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Diabetic Menu

Sunday, January 3, 2010 4:17:00 PM Posted by Diabetes

There are a lot of persons who will be grateful to be suggested diabetic menus, because it is incredible how a disease can often be cured through a healthy diet.

Vegetal diabetic menu - autumn soup

- 100 ml oil
- Two carrots
- An onion
- 500 g leek
- Salt
- Green parsley
- Three potatoes
- Croutons

Cooking: Peel the leek, wash it thoroughly, and cut it 1 cm long pieces. Grate the carrots and the onion. Heat them with the leek, in a little oil. When they are soft, add 2 liters and a half of water, salt and potatoes, cube shaped. You can serve it with green parsley and croutons.

Egg plant diabetic menu - Egg plant balls

- 1 kg egg plants
- 150 g onion
- 100 g from a loaf of bread
- 2 eggs
- 200 ml oil
- 10 g flour
- Salt
- Pepper

Cooking: Slice the egg plants, coat them with flour and fry them on both sides! When they cool off, mince them and add the heated onion, without any fat, the eggs, the pepper and the bread core. Mix everything and make small balls out of the mixture, and fry them in oil.

Mushrooms diabetic menu – Mushrooms cooked in white sauce

- 1 kg mushrooms
- 2 onions
- 2 tomatoes
- 2 spoons of flour
- Butter (very little)
- Salt

Cooking: Select small mushrooms, clean them and tear their tails, and then boil them with a little salt. Separately, slightly fry the flour in butter and pour on it a little juice in which mushrooms have been boiled. Let it boil slowly, until the sauce becomes consistent enough. Then mix the mushrooms, add salt and pepper to taste and let them boil together for a while until they bubble. You can eat it very hot, with corn flour sauce.

Fish diabetic menu - Fish marinade

- 1 kg fish
- 100 g flour
- 2 laurel leaves
- 2 spoons vinegar
- 100 ml oil
- 12 olives

Cooking: Clean the fish and slice it, then spread salt and pepper on it and dry it, and after that coat it with flour and fry it. In the remaining grease (rinsed and drained) spread a teaspoon of flour, then pour some water, add the laurel leaves, the olives, a few pepper beans and vinegar to taste. If you don’t have enough imagination in order to create your own diabetes menus, there are plenty of them on the web or in specialty magazines.

Eating Well With Diabetes
It is possible for the person with diabetes to eat well and still manage their illness. The diabetic should seek out great recipes that will allow them to keep their blood sugar under control and their disease in check.

The person who is following the diabetic diet is actually eating a great deal healthier than the average person. The diabetes community has rallied around the nutritional approach to managing diabetes and come up with some wonderful and delicious recipes that are diabetic friendly. If you take a look online you will find a great many recipes and tips to making sure that your diabetic diet is varied and delicious.

All you have to do is take a look at the diabetes forums to see the kind of help and support that is available to the newly diagnosed patient. These forums are a great source of recipes and eating tips to keep the diabetic in new recipes for a long time to come. The diabetic diet is one that is full of nutritionally sound foods that will help the diabetic eat in a manner that controls their blood sugar. This type of diet has been proven to help with a variety of other illnesses as well. A diet that is low in sugar and full of vitamins would be beneficial to everyone not just a diabetic. This diet is actually not a diabetic diet; it is just the foods that are recommended to control the blood sugar levels. If you follow a good nutritionally sound diet you will reap the rewards of good health.

That is great news for the diabetic. They are following a healthy diet that everyone should be following. There is no reason why you should have to eat bland tasteless food while you are following a plan for managing diabetes. There are too many ways to spice up your menu with some delicious recipes that diabetics have developed and nutritionists approve. Take a look online for some recipe sites that specialize in diabetic food choices.

Get creative with your menu options and spice up your diet. You can get some fabulous ideas if you check online or in one of the many cookbooks that have been created specifically for diabetics. There are many choices for those who are managing diabetes and you can bring some healthy and wonderful recipes into your home for your whole family.

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