy, even if you have diabetes.

Blood Sugar Levels: Diabetics with the best blood sugar control have the lowest rates of vision loss. To keep your blood sugar levels in check, focus on the "big three":

* lose weight
* exercise, and
* eat healthy.

All other steps pale in comparison.

Omega 3s: The healthy fats in fish, nuts and soy knockout inflammation... a harmful process that interferes with insulin and damages vulnerable eye cells. Research conducted by Harvard Medical School found that omega 3 fats are effective for reducing vision loss in older people.

Before taking fish oil supplements, check with your doctor as these can interfere with certain medications diabetics commonly take.

Lutein: You may have already heard about antioxidants... special nutrients in fruits and vegetables that shield your cells from harm. While nearly all antioxidants are good for your body and eyes, a special type known as lutein goes the extra mile for your vision.

Lutein actually forms the pigment of your eyes. The pigment helps you to see in the dark, but also prevents your eye cells from excess sunlight exposure. Studies have found that lutein rich diets greatly reduce the risk of macular degeneration, the most common cause of blindness in older people. Lutein rich foods include:

* spinach
* corn, and
* egg yolks.

See and Be Seen: If you have diabetes, it's critical that you get eye exams regularly. The National Institutes of Health reports regular eye checkups can reduce your risk of blindness by 95 percent. Eye exams can spot issues early while they're still treatable. If you wait, it might be too late to prevent your vision from going dark.

Note that vision loss can begin even before you notice symptoms. Even if you're a proud 20/20 vision card holder, if you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, see an eye doctor at least twice a year.

Holistic Approach: Other health problems that many diabetic face, like hypertension and high cholesterol, also contribute to vision issues. Be sure to take charge of all aspects of your health... not just blood sugar levels... to keep your eyes in tiptop shape.

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