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Type 2 Diabetes - Diabetes on the Run: Top Convenience Store Options!

Thursday, July 12, 2012 8:23:00 PM Posted by Diabetes

By Beverleigh H Piepers

If you're on the run more often than an escaped convict, you probably find yourself with a growling stomach in the most inconvenient places. For most people, grabbing a donut or a candy bar is a simple way to quench their hunger until mealtime. But for a Type 2 diabetic, eating on the run is a potential blood sugar minefield.

Here are your best bets next time hunger hits you away from home:

Avoid Restaurants: The number of times someone dines out is an accurate indicator of their weight and body mass index (BMI). If you hit the drive-thru "just this once" with an empty stomach, your stomach is going to be making the food decisions for you.

Also, you're not likely to compensate by reducing your calories (kilojoules) later in the day. Instead, aim for small snacks that will tide you over until you can raid your fridge back home.

Find Fruit: Many convenience stores and small shops sell fresh fruit in the form of apples, oranges and bananas. Although fruit is mostly sugar, eating moderate amounts of fruit sugar doesn't make your blood sugar skyrocket. That's because the fiber in fruit delays the digestion of the carbs in your body.

Fiber poor choices like candy and chips don't have the same benefit.

Go Nuts: You'd have to be in the middle of the 3rd world to be far away from a store selling nuts. If you're looking to lose weight, don't let the calories and fat in nuts fool you. According to Purdue University's Richard Mattes, people that regularly eat nuts like almonds and cashews tend to weigh less than people who don't. Mattes hypothesizes that the healthy fats in nuts keep you fuller longer, reducing the risk of binge sessions brought on by an intense appetite.

Be sure to scan the label for additives like sugar, salt and fat. Pick nuts that are natural and raw.

Go With Yogurt: Yogurt is a mainstay at gas station convenience stores. Besides being lower in calories or kilojoules than most of the other options, yogurt is a quality source of protein. Eating protein as part of snacks and meals stimulates a hormone in your body known as CCK, which keeps appetite under wraps.

Beware of Fake Health Foods: Many convenience stores have begun to stock so-called "health foods" on their shelves as an alternative to junk food. However, many of these health foods are just junk food in a new wardrobe. Don't be fooled by claims on the packages like "all natural" or "low-fat." Many of these foods... like granola bars or baked chips... have similar nutritional content of candy bars or soda.

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