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Discover 3 Steps to Painlessly Win at Managing Blood Sugar

Once you get over the scariness of your diabetes diagnosis sit back, relax and take positive action. You will be surprised at what a little proactive thought can do for your blood sugar. Forget the anxiety and the scariness and decide to empower yourself. Others have cured their diabetes and you can to. This is step no 1, getting used to the idea that you can actually win at reversing your diabetes and not be labeled a diabetic for life, as you age unhealthy...

First and with new hope you must resolve to kiss your present lifestyle good buy. Have a ritual. Empty the sugar and cookie jar and fill it up with the seeds of persistence. Then let's go shopping!
Go on a hunt for whole grain bread. Read labels until you find one with 5 grams of fiber. Here is a hint - try Costco. When you read the label, the only thing that should interest you is the grams of fiber. Of course you know better than to look for a sweet roll or doughnuts or bread with more than 4 grams of sugar, tempting as it may be...

So when am I going to eat my potatoes and pizza, you might say to yourself? The answer is always - "Not Now"... As you continue, learn to read labels and most of all continue to cement your resolve to wean yourself from sugar. This simple shopping action will help you do just that.

Remember, now is always your moment of power, this is step No. 2, the moment that you start to take massive action. As someone with sugar craving, taking massive action might be to daily eat a breakfast that has whole grains such as, bread with 100% whole wheat, a piece of fruit like apples or pineapple in order to quench your craving for sugar and include protein like eggs; but forget juice drinks, artificially sweetened teas and diet soda. These will only keep your cravings alive.

You should also get a new habit of sipping freshly brewed green tea, preferably from the tea leaves. It is a proven health enhancer as reported by scientific research. Packages of dried green tea leaves are usually found at Asian grocery stores.

You will find that once you quench your need for sugar and recover from your craving for white bread and foods that turn into sugar quickly in your body, your blood sugar level will become normal - to your doctor's surprise! Then just slowly keep the good food act going. Remember to celebrate without foods that increase blood sugar!

I am speaking from the voice of experience here. I helped my mother recover from 2 insulin shots a day to become a diet dependant diabetic.

What that means is that your insulin syringe and needle is now trash, you don't need it, because you no longer eat the foods that cause you body to go into a tizzy, spill sugar into your blood stream and refuse to metabolize it. And, you will be so happy you will have no urge to pig-out on food that can cause you grief. Bye, bye cravings. This is your mantra!

If you are still asking when will I get to eat my potatoes and pizza while reaching for your coke, just know that your brain has not yet adjusted to your desire to be well. Rome was not built in a day! Keep your eyes on the prize. Also, readjust your belief that taking insulin is the cure for diabetes.

As you change your food choices and patterns of eating your discontent will soon pass. Your biggest job would be to adopt creative ways to not succumb to sugar cravings...

As you reduce your sugar, take note of what your medication is doing to your body. Because when your blood sugar gets naturally lower, you might find that you have to gradually lessen you medication until you no longer need it. You are now ready for step No.3

To help you with feeding, give yourself a gift of a copy of the book, Eat Yourself Younger Effortlessly and immerse yourself in it. There is a 3 week menu guide with recipes that will make your body rejoice, instead of crave foods that cause you sorrow.

Not only that, it will help you plan your snacks. I was inspired to write this award winning book after my mother was diagnosed with diabetes at age 80. Using the foods and recipes in this book, she became free of medication, lived to be 103 years and died comfortable in her bed at home.

Let's face it, do not expect a fast food merchant to consider you with diabetes. Most are more interested in profit and packing food with high fructose corn syrup, the worst of hidden sugars, to increase palate pleasure. This is also the case with the pharmaceutical companies, you empowering yourself to heal, will lower their profits, so you are going to have to up your caring meter and boldly look out for No.1 - yourself.

Your passion, along with a little self love will help you to persist and triumph, until you reverse your diabetes. Others have done this and so can you!

Celia Westberry is an award winning author, speaker and wellness lifestyle coach. She helps clients to reprogram their minds and bodies to have a personal relationship with food to be happier, healthier and more contented.

Her book Eat Yourself Younger Effortlessly -? the easy way to slow aging, feel, great and look good has glycemic ready recipes to help you Start Over with healthy eating. Visit her at

By Celia Westberry

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