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Diabetes Information That Everyone Should Know

Diabetes is one of the common metabolic diseases that occur due to defects in the carbohydrate metabolism in the body. It affects approximately 17 million people (about 8% of the population) in the United States.

Causes of Diabetes
  • Excess intake of oil and sugar
  • Hereditary and genetics factors also leads to diabetes
  • Increased cholesterol level
  • Over weight
  • Stress
  • No physical activities

Symptoms of Diabetes
  • Frequent urination
  • Excessive hunger and thirst
  • Problems of back and joint pain
  • Tiredness or general weakness
  • Loss of weight
  • Long time for healing of wounds

Complications of Diabetes
  • Diabetes may lead to blindness, kidney failure, and nerve damage.
  • It is also an important factor in accelerating the hardening and narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis), leading to strokes, coronary heart disease, and other large blood vessel diseases.
  • It is also the leading cause of blindness in United States. It can cause a number of eye problems, some of which can lead to blindness if not addressed
  • It also increases the risk of gum disease and tooth loss
  • Diabetic patients also suffer from impotence or erectile dysfunction.

Do’s and Don’t for Diabetes
  • Avoid all kinds of sugary and sweet foods.
  • Eat bitter melon herbs either in powdered form (powder of bitter melon seeds) or cooked vegetables. It is very beneficial in the treatment of diabetes.
  • Also avoid coffee, sugar, refined flour and alcohol.
  • Include onion, sprouts, beans, garlic, and tomatoes in the diet as it helps in lowering the sugar level in the blood.
  • Do not eat junk food and oily food as this will control your level of cholesterol, lowers your blood pressure level, and diabetes

Home Treatments for Diabetes
  • Gooseberry helps to cure diabetes and brings the blood sugar level to normal.
  • Curry leaves also helps in controlling body weight and also diabetes. Chewing (8-10) curry leaves in an empty stomach to bring sugar level in urine and blood to normal.
  • Dry the leaves of mango tree and make its powder in a grinder. Mix the dry powder (1 teaspoon) of mango leaves in a glass of water and drink it everyday to cure diabetes.
  • Soak few fenugreek seeds in water and keep them overnight. Have these softened seeds in the morning.
  • Garlic contains allicin, which works at reducing the sugar level in the blood.
  • Jamun has also specific action on the pancreas, which controls the conversion of starch to sugar. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Where to Find Useful Diabetes Information to Control the Disease
Diabetes Mellitus is a disease that is least understood by the common masses.

How is diabetes caused?
Diabetes is actually a metabolic disorder wherein the body feels an acute lack of the energy-producing hormone, insulin. Insulin, which is produced by cells in the pancreas, break down the food we eat and convert it into energy, which helps us carry on our daily activities.

Sometimes, this insulin is either deficient due to some autoimmune disorder in the body or because of the body's own capacity to absorb the amount present in it. Either way, the body fails to generate the energy automatically and slowly starts breaking under the strain of it all.

Here are some things to note about diabetes and what it is:
  • Firstly, most of us tend to think that diabetes is caused by a wrong lifestyle and / or eating habits. It is important to understand that the above does not directly cause this disorder, though they could be contributing factors for the same. Hyperglycemia or the presence of excess sugar in the body is the prime indicator of diabetes, but this need not necessarily be caused by sugar intake. In fact, it could well be your excess fat intake that could be the cause of your diabetes.
  • People often tend to buckle under the false impression that one has to completely cut off sugar if one suffers from diabetes. Discuss with your doctor as to how much sugar is ideal for you.
  • Eating fruits is not necessarily counter-effective to your diabetes medication. While there are certain fruits such as mangoes, grapes and avocados that are totally loaded with calories and carbohydrates, there are yet others that are quite harmless and actually bestow great benefits on the body. Apples and citrus fruits are best for you if you are suffering from diabetes.
  • As concerns vegetables, green leafy vegetables are the best for you, as they are a rich source of Vitamin B and Vitamin C, which naturally contain calorie-reducing properties. Potatoes and corn are best avoided, though.
  • Another common concern is that one cannot have carbohydrates in one's diet. They supply tremendous energy to the body. It is not recommended to avoid them altogether from your diet. Ask your doctor to prescribe the ideal diet for you - one in which you can also include carbohydrates.
  • Taking Aspirin is considered harmful for diabetics. But a recent body of research claims that this is actually good in moderation, as Aspirin prevents thickening of the arteries, hence reducing chances of heart attacks to that extent. But this medicine also has many undesirable side effects, so it is most advisable to have a word with your physician before consuming the same.

We hope the diabetes information we provided you here helped educate you better on the disorder. Take care of yourself, keep under control and you will be able to live a full life in spite of diabetes!

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