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The American Diabetes Association: Supporting Diabetics for over 65 Years

Sunday, March 11, 2012 6:45:00 PM Posted by Diabetes

Addressing the needs of so many can be intimidating, but the American Diabetes Association has one of the most thorough, comprehensive websites for information about this disease on the Web. The American Diabetes Association is one of the most important and valuable sources of information about diabetes in the world.

The American Diabetes Association provides information on pre-diabetic symptoms, and risk tests. They offer education in preventing and delaying the onset of diabetes as well as information about the various forms of the disease.

Founded in 1940, the American Diabetes Association is a non-profit organization created to serve the needs of a growing number of the American population diagnosed with one of several types of diabetes. Today, the American Diabetes Association has a presence in every state in the Union, and is available as a valuable resource at both state and local levels for those diagnosed with the disease or their family members.

As a major source of information and support, the American Diabetes Association fields hundreds of thousands of telephone calls every year from concerned families and health care professionals needing information or support on the treatment or care of diabetes. The American Diabetes Association funds and holds the America's Walk for Diabetes, the Tour de Cure, the Diabetes EXPO and the School Walk for Diabetes, among others. Check out their website for information on these events and others.

The American Diabetes Association also maintains an online bookstore that offers books ranging from dietary cookbook titles to weight loss, exercise and weight maintenance programs, in addition to some foods and gifts. They offer a virtual grocery store and offer guidelines on how to read food labels to advice on eating out. The entire website is extremely user-friendly and well organized, providing ample and well written information of a wide variety of topics. Text is available in Spanish as well.

The American Diabetes Association welcomes volunteers to help provide support on community levels and for local fund-raising events nationwide. Corporate sponsors also donate vast amounts of money and manpower to help fight diabetes, as do celebrities and celebrity endorsements. Such methods gain publicity and heighten awareness for the disease, its symptoms and treatments. The American Diabetes Association offers information on how to donate time, money, and vehicles, or sponsor a diabetes project in your community.

The American Diabetes Association operates a National Call Center for those needing advice or direction to sources for information. It can be reached by dialing 1-800-DIABETES or by visiting their website. With thousands of Americans being diagnosed with diabetes every year, sources of information and support like the American Diabetes Association are vitally important.

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