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Heath Benefits of Reishi For Diabetes

Sunday, October 9, 2011 5:17:00 PM Posted by Diabetes

By Helena Reimer

Reishi mushroom is considered to be one of the best herbal medicines. It is said to benefit every organ within the body. It has been used for over 4,000 years in herbal medicine, and is regarded as the "Mushroom of Immortality." Among the many benefits of Reishi, is the effect that it has on blood sugar levels and diabetes.

Blood Sugar Levels

Reishi contains polysaccharides, also known as complex carbohydrates, which according to studies are able to significantly lower blood sugar levels. They can also increase the production of insulin within the pancreas, allowing more sugar to enter into the cells of the body.

Prevents Kidney Problems

Kidney problems are often associated with diabetes. Diabetic nephropathy, is a common complication of diabetes, and can lead to death if not dealt with. According to studies, the Reishi is able to effectively reduce the risks of this conditions by reducing the serum creatinine levels.

Other kidney problems that can be prevented include chronic nephritis, which is a kidney inflammation; nephrosis, which is a non-inflammatory condition; and rheumatic fever. Reishi has been shown to lower the amount of protein in the urine and the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Thus Reishi can actually help to improve the function of the kidneys, even after they have been damaged,

Eye Protection

Excess amounts of sugar in the bloodstream can contribute to eye conditions such as cataracts and damage to the retinal. Reishi, once again can protect the eyes against this condition.

Protection Against Diabetes

For those who do not have diabetes, or are at risk, can take Reishi in order to prevent the disease. This is due to the protection that it provides for the pancreas. Reishi is high in powerful antioxidants that help to eliminate and neutralize free radicals that can wear the pancreas down, and eventually result in diabetes.

Compared To Insulin

Unlike insulin, Reishi is said to be able to improve the condition of diabetes. Insulin can contribute to premature aging of the pancreas, but Reishi can do the opposite and replenish it. When taking insulin, the body can become dependent on it, but when taking Reishi, the body is able to manage without extra insulin.

Reishi is also able to detoxify the body, including the kidneys and other vital organs, which can help in fighting diabetes naturally.

Reishi, however, can have its side effects when taken on a long term basis. It is not recommended for taking longer than three months, as it can contribute to a dry mouth, upset stomach, nosebleeds and dizzy spells.

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