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Diabetic Coma: What Are The Signs?

By Jenny H Jordan

If a diabetic coma sounds serious, it is! But, I can reassure you that if you can learn about it, coma symptoms can most assuredly can be handled well on what it is, and what signs to look for. The symptoms can also occur in a person who's yet to be diagnosed as a person with diabetes, or for those who have not been able to get their symptoms under control. It can also occur if a person has another illness, disease, or a person who is taking a medication, which increases fluid loss, and then your diabetic blood glucose level should be checked out.

Kidneys usually allow excess glucose leave the body when it is higher than normal. If you take in non-diet sodas or such, or too little liquid, then the kidneys can't get rid of the extra. You may experience unconsciousness & the risk of diabetic coma gets worse. The sugar level in your blood can rise a lot. Your blood becomes concentrated. Of course, if signs are reversed, then you'll gain consciousness. Components such as salt, glucose and other items that would normally make water go into your blood, water is drawn from your organs and your brain and blood glucose levels rise and you become dehydrated.

Conditions or signals that can bring on a diabetic coma, include:

* Stroke
* A heart attack
* Infection
* Surgical procedures
* A congested heart
* Being older
* Weak management of diabetic plan
* Stopping medication, which was used to help lower your blood sugar levels.

When a person goes into a diabetic coma, they could start to twitch or have convulsions. If they are unconscious, they may appear pale, be soaked in perspiration, or have a rapid heartbeat. These are signals of adrenaline responding to hypoglycemia. People are not usually dried out and their breathing may either be normal, or shallow. Blood glucose levels may have gone up when it's tested, from what it was at the time the person fell into unconsciousness.

A diabetic coma prognosis can either be severe or mild, but it may be reversed. When it occurs it is an emergency, which has to be dealt with right away. It's often a combo of severe hypoglycemia, & people with diabetes should be aware of approaching changes.

If you have diabetes or even pre diabetes, then do tell yourself about on all of the early warning signs for various conditions associated with it, like diabetic coma. When you are made aware of what to look for you'll then have tactics to put into place. In addition also wear a diabetic bracelet to ensure medics can ID you and will act accordingly.

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