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Eye Symptoms of Diabetes - Preventive Measures

Many older diabetic patients present with symptoms from the complications of diabetes in the eye (cataract, retinopathy). In diabetic patients, sometimes there are problems in the blood vessels behind the eye, leading to retinopathy which is a disease of the retina, especially one that is non-inflammatory and associated with damage to the blood vessels of the retina and sometimes blindness.

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most serious complications of diabetes which usually occurs in people with chronic diabetes. People with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes are usually affected. A diabetes research has shown that retinopathy is one of the leading causes of blindness in the United States.

According to diabetes research, the symptoms of diabetes that associate diabetic retinopathy are spots floating, dark streaks or red films that block the vision, loss of vision, poor vision in the night, shadows or missing areas in the sight.

When you notice warning signs and symptoms of diabetes retinopathy, a dilated eye exam for the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy is necessary. This test is performed by examining the retina and dilating the pupils using eye drops. The doctor examines for abnormal blood vessels, swelling, damage to the nerve tissues, growth of new blood vessels and scar tissues, bleeding in the retina, and retinal detachment. For the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy, retinal photography test is also necessary.

Treatment for retinopathy in diabetes is decided depending upon the type and severity of the condition. An already damaged retina can't be reversed. The treatment is aimed at preventing the disease from getting worse and stopping further damage. However, laser treatment can be administered if necessary.

A prompt surgical treatment may be required. Surgical treatment helps to stop the progression of the disease. Regular eyes check-up after the treatment is necessary because there is a possibility of further retinal damage and vision loss in diabetic people.

The only way to prevent diabetes retinopathy is to know the right steps to take to keep your diabetes under control. Firstly is recognizing the early signs of diabetes and its symptoms. The early signs of diabetes are often confused with symptoms of other health problems. A good number of people who have diabetes are not aware that they suffer from the disease. The early signs and symptoms of diabetes you must know are frequent urination, increased thirst and appetite, weight loss, skin infections etc.

Know the appropriate diabetes diet and exercises to control diabetes. A well-planned diabetes diet helps maintaining the blood sugar level. Ensure to monitor and maintain your blood sugar levels using blood glucose tests regularly. Nutritious diabetes diet and regular exercise help in controlling blood pressure and cholesterol. There are certain healthy diabetes diet recipes which can be enjoyed by diabetic patients. The type of diabetes diet recipes not only reduces the risks of developing diabetes, but they are also essential for general good health. Diabetes diet should also have sufficient proportions of vegetable and non-vegetable foods as well. Simple carbohydrates must be avoided in diabetes diet, as they lead to food cravings and weight gain in most people. Complex carbohydrates, on the other hand, are high fiber foods.

Most importantly, for a complete diabetes diet recipe, refrain from 'junk foods' and high calorie snack foods and desserts. Try having boiled foods as far as possible and reduce the amount of fried foods. Boiled foods reduce levels of cholesterol and accumulation of fat in the body. A strict adherence to diabetes diet recipe is necessary and enjoyable.

Any notice of slight changes in vision should be directed to an eye specialist.

By Piere Arnold

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