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Have You Been Diagnosed With Type 2 Diabetes? Here's Help

By Robin Hale

There is Hope

The first bit of information you should take to heart is the fact that there is hope. Contrary to many medical professionals beliefs, type 2 diabetes is treatable, and in many instances, completely reversible. It's going to take some dedication and effort on your part, but reversing type 2 diabetes is a realistic goal. Let's look at the steps you'll need to take.

Regroup and Get Support

The first thing you need to do is clear your mind and reduce all outside stress. Stress prevents you from thinking clearly, promotes feelings of depression, and reduces energy levels. These are all things you will need as you take the next steps.

Make the Decision to Change Your Eating Habits

Since many individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are overweight and living sedentary lifestyles, this is one of the things you'll need to change. It all begins with a decision on your part. A lack of exercise combined with other lifestyle factors and poor, unhealthy, eating habits helped to get you to where you are today. This can be changed, and it's not as difficult as you may think.

The first rule to changing any habit is to realize it won't happen overnight. You aren't going to wake up tomorrow, shed that extra weight, and suddenly have the knowledge or ability to change all of your eating habits. Instead, you need to make the decision to change the things you are currently aware of and then get the help and support you need to learn the facts about food and exercise you may not be aware of. Starting slow and setting realistic goals will help you to stay encouraged and on the right track. What are some changes you can make right now to your diet and exercise? Here are some ideas.

· Purge your pantry of junk food, salty over-processed snacks, packaged sweets, and other diet offenders that you normally reach for when you are bored, tired, stressed, or upset. Many individuals put on pounds just because they get into the habit of reaching for food as a source of comfort.

· Next comes "replacement therapy." Instead of reaching for unhealthy snacks when you aren't even hungry, try drinking a couple of tall glasses of water with a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice. Lemon water is great for promoting healthy flora in your intestine, which, in turn, helps to strengthen your immune system. Another replacement for food is getting out of the house for a while. Take the dog for a walk or play catch with your children. Doing so will give you enough time to push past the temptation for snacks, while giving you some fresh air, Vitamin D from the sun, and exercise all at the same time.

· Only eat at the dinner table and always put your food (even snacks) on dinnerware. Eating at the table will get you out of the habit of mindlessly snacking while watching television and eating on dinnerware will keep you aware of how much food you are actually consuming.

· Promote fat burning by switching from two or three large meals per day to five or six mini-meals. That way your body won't go into "starvation" mode. Starvation mode is when your body senses a food intake reduction and sends signals to start storing fat.

· Find fun and interesting ways to exercise. If you like fishing, take out the canoe or play basketball or tennis outdoors with your family. Find an activity you enjoy and it won't feel like work.

These are just a few ideas to help you get a good start after you've been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Reversing type 2 diabetes is possible. You'll just have to make the decision to adopt a new, healthy lifestyle one step at a time.

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