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Type 2 Diabetes - General Skin Care for Diabetics!

Friday, August 22, 2014 8:33:00 PM Posted by Diabetes

By Beverleigh H Piepers

High blood sugar levels, combined with poor circulation, puts the skin of diabetics on their whole body not just at risk for infections... a major issue is dry skin. Diabetics tend to have drier skin than most people do, according to Walgreens, a provider of continuing pharmacy education accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education. Correct information for skin care is really essential in the education of diabetics.

Walgreens explains that increased blood sugar levels lead to dry skin that is prone to:

* cracking
* ulcers
* wounds, and
* lesions

High blood sugar levels also encourage the development of:

* strange, yellow pimples (a sign of high fat levels in your blood)
* boils, or
* a varied range of localized infections

And because most diabetic patients have a decreased ability to heal infected lesions, more often than not these infections usually result in uncontrolled would infections leading to extremity amputations. With proper skin care, these various complications may be prevented.

So, how do you take care of your skin if you happen to have Type 2 diabetes?

1. Apply a non-water based moisturizer to your skin regularly. Walgreens advises that diabetics should use non-water based moisturizers on their skin on a regular basis to prevent it from becoming dry. If this kind of moisturizer is not available in your local store, a cream or a heavy lotion can be used in place of the moisturizer.

2. Never use hot water for bathing. According to Walgreens, hot water tends to dry skin more. To prevent this from happening, use warm water instead.

3. Apply your moisturizer immediately after bathing. Applying your moisturizer at this time tends to trap water in the skin making it less prone to drying. It also acts as a sealant and a barrier at the same time, locking out harmful materials from damaging your skin.

4. Drink plenty of water and eat a good amount of vegetables (vegetables also contain water). Increased blood sugar level causes the water to dry up within individual cells becoming dehydrated.

5. Use urea-containing products to soften and hydrate the skin. Urea helps your body retain moisture keeping the skin from drying up and cracking. Again, according to Walgreens, diabetics should select a skin product that contains ten percent or more of urea so your skin receives the full benefits.

6. Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics are also advised to never use skin products recommended for calluses, corns and warts. These skin products tend to crack the skin, damaging it's surface. The best advice is to have these skin conditions treated by qualified doctors.

7. Last, but not least, preventative measures for taking care of your skin includes frequently testing your blood sugar and taking your prescribed medications. The goal of this management is to achieve blood sugar levels that are as normal as possible and therefore avoid all complications, not just dry skin.

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