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A Cure For Type 2 Diabetes - Are Sugar And Rice A Cure For Type 2 Diabetes?

Sunday, July 7, 2013 8:41:00 PM Posted by Diabetes

By Shana Ekedal

Rice has been a staple food for over 4000 years in China and many civilizations since then have built their diet around this beneficial food. Rice is one of the most important staples in the diet with over half the world's population dependent on it for sustenance. Cultures with rice as a staple have had fewer occurrences of some degenerative diseases including Type 2 diabetes that are strongly present in the Westernized culture.


The following is the nutrient profile of rice. There is great discussion of the benefits of rice and the wide array of nutrients available in rice that most people are not getting in their diets. Are these nutrients a pathway towards a cure for type 2 diabetes?

* Vitamins - Riboflavin, folate, niacin, thiamin, biotin
* Minerals - calcium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, phosphorus
* Essential Fatty Acids - omega 3
* Enzymes - lipase
* Proteins - Most all of the amino acids

Eating table rice is not enough to get the full spectrum nutrients described above. Certain strains of rice are made bio-ready for quick assimilation by the body. There is an important group of nutrients in these stains called glyconutrients. Glyconutrients are important part of a cure for type 2 diabetes. Glyconutrients is a coined term that refers to eight important sugars required by the body for optimal health. Beyond providing fuel to the body, glyconutrients are used by the body to repair and heal the cells as well as maintain optimal system functioning. These are not the typical sugars that are damaging to the human body. These are sugars called healing sugars that are very rare in the standard diet. There are few dietary sources for these sugars which are a necessary component of functioning at an optimal level and being a cured of type 2 diabetes.

Glyconutrients are a key component is creating energy in each cell. They nourish the cell easily and effectively and feed the power house of the cell (the mitochondria) what it needs to create an abundance of energy (ATP).

How Is A Cell Like A Car?

Picture the cell like a car. If the car is being fed sand in the gas pipe (low nutrient food choices) and the driver is pushing hard on the gas, how far will the car go? It may get down the road a bit, but it sure will struggle and eventually will stall out. The car just can't do much with an unfamiliar fuel. Now on the other hand, If the driver put the highest octane gas in the gas pipe and filled it up (glyconutrients) then stepped on the gas, that car is going to zoom off and take the driver far distances. The importance of fuel in your car is the same importance of providing your body with the specific nutrition that will maximize energy production in the cells and and fix cell abnormalities. Fixing cell abnormalities can be a pathway towards a cure for type 2 diabetes.

In the presence of increased energy each cell is able to carry out its "job" and function at an optimal level. If there is an overabundance of energy the cell is able to repair its DNA and correct abnormalities in the cell. Since disease happens on a cellular level, providing energy to correct the abnormalities in the cell is a requirement for having optimal health.

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