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Diabetes Fact - You Can Run But You Can't Hide From The Truth

By Ryan Wegman

The facts about diabetes is that once you have it you cannot run away and ignore the truth behind this terrible life changing disease. Well I guess you can try and cheat death by answering to all of your life's temptations. Indulging in that ever heavenly sweet desert, gorging out on all of those high carbohydrate pasta dishes, lots of bread. Surely all that vino and rich ale is a delight to your palate and your senses.

What begins as a simple little rebellion soon turns into an all out assault not only on your senses; but a dangerous war has begun deep inside your body that can shred your life down to it's deepest core. Let's stop and think about something for a minute that most people rarely think about. Let's stop and for just a minute or two lets think about ourselves for a moment. Our body the "temple" or "hand-crafted" work of art that sculpted into a beautiful masterpiece the day we were born.

Most of us were born healthy without any complications, we inherited habits early on in life. Our parents lifestyles were a huge influence in how we handle many things in our adult lives down to the food that we eat. Not always has this been the case we develop our own self destructive habits as we try to fill in a missing void or subdue an overbearing habit like a "sweet tooth." Getting back to "ourselves" it's not just a rebellion by ignoring the Doctor's advice it is truly a war not only on your physical being, it's also a war on your long stemmed consciousness.

The truth about diabetes is that you generally have it for life once you are diagnosed with the disease. The facts are that your body has an insulin problem. Your pancreas cannot function properly to regulate the amount of insulin in your body. Also certain types of diabetics cannot produce insulin at all and this is why they are often on shots. A diabetic patient can fall into two typical descriptions. A Type 1 or a Type 2 Diabetic.

Diabetes can be very tricky and a rather deceptive condition to have, primarily because blood sugar levels can fluctuate unpredictably. When blood sugar levels suddenly drop or sharply rise, blackouts can occur, requiring medical attention. In some cases diabetic patients have slipped into what's known as a diabetic coma. This is a very serious condition and you as a diabetic person need to address this fact about diabetes disease.

Once you have been diagnosed you can choose how you want to deal with the illness. Are you willing to begin to learn about all of the wonderful ways that you can protect yourself and get the support to get you through your own personal battles. Are you strong enough to handle this on your own? You should rest assured that you don't have to be alone. There are organizations that can help guide you, the Internet has a vast amount of information that can help to enlighten you.

Find your passion in healing yourself, while healing with others. diabetes affects over 18 million people every year in the Unites States alone. Can you imagine that, every year over 18 million people find out that they have been diagnosed with diabetes. Diabetes disease is an epidemic of vast proportions.

It's no wonder that many cultures laugh,point and poke fun at the United States, our society has led us to obesity, mass disease, mass poverty (which is a huge demographic for diabetic patients), massive culture dependent on fast foods, fast medicine and poor cultural attitude towards good well being. Don't ignore the facts that are right under your nose. If you are a diabetic or have a friend or loved one who is a diabetic get involved.

Change your diet, change your attitude, change your life for the better. Help support your friends by being there, learning about the disease and sharing what you have learned. If you know of someone struggling with serious health issues be a guide to them if they are wanting to change. If you ignore the facts about diabetes, ignore the news, ignore the cause of the current symptoms a life could very well be in danger. A life could be sentenced to death by daring to ignore the diabetes facts and dangers that could very well lie ahead.

Negative And Dangerous Side Effects of Excess Blood Sugar

By Sandip Chandra

In medical sense, sugar is the amount of glucose that present in the blood. The body of a human normally maintains the level of blood glucose as a part of metabolic homeostasis, and it is the primary source of energy as well. Sugar is not a physiological disorder because it is a part of human organ system. However, it is okay when it is on its normal level, but if the level goes up then many physiological disorders can appear. Excess amount of blood sugar makes the ground for appearing several severe health disorders. According to medical science, high blood sugar shows the way to come numerous negative side effects and these are as follows.

Advanced Glycation End-product (AGEs)

Advanced Glycation End-products are the outcome of a chemical reactions chain later than a preliminary glycation reaction. According to the medical professionals, two factors mainly take major part in case of Advanced Glycation End products.

The first one is food that we take regularly the first source is the food we eat. If there is high sugar in your food, then it can it may appear. Another source is metabolism through which the carbohydrates are absorbed to affect your blood sugar levels. Nearly all of your blood sugar provides energy that your body requires to perform accurately. Nevertheless, a little amount of your blood sugar is glycated to form the Advanced Glycation End-products. In addition, simple sugars like galactose and fructose go through glycation nearly ten times a higher than the glucose.

Several severe diseases could appear owing to the Advanced Glycation End-products. The diseases are like the Cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Heart disease, Type-II diabetes, Atherosclerosis, High blood pressure, Kidney disorders, Visual impairment, Stroke, Skin disorders.

Depress Immune System

Excess sugar can damage a person's proper immune system, and we all know that devoid of proper immune system a person will be feeble by attacks of many diseases. An active immune system provides fighting power to the organic system to defeat the diseases.

According to medical experts, blood needs vitamin C to maintain a proper immune system. However, if there is excessive sugar in the blood, then there certainly could be a trouble. As the vitamin C and glucose possess same chemical structure, so they fight with each other for entering the blood cells. If there were low sugar, then there would be no trouble, as vitamin C will get the maximum chance to enter into the blood cells. However, if the sugar level is high, then the glucose will have the most cells. In this way, the immune system will be affected, and it will surely be depressed.

If the immune system becomes out of order or feeble, then many serious diseases will surely attack the body. So, in this way excessive sugar in blood can depress the immune system.

Autoimmune diseases

Sugar makes worse autoimmune conditions like asthma, arthritis, and various scleroses. The autoimmune diseases are distinguished by the resistant capability by the own tissues of body. Autoimmune disorders possibly will cause immune responsive cells to show aggression at the inside layer of the joints that is resulting in trigger immune cells or rheumatoid arthritis to attack the insulin making cells of pancreas, and it is known as the islet cells.

An active immune system identifies first, and then attacks, and damages viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, and cells cancer or any health destructive agents those are not generally present in the body. An inactive immune system cannot do these all the necessary tasks. Severe diseases like the pancreatitis, Crohn's disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Sjogren's syndrome, and other many more. Allergies and several scleroses are the result of autoimmune diseases. Therefore, the excessive amount of sugar takes a vital part in the autoimmune diseases.

Dental Problems

A human mouth normally includes several kinds of bacteria that attack the tooth. When a person has excessive sugar in blood, the bacteria and germs become more active. The affects on tooth depend upon the amount of the blood sugar a person has in his body. The chances of dental problem depend on how much a person has blood sugar. In normal cases, means when a person is not having high sugar in blood, he or she can be easily cured by removing the affected teeth. However, high sugar patients never can follow such procedure. According to doctors, such course of action will be more harmful for the patients who have excessive sugar in the blood. Moreover, such problem ca eventually turns into malignant or cancer.

Cardiovascular disease

It is well known to all that the sugar is needed in blood, but when it rises over its normal level, several health disorders appear there. The cardio vascular disease is one of those disorders. If a person already has any cardio vascular disease then it could be very dangerous if the person has high blood sugar also. Sugar will help the disease to spread out and react more. If a person does not have any cardio vascular problem then he or she will have a great chance to get it if already carries excess sugar in blood. It mail attacks at the heart, veins, and arteries that provide oxygen to imperative life-sustaining organs of the body such as the heart, brain, and further crucial organs.

Therefore, such kind of disorder can bring in many dangerous diseases to one's body. Finally, the heart or brain may be affected, and so the death may be its horrible result.

Heart Disease

As previously mentioned, excessive sugar in blood can attack at the various part of the cardio vascular system and heart is one of the most important organs of cardio vascular system. If a person has excessive blood sugar, then it can attack any part of cardio vascular system and eventually the heart will be affected. For example, if the sugar attacks veins or arteries, then normally they will stop work, and the hear will not able to keep communication, so it will stop work as well. Thus, the excess sugar can be the cause of severe heart attack.

Faster aging skin

You may come across a fact that the chocolate can damage anyone's skin. However, the chocolate itself is not intrinsically awful for skin, but there possibly will a bit of truth as chocolate comes with excess sugar. It may truly move ahead the aging of a skin, by making the face more wrinkled and less young.

High level of sugar in blood damages the freshness of the skin. Not only, it damages the freshness, but it makes many wrinkles on the face as well. In such case, an affected person look more aged.


The level of sugar in blood is measured according to the presence of glucose in the blood. The glucose is produced as soon as we absorb or digest starchy foods like rice, potatoes, bread and sweet items together with chocolate and sugar. Another source of glucose is liver, as it is also produced there.

There is a hormone that is identified as Insulin, and it carries glucose throughout the bogy cells, where it is made use to make energy. The sugar diabetes patients may have short of insulin, or cannot utilize it, as it should be. It signifies that the excess amount of glucose in the blood carries the symptoms of sugar diabetes.

There are mainly two categories of diabetes, e.g. type 1 and type 2. In case of Diabetes type 1, the body is not capable to make insulin by any means while in case of Diabetes type 2, the body creates excessively small amount of insulin, or may not utilize what it produces efficiently. These both kinds of diabetes show their results in different ways.

High blood pressure

In order to function accurately the glucose is required by the brain. In view of that, it is always suggested not to stay away from glucose completely. However, it is needed to keep away from the sources of glucose. The eating habit of sugar-rich foods, sweets or candy, soft drinks reaches the intestinal tract instantaneously. Then, it causes an immediate reaction for the pancreas to make insulin.

In accordance with the medical experts, too much insulin production takes part in the occurrence of high pressure in blood that is known as high blood pressure. Therefore, the intake of sugar or such kind of food items produces more insulin in body, and it is the major cause of high blood pressure. In view of that fact, it must be mentioned that the sugar is the main source of having high blood pressure.

High blood pressure can take part in several parts of foremost organs like the heart, kidney, vessels, and fetus. It could be very dangerous during the pregnancy time as well.

Yeast Infection

Sugar and yeast infection are too closely related. Sugar and further sugar containing food items are measured to be the major cause of yeast infection. Yeast infection takes place because of excess development of yeast, which is identified as the candida albicans. In fact, the yeast lives in the body in little quantity by default. On the other hand, a number of definite conditions activate the excess growth of the yeast that shows the way to an infection. Such specific infection takes place due to microorganism increases on sugar and further sweet food items, because sugar is one of the major causes of the disorder.

If you are taking high sugar diet, then you must need to deal with such a difficulty. Not only, the sweet food items, but also the over utilization of carbohydrates harm the body similarly. In view of that, you need to stop intake of sweet or carbohydrate containing foods.

Poor Eyesight

People with high level of sugar may have a higher chance of eye problems. However, it never can be sated firmly that a person will have a poor eyesight if he has excess blood sugar. The ADA, which is renowned as the American Diabetic Association, expressed that a good number people with sugar have a bit of chance to have poor eyesight. However, it is recommended to those people who have high sugar, should keep touch with regular eye checkup, as it can become severe any time.

Gastrointestinal disorders

Having excess sugar in the blood possibly will show many health disorders, and gastrointestinal disorder is one of those. Gastrointestinal or the GI track takes vital part in our food absorption, and everyone now knows it. If the foods which we normally intake does not digested properly, then there certainly would be problem in metabolism. Otherwise, excess sugar in blood also affects numerous parts of a human body, and these are very important organs like stomach, duodenum, and pancreas.

Leptin Resistance

Leptin is a most important hormone control the fat mass in case of the vertebrates. The fat tissue makes the leptin to come out and its blood levels are relative to fat mass. So, there will be more fat if there is more secretion of leptin.

As soon as sugar metabolizes in the fat cells, at that time, they make surge from the leptin, and it is found that the sugar take vital part in cases of producing the leptin resistance. Everyone needs to stop taking sugar containing food items to control the right proportion of the leptin in body.


There is no doubt that excessive sugar in blood will certainly be the cause of numerous difficulties or health disorders. Those all disorders of health even could be a cause of death of human. Therefore, it is suggested to all people to take care of their daily food items and go through the doctors' suggestion to keep always away from high level of sugar in blood.

Diabetes and Nutrition - The First Steps

By Chris Cifatte

First of all, monitoring your condition is one of the most important things you must do. Using a free diabetes meter can help assure that your blood-sugar levels are where they should be. Once you are clear on what your levels are, then you will what needs to be done to keep them at the proper place. Your insurance or Medicare may aid you in the in costs of many things that you may need. A nutritionist may become one of your best friends. That person can help you develop a plan to help you eat properly for a diabetic. You can get cookbooks for diabetics that will explain exactly what is in each meal that you prepare. You can also learn through a nutritionist and written guides what you can eat when you go out. It will help you to know ahead of time, so scrutinizing the menu will not be necessary. A low cost or free diabetes meter will help you stay in your target area before and after eating out.

You will also need to develop a daily exercise program. Your doctor can recommend someone to work with you that is specially trained to help diabetics. You will be shown how important the exercises are and how they affect your sugar levels. Again, a free glucose meter can help you remain on target to stay healthy. Diet and exercise are extremely important to get control of your diabetes and remain as healthy as possible.

Another professional that should be covered with your insurance as a diabetic is an ophthalmologist. When diabetes is not treated properly, eye problems can occur. It can result in blindness if left unchecked. A yearly exam should be conducted to assure that your eyes remain healthy.

All in all, having diabetes is a very intimidating disease that can be controlled. If you have financial worries about taking care of yourself, look into a free diabetes meter, reduced-cost medical assistance and take all of it seriously.

So where do you start? The best place is to make sure you're monitoring your blood glucose levels every day (or as often as your doctor recommends - sometimes more than once a day).

There are places where you can get your glucose meter (and even some supplies) for free. Be careful of bait and switch websites. There are legitimate offers from great companies online that work through the hassle of your private insurance or medicare for you.

Type 2 Diabetes - How Do Statins and Diabetic Medications Affect Your Levels of CoQ10?

By Beverleigh H Piepers

The Linus Pauling Institute states that coenzyme Q10 is a fat-soluble chemical compound which may be produced within your body, or may be ingested through your diet. In most cases, the endogenous production of co-enzyme Q10 and your diet is sufficient to meet the demands and needs of your body. However, there are special cases that may result in the decreased supply and level of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10).

The mitochondria of your cells is where energy is produced and it is here the most CoQ10 is contained. Powering up your cells' generators, the mitochondria, can:

* help you burn fat
* improve your cholesterol ratios
* raise your energy, and
* improve your thyroid and pancreatic function

Coenzyme Q10:

* serves as a very important compound that facilitates the production of adenosine triphosphate, the basic unit of energy within the mitochondria, the energy factory within each cell. Basic body processes and other body functions such as muscle contraction and production of body proteins require the presence of adenosine triphosphate
* may also act as an antioxidant. Antioxidants block the effect of free radicals, the active chemical compounds that may damage cell membranes, tamper gene coding within your cells and in worst cases, may even cause premature cell death. Free radicals are natural by-products of metabolism within the body. However, these harmful substances may also come from other sources such as environmental pollution, cigarette smoking, ionizing radiations and even inflammation
* is also important in boosting your body's energy. And it also plays a role in enhancing the body's immune system activity

Do statins lower the level of CoQ10?

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, statins... a group of anti-cholesterol medications, may decrease the levels of this very important antioxidant. The most common examples of statins include:

* atorvastatin (Lipitor)
* simvastatin (Zocor), and
* rosuvastatin (Crestor)

Statins are a group of special medications that decrease the level of blood cholesterol by inhibiting its synthesis. However, statins may also inhibit the production of coenzyme Q10 during this process.

Your blood sugar may also go up because of your cholesterol medication.

Can anti-diabetic medications also lower your body's supply of co-enzyme Q10?

The University of Maryland Medical Center confirms sulfonylureas, a group of antidiabetic medications, may decrease the supply of co-enzyme Q10. The examples of sulfonylureas include glipizide (Glucotrol), gliclazide (GenRx Gliclazide), and glimeperide (Amaryl). With the long-term use of these medications, the levels of CoQ10 also becomes chronically depleted resulting in an increased risk for heart problems and hypertension. Other symptoms that may result from a coenzyme Q10 deficiency include:

* gingivitis
* decreased activity of the immune system, and
* muscle pains and weakness

To correct a CoQ10 deficiency resulting from the intake of these medications, supplementation may be necessary according to the Linus Pauling Institute. Product labels will show ubiquinone, CoQ10, or coenzyme Q10... they are all exactly the same nutrient.

Dietary sources of CoQ10 include: sardines, mackerel, beef heart and liver, lamb, pork, and eggs. Vegetables include spinach and broccoli. Nuts and whole grains are also sources.

Free Diabetes Meters - Are They Worth It?

By Chris Cifatte

When you are first diagnosed with diabetes, you may find yourself overwhelmed and scared. There are so many things that must be learned and you want to know everything right at once because diabetes can be deadly. One of the first things you should do is get a meter to test your blood sugar level. Don't run out and purchase one though. There are many ways to get a free diabetes meter and you should take advantage of them. As you may have a lifetime of controlling this disease, medical expenses can add up. Take advantage of every free offer you get.

With any glucose meter, including a free diabetes meter, you will need to insert a strip into the device. Once this is done, you will take a small drop of blood from either your fingertip or forearm and insert it into the device. This will then read your blood sugar level. Don't just take the first free device that is offered. Look for one that will allow you to store results in your device or download them to your computer. By having this information handy, both you and the doctor can evaluate the results and see if any changes need to be made to your treatment plan.

No one free diabetes meter is right for everyone though. The first thing you will need to do is look at the various meters that can be gotten for free. Research the different models and discuss which ones you think are best with your doctor. As he or she works with these meters on a daily basis and talks to patients about how they work, he would be a great person to make recommendations. Don't hesitate to ask other patients when you go in for a visit also. Most, if not all, will be willing to share their expenses with you.

One thing that must be checked with any glucose meter, including a free diabetes meter, is the accuracy. If your meter is inaccurate, you may use the wrong dosage of medication and your health can suffer. Be sure to have yours calibrated on a regular basis so you don't run into problems in the future. Try a free meter first though as you will most likely be pleased with what you get.

So - if you're headed out shopping for a free meter - pick your website carefully. Make sure you can opt out of future offers. And know you will have to provide personal information about your health insurance or medicare (no different than if you used your insurance to buy it somewhere else).

Insulin Therapy Changing With Improved Insulin Delivery Methods

By Lynn Woods

Not that long ago, being insulin dependent meant carrying around a syringe and a vial of insulin to deliver your insulin injections, while making sure to keep the insulin dose refrigerated. There are now a variety of methods for insulin delivery on the market, and some promising new developments on the horizon. These include:

1) Insulin pens. Most types of insulin are now available in convenient prefilled pens. Some pens are entirely disposable when empty, and others use a replaceable insulin cartridge, usually containing 300 units. There is a dial on one end to set your desired dose. The pens offer discreet, push button insulin delivery. Some claim the injections are more comfortable than from a needle that has already been dulled by insertion into a vial. Many people prefer to use a pen if they are caring for a diabetic child or pet.

2) Insulin pumps. Insulin pumps are a device about the size of a pager that adhere to the skin and are worn 24/7. Pumps contain an insulin reservoir, a battery powered pump, and a programmable computer chip that allows the user to control insulin dosing.

The pump is attached to a thin plastic tube called a cannula, which is inserted just under the skin to deliver insulin subcutaneously and continuously. Pump technology is constantly being improved upon. The newer pumps are smaller, and can "communicate" and interact with a continuous blood glucose monitor and computer software for state of the art blood sugar control.

3) Insulin jet injectors. Jet injectors deliver a fine jet of high pressure medication directly through the skin. The main advantage is that that the delivery system requires no needles. The major disadvantage is that many diabetics find the force required for the insulin to permeate the skin is painful, and may cause bruising. Jet injectors have been on the market since 1979, but have yet to become popular.

4) Insulin patch. The FDA has just approved a new insulin delivery patch. The new device, Finesse, is a small plastic patch-pen roughly 2 inches long and an inch wide that is attached to the skin like a bandage. It can be worn under your clothes, and remains attached during routine activities like sleeping, exercising and even showering.

Patients use a syringe to pre-fill the patch-pen with a three-day supply of insulin, and simply push two buttons to dispense a dose of fast-acting insulin when needed. The insulin is delivered in seconds through a miniature, flexible plastic tube inserted painlessly into the skin. The manufacturer, Calibra is also working on a patch-pen that would deliver a.05 unit insulin dose for children.

5) Inhaled insulin. The FDA approved the first insulin inhaler, Exubera, in 2006. It was a short-acting insulin delivered to the lungs through a device similar to an asthma inhaler. But it never achieved market success, and was discontinued a year later.

But research on inhaled insulin continued, and two new forms are poised to hit the market. One is an inhaler, AFREZZA, which is awaiting FDA approval. The other is a spray which is absorbed through the mouth, called Oral-Lyn. Oral-Lyn is in Phase 111 clinical trials in Europe and North America.

Despite some obvious advantages to the new insulin delivery methods, tried and true syringes remain the most popular way to deliver injections with most insulin dependent diabetics, who no longer consider them a big deal.

Insulin pens, pumps, and jet injectors are all more costly than insulin syringes, and not always covered by medical insurance. Not all types of insulin are available in insulin pens, and you can't mix insulin types in a pen.

Insulin pumps can kink or otherwise malfunction, posing the danger of inaccurate insulin dosing, and are just too "high tech" for some diabetics. Many diabetics remain skeptical of devices like inhalers and sprays after Exubera's spectacular lack of success.

Still, with the advances being made in insulin pumps, and the pending introduction of an improved inhaled insulin and the insulin patch, the world of insulin therapy is definitely changing - and most would say for the better.

Factors That Can Cause Diabetes

By Robert S. Nelson

The factors that can cause diabetes are different according to the kind of diabetes you happen to be struggling with. There are actually 3 principal varieties of diabetes: Type 1, Type 2 and also Gestational diabetes.

Diabetic issues come about any time an insufficient amount of insulin is created by your pancreas or even when the insulin it does make does not function effectively. This brings about elevated amounts of glucose inside the bloodstream.

Type 1 diabetes happens when the pancreas is unable to generate all of the insulin that your body requires. This is believed to take place if your own body starts destroying cells within your pancreas. This is known as an autoimmune effect. Nobody understands why this takes place although there are numerous ideas around that try to answer that mystery. A few of the reasons which have been suggested are:

* Infection originating from a rather specific form of harmful bacteria or perhaps a virus.
* Exposure to some sort of chemical contaminant in food.
* An autoimmune response brought about in babies by means of direct exposure to some ingredient within milk.

To be crystal clear, the aforementioned arguments are not verified and so at this time merely present a few ideas regarding the factors behind diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes may occur for a number of reasons. A few of these are:

* Resistance to insulin. This happens if the receptors around the cells within your body, which are usually stimulated from insulin, cease to respond to it. This leads to your pancreas making even greater quantities of insulin in order to make up for it, which wears out the insulin generating cells.
* Inadequate amounts of insulin are being created.
* Despite the fact that insulin is being made it may possibly be defective and as a consequence does not perform how it is supposed to.

A few of the reasons that can enhance the danger of acquiring Type 2 diabetes are usually being overweight, aging and not staying physically active. Various other reasons for diabetes, even though uncommon, are specific medicines as well as any kind of illness (e.g. pancreatitis) that causes harm to your pancreas and in doing so suppresses the manufacture of insulin.

Gestational diabetes is a very common medical condition that a lot of pregnant women acquire. It happens to be brought on by a few of the hormonal fluctuations which most women encounter in the course of their pregnancy. During this period the placenta generates bodily hormones which hinder your cells from responding to insulin. Your body performs its job by creating a lot more insulin, however as the placenta develops it makes additional insulin combating hormones. In the event the pancreas is unable to generate sufficient insulin then glucose concentrations become elevated and therefore the outcome is diabetes.

The majority of women who get gestational diabetes usually do not remain a diabetic person following childbirth. Nevertheless, all of these women have a greater chance of acquiring diabetes over the course of an additional pregnancy as well as later on in their lives.

Along with understanding the factors that cause diabetic issues we ought to additionally be familiar with exactly what will not result in diabetes because there are numerous misconceptions that happen to be entirely unfounded.

For instance, consuming the wrong kinds of food items or goodies is not going to cause diabetes. Needless to say this may bring about weight problems which can add to the chance of acquiring Type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is certainly not infectious, nobody else will be able to get it from you. Tension is likewise not a reason behind diabetes however it may intensify a few of the symptoms displayed in individuals who already have diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes - Can Herbal Supplementation Help in Improving Diabetes?

By Beverleigh H Piepers

The use of herbal supplementation in the American diabetic population is becoming increasingly popular. According to America's top-selling drugstore, Walgreens, in a survey conducted in 1997 to 1998, a team of researchers found that herbal supplementation is being used by one-third of people with Type 2 diabetes. If you are a diabetic, maybe you are wondering if herbal supplements can help you.

Several of the following supplements have been studied for their ability to lower blood sugar and improve the diabetic condition:

Ginseng: Ginseng is a very popular herbal medication in Chinese culture. In fact, Chinese people have been using this herb for thousands of years for the treatment of various illnesses. Walgreens, a provider of continuing pharmacy education, mentions that some studies have proven that ginseng may be useful in health conditions such as:

* heart problems,
* immune system diseases, and
* Type 2 diabetes.

Ginseng appears to have an antioxidant property that lowers the oxidation of LDL, the "bad" cholesterol. Furthermore, some studies suggest ginseng may enhance the action of certain antibiotics. It may also improve the efficacy of the influenza immunization. Diabetics may also benefit from ginseng since it helps lower blood sugar levels before and after meals. However, there are certain side effects that may discourage some diabetics from using ginseng. These may include: headache, dizziness, vomiting and nervousness. In higher doses, it can even elevate your blood pressure, alter your sleeping pattern and cause edema.

Beta-Glucan: Beta-Glucan is a type of soluble fiber produced by bacteria, some fungi and algae. However, it can also be derived from plant foods such as oats and barley. According to Walgreens, beta-glucan is proven to lower the levels of LDL, the "bad" cholesterol. It can also help in controlling the blood sugar level of a Type 2 diabetic. However, more clinical trials and researches are needed to establish this fact.

Gymnema: Gymnema plant is also known as ram's horn, miracle plant and probeta. Some studies show that this herbal may aid in the management of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes by lowering the blood sugar level and HbA1c values according to Walgreens. Gymnema contains gurmarin, a special substance that is able to block the sensation of sweetness. Gurmarin may help curb a diabetic's craving for sweet tasting treats.

Other studies suggest this herb slows absorption of sugars in the gastrointestinal tract, while others point to its revitalizing effects on the pancreas.

Cinnamon: There is an increasing spotlight on cinnamon. Cinnamon can be helpful in regulating blood sugar, cinnamon stimulates the production of glucose-burning enzymes and increases the effectiveness of insulin, according to the USDA Beltsville Human Nutrition Research Center in Maryland. This center found that taking between one quarter and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon every day... the same type you buy at your supermarket... helps control blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon is a common spice usually added to baked goods and treats. Old folks usually use it to treat hyperacidity and loss of appetite. According to Walgreens, some small-scale studies were able to prove the hypoglycemic effect of cinnamon in diabetics with uncontrolled blood sugar. However, larger studies need to be done to establish this fact.

Almonds and Diabetes

By Edward Griss

It is estimated that 24 million people in the United States have diabetes. From that count there are a possible 6 million that have not yet been diagnosed. Recent research has found that adding almonds to diet can help prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes which is the most prevalent type of this disease, accounting for up to 95% of all cases.

Diabetics either have an inability to use the hormone that allows glucose to be turned into energy or a decreased amount of insulin. When blood sugar levels are left uncontrolled, vital organs can be severely damaged. Studies have shown that one of the benefits of adding almonds to a diet is that the disease could actually be prevented.

During a study which was conducted at the University of Medicine and Dentistry in New Jersey, 65 adults with pre-diabetes, the condition where blood glucose levels are high but not enough to be diagnosed with the disease, found that eating an almond enriched diet dramatically improved their insulin sensitivity compared to the control group who ate no almonds.

Having pre-diabetes raises the risk for developing Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease and stroke. There are two tests and two different sets of numbers to determine whether one is a pre-diabetic. The IFG level is 100-125mg. IGT levels would be 140-199mg. IFG is an overnight fast while IGT is a two hour test.

The really good news is that there is a lot that can be done to delay and prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that a patient can lower their risk just by losing 7 percent of their body weight through physical activity and diet. Almonds are beneficial in both of these pursuits. This delicious and nutritious super food can also send bad cholesterol numbers falling and gives protection against cardiovascular disease while helping to prevent weight gain and obesity.

The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition published another study that following a diet that includes almonds not only lowers blood LDL level, but also lowers C-reactive protein levels, a key marker with the inflammation of blood vessels. This inflammation can lead to clogged arteries making the heart pump faster. The C-reactive proteins dropped 24 percent, an amount equal to the reduction achieved by taking statin drugs without the debilitating side effects.

A different study reported in the Journal of Nutrition found that after eating a meal with almonds, blood samples taken directly after the meal showed lower blood sugar and insulin levels and that the levels of protective antioxidants had increased. So not only are almonds beneficial to warding off diabetes, but they show anti-aging benefits as well.

Here is how the healthy fats in almonds help aid in weight loss. Today's diets are nutritionally very poor and a body that is under nourished constantly craves food. The body will continually send out hunger signals in an attempt to fill that deficiency leading us to eat more nutritionally deficient foods. Eating nuts which have a large vitamin and nutrient density helps break this cycle of steady weight gain through the years.

All these wonderful health benefits can be gained by consuming just a handful of almonds a day. They are delicious and can be eaten in numerous ways! Add them to salads, desserts and protein rich meat dishes and watch how this little super food benefits you.

Type 2 Diabetes - Have Diabetes? Blame Your Genes

By Beverleigh H Piepers

It's been said that the meteoric rise of Type 2 diabetes and obesity in the US is largely due to a collision of ancient genes and our modern-day world. While nearly everyone notes "genetics" as a contributor to diabetes development, few know exactly what genes do to promote this disease.

According to a swell of recent science, our genes have been largely unchanged over the last 10 thousand years. By and large, your genetic makeup is identical to your ancient ancestor's whose hippest accessory was a new loincloth.

However, what has changed is our world? Food is plentiful and abundant in calories, the opposite of caveman times. Modern conveniences have allowed us to live fairly rich lives without leaving our chairs. And stressors of today... traffic, email, cell phones... weren't part of a caveman's daily life.

Our bodies were designed for a feast or famine environment. When food was plentiful, we'd store as much of it as possible in our guts, butts and thighs for a rainy day when no food was to be had. While this may have helped humans survive in the wild, it's now making us obese and sick. Research by Lund University's LC Group confirmed today's lifestyles are incongruous with our genes... leading to Type 2 diabetes.

Fortunately, you don't have to sell your house and start camping in the woods to prevent or reduce the impact of diabetes on your life. A few simple steps can allow you to enjoy modern conveniences without suffering from the potential downsides.

Eat Like a Caveman: If there's one thing that has changed the most since the Paleolithic era of humanity (besides fashion), it's food. Cavemen largely subsisted on a diet rich in meat, fruits, vegetables, and the occasional nut. Grains, sugar and Burger King drive-thru were most definitely not in the picture.

A study published in found that a caveman diet outperformed an American Diabetic Association carb counting diet for blood sugar management.

Get Moving: Even the simplest task for a caveman took gargantuan amounts of effort. Lacking electricity and modern technology, cavemen had to burn serious calories whilst building shelter, foraging for food and preparing meals.

While exercise... like jogging or going to the gym... is healthy, it's not the only way to burn off fat. Researchers are looking into the effect of small amounts of physical activity, like taking short walks or fidgeting, on weight loss. People who are physically active and get some intense exercise tend to weigh less than people who only exercise.

Chill Out: Yes, having to constantly worry about your next meal must have been stressful for the common caveman. However, studies on native tribe cultures in South America have found that they tend to work for only 4 or 5 hours per day. The rest of the time they are chatting, relaxing or having fun.

Stress contributes to high blood pressure and binge eating. Make some time for yourself to relax and chill and you'll be in better control of your blood sugar levels.

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