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Diabetes Diet Menu Explained

Sunday, June 16, 2013 7:10:00 PM Posted by Diabetes

By Denchi Minh

The Diabetes Diet Menu is the most important tool in a diabetic's fight to adapt and live with Type 2 of the illness. It can be defined as a healthy meal program that is formulated specifically to cater to the needs of the individual involved. The current blood sugar level, general health, taste in food, and daily activities are the most essential considerations in creating the plan. Each meal should as much as possible consist of a combination of foods the diabetic likes to eat. This will greatly make it easier for him to follow the plan. The meal schedule should also not interfere with his day to day activities. With the many considerations involved, it can be concluded that the right plan for one diabetic may not be the right one for another.

The Diabetes Diet Menu can be really complicated to create because so many things need to be considered. What to eat, how much to eat, and when to eat are the most basic questions that need to be answered. In deciding what to eat the nutritional value of each food should be determined and then compared to your daily dietary needs. It is of vital importance that the blood sugar level remains stable. Avoiding foods that contain high levels of glucose is the best way to do so. One however should never forget not to overdo avoiding sugar. This is because having a too low blood glucose level is just as dangerous as having one that is too high.

How much to eat is also an important factor when devising a Diabetes Diet Menu. This is because a diabetic should avoid large meals due to the fact that consuming large meals means absorption of large amounts of nutrients within a small span of time. Such has very high chances of causing blood sugar levels to suddenly rise which may lead to very serious complications. A diabetic should therefore eat only small meals. The number of meals per day should then be increased to compensate with the decrease in meal size.

When to eat is another vital question in preparing a Diabetes Diet Menu. The schedule of each meal should come in regular intervals each day. This will help ensure that balance in nutrition is maintained. Eating at regular intervals will also help the body adapt faster to the new schedule. The time of meals should also fit in nicely with the normal daily activities of the diabetic.

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