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Diabetes in Children and Teenagers

Sunday, August 5, 2012 8:38:00 PM Posted by Diabetes

By Guy Starbuck

Type 1 Diabetes is also known as Juvenile Diabetes due to the fact that it tends to occur mostly in children. Type 2 Diabetes is rather different because it tends to occur later in life, Juvenile Diabetes usually accounts for 5- 10% of the cases which are recorded every year. Certain children may show signs of Juvenile Diabetes after they are born while it takes a long amount of time to develop in others. Children tend to become sick from a lot of other things so it is difficult to know whether diabetes is the main cause of their health problems until they usually become very ill.

One of the most essential steps which is involved in treating Childhood/Juvenile Diabetes properly is to recognize the symptoms early. If you catch these symptoms early, you could get help quickly for your child and save them from a lot of harm. The sooner the signs and symptoms are noted and reported to a doctor, the sooner your child can get a diagnosis and get some treatment for their diabetes. This treatment can also aid in reducing some of the damage which the diabetes has already caused, this treatment can also prevent death and severe damage to bodily organs which come from not treating diabetes early enough and ultimately this could help your child lead a much more normal life.

Here are some of the warning signs of Childhood/Juvenile Diabetes:

* Extreme thirst
* Frequent urination
* Sudden vision changes
* Increased appetite
* Sudden weight loss
* Excessive drowsiness/lethargy
* Sugar in urine
* Fruity, sweet or wine-like odor on the breath
* Heavy and labored breathing
* Stupor, unconsciousness (typically in extreme cases)

If your child happens to have one or more of these symptoms listed above, it is quite possible that they could already have Type 1 Diabetes. It is essential that you get in touch with your doctors right away for proper testing in order to determine whether this is the case. You should never attempt to self-diagnose or self-treat juvenile diabetes. Every case and child is a different one so it is essential that you get a medical professional to assist you with it.

Juvenile Diabetes may be commonly misdiagnosed or under-diagnosed due to the fact that the symptoms are usually similar to other conditions such as the flu. A lot of people with Juvenile Diabetes tend to get diagnosed before they turn 30. The earlier diabetes is diagnosed and the treatment of the condition starts, the more which can be done to prevent much more serious problems and even death from occurring.

With studies showing that 35 or more children are diagnosed with diabetes on a daily basis and an excess of 13,000 each year, some attention has to be paid to the issue. Because no known cure exists for diabetes, it is essential to attempt to resolve the condition before it leads to damage that cannot be resolved. If you know the warning signs and you do something about your diabetes early enough, it can help you save your child's life.

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