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Reversing Diabetes Naturally - A High Fiber Diet Helps

By Don Penven

All of us can benefit from a high fiber diet-not just those folks with diabetes.

So what is dietary fiber?

Fiber is the part of many plants, nuts and seeds that is not digested by the body. Fiber passes through the stomach, small intestines and the colon and it does not contribute any fats, proteins or carbohydrates.

Dietary fiber is not loaded with vitamins and minerals-so what good is it?

Here's what the world-famous Mayo Clinic has to say, Dietary fiber - found mainly in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes - is probably best known for its ability to prevent or relieve constipation. But fiber can provide other health benefits as well, such as lowering your risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Plant fiber comes in two flavors:

Soluble: Fiber that dissolves in water. It helps to lower cholesterol and glucose (sugar) levels. It can be found in peas, beans, carrots, oats, apples, oranges, and barley.

Insoluble: Fiber that enables movement of food through your digestive system and benefits those struggling with constipation. Good sources of insoluble fiber are wheat bran, whole wheat, some nuts and many vegetables are good sources of insoluble fiber.

The amount of each type of fiber varies in different plant foods. To receive the greatest, overall health benefit, you are challenged to eat a wide variety of fiber-rich foods.

Some benefits of a high-fiber diet:

• Lowing "bad" cholesterol levels in the blood stream. The soluble fiber found in beans, oats, flaxseed and oat bran may help reduce serum cholesterol levels by lowering triglyceride levels. Studies have shown that when you increase fiber consumption in your diet you can reduce hypertension (high blood pressure) and inflammation of the blood vessels, which of course helps to promote a healthy heart.

• Soluble fiber can actually slow the body's absorption of sugar, thus helping control blood sugar levels, which for those people diagnosed with diabetes, will bring down blood sugar levels. Some researchers indicate that a diet including insoluble fiber is known to reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Since some research indicates the possibility of genetic influences for becoming diabetic, those people with a family history of diabetes are best advised to take every precautionary step possible to prevent diabetes from even getting started.

• Adopting a high fiber diet is a method many overweight people use as an aid to weight loss. High fiber foods usually are more difficult and time-consuming to chew, and this effect relieves hunger pangs-in other words-high fiber foods gives you a full feeling for a longer time. And most high fiber foods contain a lower level of calories since they contain a much lower energy-source.

It's taking some time for the medical community to accept the fact that the so-called Western Diet is the cause of many of our health problems. But more and more healthcare providers are beginning to get the message. Doctors who are more concerned with healing diabetics-rather than just treating them-are beginning to suggest both additional fiber and an alkaline diet.

Diabetes Professionals

By Jonathan Berns, D.C.

The treatment of Type II diabetes requires a team approach. Many diabetics do not have a team of professionals to help them control their diabetes or even give them valuable information on their condition. Diabetics are often ill informed on the many professionals that are available and who can help them control their condition.

There are a number of professionals who specifically deal with diabetes and are especially qualified to work with patients with Type II diabetes. The following is a list of professionals that are available to help you with your condition.

• Medical doctor
• Nurse educator
• Registered dietitian
• Endocrinologist
• Eye doctor
• Podiatrist
• Social workers
• Dentists
• Exercise physiologist
• Chiropractors
• Functional endocrinologist

People are often surprised to see that chiropractors are a part of health care professionals that can assist diabetics. Chiropractors are actually required to have nutrition education as part of their degree, which makes them especially qualified to work with Type II diabetes patients. Chiropractors are necessary for patients suffering from diabetes because nutrition is a big part of controlling diabetes. With proper nutritional advice, many people with Type II diabetes are able to take back control of their lives as well as reverse some of the damage caused by diabetes.

Many chiropractors, naturopathic doctors and some medical doctors today are explicitly trained in functional endocrinology. This means that they have an intricate knowledge and understanding on how the different organ systems work and also establish which organs are not working as they should. Functional endocrinologists are a necessity if you are to have a medical team that is able to effectively control your diabetes.

A traditional endocrinologist uses blood work and your blood sugar levels to determine what medication is necessary to control your diabetes. A health professional that practices functional endocrinology on the other hand looks at the same blood sugar levels on the blood work and seeks instead to determine what caused them to be high or low in addition to helping you control your blood sugar levels. A health professional that practices functional endocrinology is more likely to get to the source of the problem and then effectively work towards reversing it. This also results in much better outcomes for a person suffering from Type II diabetes.

For more information about Type 2 Diabetes, diabetic treatments, or even if you just have questions regarding having diabetes, please consult a physician right away. Don't ignore your diabetes, your life may depend on it.

Type Two Diabetes Diet and Gymnema, a Destroyer - How They Relate

By James Boulay

When looking at Americans from the outside inwards, you may notice we are a very odd set in the way we go about things. For instance the New England area is fast paced while the Southern states are more laid back in their ways. You may also notice we fancy, as a country, the type two diabetes diet. I am not saying we go out of our way to induce or increase our chances of getting type two diabetes, it seems as if we simply push it to the back of our minds. I am not sure that there is a specific type two diabetes diet, but leave it to us to create one. We live off fast and processed foods and exercise, especially in the North East takes a backseat to an active work lifestyle. That is a very strong reason we should look into Gymnema as an additive to our diets. There has to be a case being made for Gymnema, and here I will point out a few of the stronger reasons.

What is so special about gymnema, that is a good argument to continue ignoring it. However gymnema actually acts as your Swiss army knife, as it has multiple uses. Gymnema manages and stabilizes blood sugar which will be the focus of this article. However gymnema does far more than that including helping to fight viruses. It has, along with antiviral properties, the ability to help lower cholesterol levels. For a curveball, gymnema has been known to reduce the effects of some snake bites in its home countries.

Any halfway decent nutritional supplement store carries this item. Normally it is available in a pill form that you can supplement or complement your health routine with. The plant is normally grown and cultivated in Central and Southern India, but has also been known to be found in various smaller areas of Africa. It is not a new phenomena that is quick to come and even quicker to go. In fact, Gymnema has been used in India for over two thousand years for various conditions. In India, gymnema has been used mainly as a cure (over there they call it a cure, in the states it is NOT a cure and you should not consider it to be, yet) for India's version of the type two diabetes diet. India's working class is catching up to the US' obesity rate at a slow, yet noticeable pace and one of the attributes to this is an increase in diabetes among other things.

Gymnema has been getting noticed by some pretty large groups in the United States lately. It has been a treasure for herbologists and holistic healers, and pretty much every other alternative medicine practitioner for decades, but there is a new expert added to the mix. The popularity of this plant has caught the attention of Harvard Medical School, which is a pretty enormous deal for the plant. Alternative medicine fights and normally loses to pharmaceuticals, however with Harvard Medical School now investigating the effects of gymnema that could be changing. It should not be taken as a political or anti-pharmaceutical stance, however alternative medicines are difficult to give attributable effects for conditions. An odd occurrence with alternative medicine can be compared to the lottery. Although there are known benefits for certain herbs and the like, they normally act in different ways in different people. Green tea for example helps some lose weight through thermogenic properties while it does not help others lose weight, instead bettering their immune system. An easy way to explain this occurrence is the fact that we are not robots and are individually unique in a multitude of areas.

Where does destroyer, as mentioned in the subject, come in? When you consider destroyer you may think of Alexander the Great, maybe George Patton, possibly a mammoth army. You could even when asked what a destroyer is respond that it is a warship in the United States Naval fleet. In fact it is all the previously mentioned items, but would you consider a simple small plant to be a destroyer? If not you answered the same way I had and we are both wrong. The Hindu language attributes the power of one plant those of the battleship and legendary warriors. Gumar means "sugar destroyer" in Hindu. How does sugar Destroyer relate to type two diabetes diet and gymnema?

The type two diabetes diet is known to cause insulin to have an inability or a lack of effectiveness to process sugar, thus giving the body higher blood sugars. Gymnema is used to treat, as previously mentioned, diabetes by helping to make the cells in our body more receptive to insulin in turn lowering our blood sugar. What about the destroyer, Gumar? That is simply another name for Gymnema. Although they do not say it Directly, Harvard Medical School apparently believes the type two diabetes diet can be eased by allowing gumar (gymnema) to act as the" sugar destroyer".

Natural Diabetes Cures - If There Are No Cures, Why Do Thousands Cure Diabetes Each Year?

By Dave Woodgate

Let's say that I have made a career of natural health and finding trouble-free, natural cures for diabetes has been my passion for some years now since I was set free from this severe disease. During my research, I have noticed a lot of folks asking the same question: "If there is no natural diabetes cures, then why do thousands of diabetes cases get cured naturally yearly?"

This disease called diabetes has been labeled an epidemic by some health experts. There are more than sixty-two million cases of diabetic or pre-diabetic Americans. It means that twenty percent or 1 in 5 is plagued by diabetes or the problems of insulin. American Diabetes Association (ADA) still maintain that there is still no cure for diabetes and believes that insulin treatments are still the most excellent alternative to deal with diabetes. Likewise pharmaceutical companies, who have made and are still making billions of dollars off from diabetes victims.

On the other hand, thousands of folks and some physicians say that diabetes can be cured naturally with simple changes to daily life and diet. So who is actually telling us the real truth?

Some Facts About Natural Diabetes Cures

Research carried out in the year 2003 by Duke University scientists discovered that a low carbohydrate/high fat diet caused seventeen of twenty-one subjects to decrease their usage of insulin or to stop taking it entirely after sixteen weeks.

Also diabetes researchers have visited tribal folks living in countries for instance Greenland and have discovered that diabetes is really uncommon in a lot of indigenous societies. Only one in every 2,000 Inuit folks have been found to have diabetes or be pre-diabetic. So, natural diabetes cure is something we should embrace sine it does not have side effects.

Furthermore, a lot of other studies are showing some surprising results, such as how to naturally reverse the effects of diabetes. I tell you this day that you have very good chance to cure your diabetes naturally in a few weeks from now.

Ways To Naturally Cure Diabetes

- It is true that diabetes takes years to develop, but I tell you today that it may just take 4 weeks to reverse it naturally. This can only be possible provided that you are very serious. Maybe the greater parts of your life have most likely been spent developing some bad habits, and which may have possibly played a role to the development of diabetes. It maybe difficult to you breaking those habits, but it is still possible. So, keeping up a positive attitude is very vital in your quest to natural diabetes cures.

- The nutritional habits of diabetes victims are mostly filled with processed foods which are low in vitamins and minerals and high in carbohydrates. A good beginning is to stay away from processed foods, including boxed foods, canned foods, and fast food. So, raw fresh foods are always the best for diabetics. This old adage that says "you are what you eat" is the right statement to use here. You don't just eat anything you see if you really want to reverse your diabetes naturally.

- Despite the fact that the American Diabetes Association recommends a diet that is rich in carbohydrates, but the truth still remain that the body ends up in converting the carbohydrates to sugar. So, staying away from carbohydrates and making food choices that are high in protein with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables is the best way to go.

- Another truth is that the average body is filled with plaque, cholesterol, toxins, and even more garbage that you would want to know about. Luckily, water can resolve that very fast. So, take no less than sixteen ounces every 2 hours while you are awake as it will help out and flush out your system without delay.

- The best thing is to educate yourself about human body and diabetes. I am sure it won't be a surprise to you to know that lots of folks make a fortune off of your disease each year by selling expensive medicines and insulin. So, learning how to thwart the effects of diabetes with natural diabetes cures methods is something you should pay close attention to now. In 4 weeks you can naturally reverse your diabetes. I mean you can begin right now after reading this article.

Type 2 Diabetes - Stop Diabetes From Destroying Your Eyes!

By Beverleigh H Piepers

Nearly half of all diabetics develop vision loss the National Eye Institute reports. High blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels that feed the eyes, literally starving your hungry eye cells. Also, both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes contribute to plaque formation in these same vessels, further blocking crucial blood flow.

However, just because you have diabetes, be it Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, this doesn't mean that you need to reserve your Seeing Eye Dog for next year. There are a number of practical ways to keep your eyes vibrant and healthy, even if you have diabetes.

Blood Sugar Levels: Diabetics with the best blood sugar control have the lowest rates of vision loss. To keep your blood sugar levels in check, focus on the "big three":

* lose weight
* exercise, and
* eat healthy.

All other steps pale in comparison.

Omega 3s: The healthy fats in fish, nuts and soy knockout inflammation... a harmful process that interferes with insulin and damages vulnerable eye cells. Research conducted by Harvard Medical School found that omega 3 fats are effective for reducing vision loss in older people.

Before taking fish oil supplements, check with your doctor as these can interfere with certain medications diabetics commonly take.

Lutein: You may have already heard about antioxidants... special nutrients in fruits and vegetables that shield your cells from harm. While nearly all antioxidants are good for your body and eyes, a special type known as lutein goes the extra mile for your vision.

Lutein actually forms the pigment of your eyes. The pigment helps you to see in the dark, but also prevents your eye cells from excess sunlight exposure. Studies have found that lutein rich diets greatly reduce the risk of macular degeneration, the most common cause of blindness in older people. Lutein rich foods include:

* spinach
* corn, and
* egg yolks.

See and Be Seen: If you have diabetes, it's critical that you get eye exams regularly. The National Institutes of Health reports regular eye checkups can reduce your risk of blindness by 95 percent. Eye exams can spot issues early while they're still treatable. If you wait, it might be too late to prevent your vision from going dark.

Note that vision loss can begin even before you notice symptoms. Even if you're a proud 20/20 vision card holder, if you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, see an eye doctor at least twice a year.

Holistic Approach: Other health problems that many diabetic face, like hypertension and high cholesterol, also contribute to vision issues. Be sure to take charge of all aspects of your health... not just blood sugar levels... to keep your eyes in tiptop shape.

Diet for Diabetes Type 2: Watch Your Carbs

By Antoi Filip

I have handled several patients who have already asked me about how to start their diet for diabetes type 2, the most common kind of diabetes. When the body does not produce enough insulin that is needed to absorb glucose or when the insulin is not properly used, type 2 diabetes occurs. One way to control this condition is to have a proper diet.

When my patients ask me to guide them on their diet for diabetes type 2, the first thing I teach them is how to count their carbohydrate intake. With this conscientious practice of counting carbohydrates, you can eat what you want in limited servings. How? You can actually count the grams of carbohydrates and take limited servings per meal to control the sugar in your blood.

To start off this habit, you have to know that one carbohydrate serving is equivalent to 15 grams of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates, when broken down to the glucose form, are the source of energy of all the cells in the body. There are simple and complex carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates such as glucose, sucrose, lactose, and fructose can be found in fruits and refined sugar.

On the other hand, complex carbohydrates (starch) are found in vegetables, beans, and whole grains. If you have type 2 diabetes, complex carbohydrates are better because they can be slowly digested, which can stabilize the source of energy. Moreover, they contain high amounts of fiber. Thus, it is important to take complex carbohydrates rather than the simple ones. If you take the former, the rate of production of insulin could actually be better.

Fiber is another important component in this diet since in digestion, fiber helps move foods along the digestive tract. There have also been a lot of studies that showed that high fiber intake is associated to lower risks of heart diseases, stroke, and high blood pressure.

Thus, if you want your diet for diabetes type 2 to work, always remember to practice counting your carbohydrates intake and your fiber as well. These two components will improve your overall absorption of sugar and insulin production.

Actually, there is still a way with these few diabetes recipes that are low in sugar. You can try them out and even research more online.

Banana Bread

Banana bread is ideal because of the carbohydrates and other vitamins that it contains. To make banana bread, you will only need mashed ripe bananas, fat-free yogurt, eggs, vanilla, margarine, flour, baking powder and baking soda, and low amount of salt. You will beat most ingredients except for flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt, which you have to mix separately. You will then combine the two different mixtures and bake for about 40 minutes.

Diabetes Desserts - Recipes for the Whole Family

By Maggie David

They say that you do not have to wait for diabetes to strike to start treatment or the medicines. You can always take preventive measures to stall its onset, especially if there are hereditary factors or sedentary lifestyles that present within your family. Therefore, when you are looking for dessert recipes, it makes a lot of sense to go for diabetic friendly desserts as these do not only cater to the family member who suffers from diabetes, but the rest of the family will enjoy and benefit from them equally.

The best thing about diabetes desserts is that these recipes not only curb the craving for sweets (a normal phenomena with most diabetes patients) but it can go a long way to prevent the onset of the disease for others in the family, cure or reduce the diabetic surges for the patient concerned. However much we may realize the importance of balanced diet and physical exercise, there may be a member in the family who eats lots of fats and sugars and is probably overweight. The diabetes desserts in such families can serve multiple people with multiple needs.

We all know that one of the ways to keep diabetes under control, is to have foods from all the four food groups and delete alcohol, fats and sugars from the daily diet. The good news is that it is not always necessary to do away with desserts and snacks, even when you are a type two diabetic! Here is the recipe of one of the simplest but the tastiest desserts for diabetics, which can be served to every member of the family freely, without feeling the usual pangs of guilt:

Diabetic Fudge: One of the simplest of many diabetes desserts, the ingredients that you need include 1 14 1/2 oz. evaporated milk, 3 tbsp. cocoa, 1/4 cup of liquid sweetener to equal 1/2 cup of sugar, 1/4 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. vanilla, 2 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs (or any water cracker you can get) and 1/4 cup of nuts.

Mix the cocoa and the milk in a pan. Add the sweetener and salt to the mixture and bring to boil. Stir the remaining ingredients except the graham crackers. After removing from heat, let the mixture cool for about 15 minutes. You can now divide the mixture into balls. (You choose the dimensions, but golf ball size should make about 30 portions). Roll in the cracker crumbs and allow the whole thing to chill.

Now, does this sound delicious yet simple? It tastes delicious too and no one would ever know that you had put in that extra bit for your diabetes desserts! As is evident, with a bit of creativity, you can cook up some delicious snacks and diabetes desserts, which the whole family can enjoy. Of course, if you back your diabetic diet with some physical exercises every day, you may be able to say "goodbye" to this killer disease forever.

Blueberries Along With a Healthy Life Style Can Help Promote Healthy Blood Sugar

By Harold Franklin


To help control blood sugar there are several things you should do these include the following:

* Eat right
* Eat blueberries
* Exercise
* Take your vitamins
* Avoid unnecessary sweets

These ideas are briefly discussed in this article.

Eat right

A diet full of green vegetables is a good way to promote a healthy life and help control blood sugar. Eat 2 cups of blueberries daily. You should include a small amount of protein in each meal.

Eat blueberries

Blueberries help nutritionally support healthy life style and blood sugar levels when used in conjunction with a healthy diet. Thousands of people have decided to make it part of their diet. Grow your own pesticide free blueberries. You can purchase the plants from a reputable on line-source. You should have at least 2 plants per person. You can grow enough to eat during the fruiting season and freeze others to use during the rest of the year. Research has shown that the nutritional qualities and antioxidants are well-preserved in frozen blueberries. Thus you can enjoy them year around. I personally eat blueberries daily and have found it makes me feel better.

Depending on your preferences for taste you many want to grow some of those that have the best reported flavor. These varieties include Legacy with a rating as one of the best flavored varieties in USDA trials in the northern regions, Hannah's Choice (Early season) This is a sweet, size, flavor early represents an improvement in sweetness, firmness, and flavor over currently grown early cultivars. O'Neal has one of the very best flavored berries of the southern varieties. You can purchase these and others from a reputable on-line source.


One of the best and easiest ways to exercise is walking. Walk 1 hour a day; walking can get you outdoors to enjoy the scenery. When the weather is bad you can walk in a mall or other convent place. Working in your garden and your blueberry field is good healthy productive exercise that you can enjoy. Exercise does not need to be strenuous. Running although many people enjoy it is hard on your knees.

Take your vitamins

You should make a practice of taking several supplements every day, including vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin B, Coenzyme 10, baby aspirin, and a multiple vitamin.

Avoid unnecessary sweets

You do not have to deprive yourself of sweets but they should be eaten in moderation. Avoid sugar where possible and use stevia as the sweetener. Stevia can be used in your cooking and sweetening your drinks. You cannot use stevia if you are cooking something that needs to be caramelized. In this case you may need to use sugar.


By following the steps outlined above you can have a healthier life style and feel better than if you did not follow these practices. The key is to do this consistently.

Types of Diabetic Supplies Needed for Home Health Care

By Susan Solo

Diabetes is a life-long medical condition that does not have a cure, as yet. It can be debilitating if not managed properly, but with the right diabetic supplies and equipment for use in the home, it can be overcome. This disease may affect your life, but it should never be allowed to rule your life. With the right tools, you can control it to the point where it has very little effect on your quality of life, and we will show you how.

What is Diabetes?

The body takes in proteins, vitamins, minerals and sugars through the food we eat, and processes it all into making glucose. Diabetes occurs when the body cannot produce enough glucose to sustain it, or when there is an overabundance of it. Type 1 diabetics suffer from a definite lack of blood glucose, and must take in specified amounts of insulin to compensate. Type 2 diabetics will at times have too much blood glucose, and their condition is primarily controlled through diet and exercise, needing insulin only when their level of blood glucose drops to a dangerous low.

The ones who will need diabetic supplies at home most often are those who are suffering from Type 1, and their list of needs is more prolific than those who have Type 2. Type 2 diabetics will primarily use only glucose metering devices and test strips to maintain their health, having been educated in what to do when their blood glucose reaches certain levels and what can be done to correct it. Type 1 diabetics need more supplies because their condition must be constantly and closely monitored 24/7.

Basic Supplies

Glucose Meter: These can be invasive or non-invasive meters that test the current level of blood glucose in a diabetic through the use of test strips which are inserted into the meter. In the invasive version, the diabetic pierces their fingertip with a lancet and places a drop of their blood on a test strip. The meter calculates the glucose level, showing it on the screen of the meter itself. There is a defined range for every patient, and it is meant to be a guideline for daily glucose maintenance. The non-invasive meter does the same thing, but without piercing the skin or drawing blood.

Test Strips: Thin strips similar to litmus test strips; they are used to transport blood from the diabetic to the glucose meter. They are available primarily through prescription. If using a coded meter, the meter needs to be adjusted to match the code on each new vial of test strips; otherwise your blood glucose readings can be wrong.

Diabetic Socks: People with diabetes tend to have problems with their feet. Diabetic neuropathy can cause them to lose feeling in their feet due to poor blood circulation, and these socks will help prevent blisters and other wounds from forming, and can help with circulation issues.

Glucose Tablets: Typically used by both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics as a quick means for restoring the proper level of glucose without resorting to insulin injections. This quick fix meant to be taken before or after eating a proper meal.

Insulin Supplies

Insulin itself is only available through prescription, and must be kept at a particular temperature in the refrigerator to preserve its potency. Home health care supplies dealing with insulin use are generally limited to insulin cases for transporting it outside the home, and insulin pumps. The insulin cases are meant only for temporary transport of insulin injectors, vials and needles, and are designed to protect the insulin from extreme temperature changes.

Insulin pumps are only recommended for home use as diabetic supplies in extreme cases. Having to use an insulin pump means that your condition is to a point where it is hard to manage without a ready source of insulin being always at hand. They deliver fast-acting insulin to the patient subcutaneously over a 24 hour period of time, at the end of which the blood is tested to see if levels have been restored. The pumps are usually the size of a pager, and contain replaceable cartridges of infusion insulin, and a cannula for insertion under the skin.

Curbing the Diabetes Epidemic

By Scott Isaacs M.D.

You probably keep hearing about the epidemic of diabetes because it has been going on for the past 30 years. The rate of diabetics continues to climb in the United States and throughout the world. Once considered an unusual diagnosis, diabetes has become one of the most common forms of chronic illness in the world today.

According to a 2011 report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 26 million Americans have this condition and 79 million have prediabetes. In 2008, the CDC reported 23.6 million had diabetes and 57 million had prediabetes. In 1993, there were 15 million people with diabetes and there was no such thing as prediabetes. 27% of people with this condition or 7 million people have not yet been diagnosed. More than one quarter of Americans over the age of 65 have diabetes and half have prediabetes. 35% of Americans over age 20 have prediabetes. It is important to diagnose prediabetes because complications traditionally associated with diabetes like eye, nerve and kidney problems can occur in the prediabetic state. The increase in diabetes rates is due to several factors:

* increasing rates of obesity
* people with diabetes are living longer
* new criteria for diagnosing diabetes

If you have diabetes or prediabetes, it's important to get a diagnosis to prevent complications. People with prediabetes can work aggressively on diabetes prevention by losing weight, becoming more active and getting healthier. A major government-funded study, known as the Diabetes Prevention Trial evaluated patients with prediabetes. The study found that diet and exercise can reduce the risk of progressing from prediabetes to diabetes by 57%. Medications were also found to decrease a person's chances of developing diabetes, but not nearly as effectively as good old diet and exercise.

Reversing insulin resistance is a critical step to preventing diabetes, since it's not incurable. People who are genetically disposed to insulin resistance, still can avoid obesity, diabetes, and a host of other ailments. The answer to this resistance is a healthy diet and lifestyle. Even modest diet and lifestyle improvements can improve resistance to diabetes and dramatically lower your risk of getting complications like heart attacks, strokes and early death. Although improved nutrition and increased physical activity are the best way to treat insulin resistance, medications can improve insulin resistance and can treat many of the complications of insulin resistance. Vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements can also be helpful, but should be a substitute for diet and exercise.

In my experience as an endocrinologist, medications alone are never adequate. I've been known to say "you can out-eat any medication." But when combined with the right type of diet and daily exercise, medications can be very helpful. The most common medication used to treat insulin resistance is metformin, but a whole host of other medications can have an effect, either positive or negative. If you are gaining weight or have been told that your blood sugar level is elevated, you should ask your physician if you might have insulin resistance.

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