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How Do I Know if My Child Has Type 1 Diabetes?

By Mary Greene

There are two type of diabetes: type 1 and type 2, and there are specific differences between the two that you need to be aware of. To know the differences, we first need to know exactly what diabetes is.

Diabetes is a metabolism disorder. In other words, a disorder in the way the body digests food and turns it into essential energy. The reason for this malfunction is a lack or total lack of insulin in the body. Insulin is the hormone that transfers glucose from the blood to the cells. If this hormone become ineffective or is all together absent, the result is a high blood sugar level and cell depletion.

It is the reason why the insulin is not distributing the glucose that gives the definition between type one and type two diabetes. People with type two have the insulin in their body, but for one reason or another it has become ineffective. People with type one have no insulin in their body to begin with.

Type 1 diabetes was formally known as juvenile diabetes because it is mainly found in children and young adults. The term has changed because of the diagnosis of several adult cases. Early diagnosis of type one is important for you to be able to do as a parent, and there are several warning signs that can help you catch this condition and begin managing it.

Your child is unusually thirsty

The main effect of Type 1 diabetes is increased blood sugar levels. This increase will pull water from the tissue of the body and your child will be thirstier as a result.

Your child is using the bathroom more often

This is compensation for the above symptom. Also without insulin, the kidneys cannot filter the glucose back into the blood stream so they will take water from the blood to try and dilute it. This will fill up the bladder, resulting in your child taking more trips to the bathroom.

Your child is eating more

Because the cells are not getting the energy they need, the reaction of the body will be to look for energy in other ways.

Your child is loosing weight

Although they could be eating more, weight will still be lost. This is because the body's cells are not receiving their fuel. Without this the cells will start to deplete and muscle tissue will decrease.

Your child is inactive

Without the glucose that the cells need to thrive, the body will have less energy. Lethargy and unusually extended periods of sleep will be the result.

If you suspect your child has Type 1 diabetes, it is important that you take them to visit a doctor straight away. The procedure for diagnosis is painless and will take minutes. If the test results are positive then insulin therapies and other treatments can begin.

Theses treatments will help your child learn to manage and live with the condition. Not only can they learn to live with type one, they can go on to live healthy and active lives and show little signs of the condition. There are many outstanding athletes who have learnt to overcome diabetes and excel in their field.

Don't take any chances. The sooner you recognize the condition and begin therapy, the less chance there is of the undiagnosed condition having serious effects on the child.

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