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Prevent Diabetes With Diet

By Carolyn Hansen

Diabetes is becoming more and more common with the increase of obesity and pure fatness. What many people do not realize is you can avoid, or at least manage, diabetes with what you consume. Now, this is not to say that Type-1 diabetes can be controlled in the same manner. There is a great big difference between diabetes that is genetic and Type-2 diabetes that is caused by a poor diet and unhealthy weight gain.

Your body needs glucose for energy. When you have Type-2 diabetes, this glucose builds up in the blood stream rather than being reasonably distributed, by insulin, to the cells throughout the body. When you consume too much sugar and/or gain too much weight, your body "forgets" how to produce the insulin needed to perform this function. Without this insulin, the sugars you eat build up in the blood stream causing even further complications.

Type-2 diabetes is a little more complicated than this, but this is the basic process. So, as you can see, it can be quite dangerous and very scary. Since this process can be controlled, monitored, and maintained, it is worth taking the steps to try to avoid this life-altering disease. One of the greatest things you can do for yourself is to start working out. Exercise is the absolute best medicine for many different ailments throughout the body; and will help to prevent many negative side effects of aging.

The next thing you need to do is watch what you eat. First things first, you should be consuming between 1800 and 2000 calories a day. Even if you are trying to lose weight you should never cut calories less than 1500 calories. Finding the right caloric intake for your body may take a few weeks; just make sure you do not overdo it.

Secondly, you need to start eating the right kind of foods; foods known as clean foods. Foods that can be found in nature like fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, and nuts and grains are exactly what you should be filling your body with. It is time to say goodbye to restaurant foods - fast or not - and processed foods; you know, the ones that line the most of the shelves in any supermarket.

On top of this you should make sure that you eat 5-6 times a day, or every few hours. See, eating in this manner will naturally help balance out your blood sugar levels. It also keeps your body functioning at optimal levels allowing it to continue to produce the hormones you need, which includes insulin production and performance.

So, whether you are worried about diabetes or not, you should be. This disease can kill you and will change your life. Rather than try to change your life after you contract the disease, change your life now. Make the right lifestyle choices, start eating right, and watch yourself become healthier as they days go by.

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