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Cure For Type 2 Diabetes - Is It Available Now?

Is there a cure for Type 2 diabetes? If some herbal supplement manufacturers and natural cure promoters are to be believed, there is. Unfortunately, scientific studies and results say otherwise. Diabetes is still an incurable disease although it can be managed effectively, something that about 15 million people in the U.S. will find relief in.

What is Type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes mellitus was once referred to as non-insulin-dependent diabetes that causes an abnormality in the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein and lipids in the body. Type 2 diabetes is also called the adult-onset diabetes because it often appears in adults as a result of lifestyle choices.

It is a condition that is associated with impaired secretion of and resistance to insulin. Insulin resistance can lead to the advancement of the disease and its complications. Symptoms of this disease develop gradually and people who have Type 2 diabetes will usually not recognize that they have the disease until it has progressed.

How is Type 2 diabetes 'cured' or at least, treated?

Treatment is extremely important when dealing with Type 2 diabetes because it can lead to complications that are life-threatening. These complications include kidney failure, heart disease and blindness. In fact, diabetes mellitus is one of the leading causes of blindness in people between the ages of 20 and 75. Diabetes is also the reason behind 40% of kidney failure cases and has been known to cause cardiovascular problems.

The main thrust of any treatment for Type 2 diabetes is to control the amount of glucose found in the blood. This helps prevent symptoms such as pain, tingling, burning and numbness and to prevent other complications. The treatment will not cure these symptoms, but they can be effectively minimized and the complications avoided.

For Type 2 diabetes, a semblance of a cure can be produced with the use of a controlled and sensible diet, regular exercise and weight loss. This is usually the first course of treatment, primarily because weight and a lack of physical activity are often lead contributors to Type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes diet and lifestyle

There is no specialized diet for Type 2 diabetes, but portion control and preference for healthier foods should be implemented. Typically, people who have diabetes will work with a nutritionist or dietitian in order to create a diet plan to regulate blood sugar levels. A sensible diabetic meal plan usually involves several types of carbohydrates, a moderate amount of protein and low fat.

Regular physical activity is important to help prevent complications involving the heart and also to promote weight loss. Recently, researchers found that the risk of a person developing Type 2 diabetes increases by about 4% with every pound of weight exceeding his or her ideal range. Weight loss, combined with a good diet plan appears to help the body process insulin effectively.

Living a sensible lifestyle, while still not a cure, is usually enough to regulate a diabetic's blood sugar level. However, this may not be effective as a long-term treatment for Type 2 diabetes. Eventually, medication will have to be used. Oral medications are often prescribed as the first course of treatment. These include drugs such as sulfonylureas, metformin, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, troglitazone and repaglinide. These drugs are formulated to bring down blood glucose levels. If taken in controlled doses and monitored, these drugs should be an effective means with which to manage Type 2 diabetes.

Oral medications are effective for about 40% of people who have Type 2 diabetes while about 40% will need insulin injections. A percentage of these will require a combination of both oral medications and insulin injections while about 10% will do well using just a good diet and exercise regimen.

Beyond the hype

When headlines trumpet that a cure for Type 2 diabetes is possible, they're almost tempting to believe. The only problem is that this news may be misleading and can be quite dangerous because until now, no cure for Type 2 diabetes has been discovered. It remains an incurable condition and will have to be managed with a combination of medications and lifestyle changes.

There will always be hype about a 'cure' for Type 2 diabetes and somewhere, someone will always have a reason to want to believe in it. However, remember that any scientific breakthrough that will make a huge difference in the lives of millions of men and women all over the world will mean big news. If a 'cure' for Type 2 diabetes suddenly appears, exercise prudence and common sense when considering it.

The future of Type 2 diabetes

Research about Type 2 diabetes is ongoing and the main goal is to finally find a cure for this disease. Its exact cause is still unclear, although there is plenty of research being performed on any effects environmental and genetic factors might contribute. As of now, new drugs and methods are probably the nearest we can get to a cure. Until a real solution is found, we will have to rely on these methods and medications in order to ensure that Type 2 diabetes is managed and its symptoms and associated complications are minimized.

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By Flor Serquina

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