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What Causes Type 1 Diabetes?

Most people often know how to treat type 1 diabetes, but do you know what causes type 1 diabetes? Type 1 diabetes occurs when the body makes little or no insulin. It used to be called insulin dependent or juvenile diabetes. No one really knows what causes type 1 diabetes. Also, your body's defense system may attack your insulin making cells by mistake, but we don't know why. In type 1 diabetes, our body has little to no insulin because our immune system destroyed our insulin producing cells. Through research, some scientists have concluded that factors such as unhealthy diets and genetics can cause type 1 diabetes. It is also believed that type 1 diabetes is caused by an "environmental trigger," like a virus or an allergen, which stimulates the immune system of the baby, kid or young adult to attack the beta cells in the pancreas. These beta cells are the insulin producers, and when they are attacked they stop producing insulin, causing type 1 diabetes to develop.

Since type 1 diabetes means your body is not producing the correct amount of insulin, this lack of insulin becomes diabetes. Remember, insulin is vital in making glucose, which is the energy our body uses. Glucose is absorbed directly into your bloodstream after eating; however with out insulin it can't enter your cells.

Normally, your pancreas generates insulin continuously, increasing its production in response to the boost in blood sugar that take place after you eat. This extra insulin releases your cells so that more sugar can enter, giving your body energy as well as keeping a normal level of sugar in your blood.

Eating sweets or the wrong kind of food does not cause diabetes. However, it may cause obesity and this is associated with people developing Type 2 diabetes. Stress does not cause diabetes, although it may be a trigger for the body turning on itself as in the case of Type 1 diabetes. Knowing what can cause or influence diabetes is as important as knowing how to treat diabetes. As a diabetic, it is always important to learn about every aspect of diabetes so you can understand what is occurring inside your body and what you can do to feel better and stay in control of diabetes.

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