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Now You Can Avoid Diabetes Without Having a Lady's Spare Tire

Sunday, June 5, 2011 5:06:00 PM Posted by Diabetes

Do some of your family members have backgrounds of diabetes? Honestly, are you over 40 in age? If you answered these questions with a not-so-proud yes, therefore, you are not immune to having the risk of diabetes. In most cases, it is difficult to tract the symptoms of the causes of diabetes such as above-average blood sugar from foods and insulin from pancreas. That is the reason why diabetes just unfolds when the symptoms become malignant. Well, that is one basis of having early preventive measures to diabetes.

In the case of people with pre-diabetes problem such as insulin resistance, much awareness is required so as to disclose the unseen dangers of diabetes. Pre-diabetes is the stage before Type 2 diabetes. Pre-diabetes is the above normal supply of glucose but not yet high enough to be called as “diabetes”. On the other side, some women with diabetes background are not yet aware when to take nutritious foods and when to perform regular exercises where in fact, by eating nutritious foods and executing regular exercises, these women are going the distance away from these life threatening diseases.

It is also quoted by Audrey Sheppard, the chief executive of the National Women’s Health Resource Center, that women still pay little attention to the threats and the preventive measures of diabetes.

It is scientifically proven that women develop extra fats over the waistline when they reach the menopause stage. A warning must be personally recognized when a woman’s waistline exceeds 34 inches as based on the experts’ study. As added information, men are advised to maintain 40 inches around their waistline.

Further studies, such as those of Dr. David Katz, also state that when vital organs, such as the liver, was covered with fat, the insulin cannot function properly, thus, exposing these organs to insulin resistance. Dr. Katz is one of the pioneers of the Yale Prevention Research Center.

When the immune system is not working properly, the blood pressure, sugar, and fat are getting higher. As a consequence, their cells are becoming insulin-resistant. And when it happens, diabetes will damaged your health. Dr. Katz also stated that lots of American oldies and children are becoming vulnerable to obesity as a symptom of diabetes.

Furthermore, women who were once pregnant or gave birth to a 9-pound baby or heavier and at the same time infected with diabetes, are in danger of insulin resistance.

Some people say that if you are always experiencing fatigue and you are seeking for more food, then that makes you prone to insulin resistance. But that is not what has been said by one of the epidemiology experts of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention named Dr. Henry Kahn. In spite and despite of the risks of diabetes, it is still curable and can be avoided. However, ladies’ spare tire sometimes hides the risks of potential diabetes. To find clarification and solution on this matter, a healthy lifestyle is strongly recommended. How? It isn’t a burden on your part but beneficial to take a healthy and balanced diet. How difficult is it to eat nutritious food? It is not that difficult to eat nutritious food nor is it costly to have exercise. If you don’t love the spare tires around your waist, then do these suggestions. They really work.

Mind you: Preventing diabetes is better than curing diabetes.

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