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Type 2 Diabetes - Eating Out With Diabetes!

Monday, June 23, 2014 7:30:00 PM Posted by Diabetes

By Beverleigh H Piepers

Although the thought of eating out when you have Type 2 diabetes can be a little daunting, it is none the less, quite possible. The main thing to remember is that you might be able to monitor your own cooking, but you have to take charge when someone else is preparing your food. Since you're paying for the meal, have it done your way.

Your quest starts with the right establishment. For example, your chances of choosing healthy options are much higher with Italian food than with Mexican. If a majority of dishes are covered with sauces, creams and cheese, you can opt to have them prepared without these extra calories, but the taste will suffer. And, lets face it; most people won't have that kind of willpower.

Even healthy foods can come laden with extras. Skip some of these options and go for more heart-conscious choices. Remember each tablespoon of butter contains 11.5 grams fat and 102 calories (0.43 kJ). You will want to avoid foods high in animal fats which load on extra calories and saturated fats. A low-salt dish will do wonders, too. There are plenty of great tasting foods out there to choose from, the problem is that we have grown accustomed to masquerading their true taste with extras.

Ask questions: Menus are not only vague, but they are designed to focus on the presentation of the food, and not the preparation. Ask your server how a dish is cooked and what your alternative choices for extras and sides are. Often, a restaurant will substitute something simply by asking... even if it isn't advertised. If it isn't offered, ask if an exception can be made as you have diabetes and want to keep your blood sugar as near to normal as possible. If not, maybe you will need to consider a different dish instead of compromising your eating standards.

Watch the size: One of the downfalls for Type 2 diabetics eating out is the hefty portions of meat and dairy that restaurants often serve you. Portion size has gotten out of control. In fact, a main dish can easily be split between two people. If a plate the size of a football is brought to the table, immediately ask for a to-go container. Removing half of the food before you even begin eating will eliminate the temptation to polish it all off.

Go for a salad: Many establishments offer a wide array of delicious salads that are better options than main courses. But be leery of how they are made. Ask for extras on the side, including cheese. Your idea of adding cheese and the cook's idea will probably differ greatly.

If you have to include dressing, have them bring it on the side. Dipping your fork in the dressing before each bite gives you the taste without drowning your salad in needless calories and fat. Each tablespoon of mayonnaise contains 11 grams of fat and 100 calories (0.41 kJ). Creamy mayonnaise-based salad dressings are dripping with fat grams.

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