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Taking Control of Your Diabetes - Don't Let Others Affect How You Control Your Diabetes

Many people with diabetes don't want others to know they have diabetes. Often this causes problems. Problems at work, problems at home and even problems with your diabetes control. Sometimes, instead of following a healthy eating, monitoring, and activity regimen, diabetics will just go with the crowd. They'll eat the fries, burgers, and shakes, or pizza and beer, and won't bother to check blood sugars. People who follow this pattern don't want to call any attention to their diabetes, so they ignore it. It seems as though they are embarrassed to take care of themselves.

The point is you should not be embarrassed about the fact you have diabetes. What you SHOULD be embarrassed about it the fact that you don't take proper care of your health. Controlling your diabetes should be at the top of your to-do list no matter what any person thinks about it. Without control you are doomed.

Without daily diabetes control, you are destined for complications. Complications like kidney disease, kidney failure, blindness, numbness and loss of feeling in your hands and feet, amputations, heart attack, heart disease, hypertension, and strokes are all possible complications of poorly controlled diabetes.

Are You Doing All You Can to Control Your Diabetes?

With all the potential health problems, why is it that most diabetics don't take proper care of themselves? For some, it is lack of understanding. They don't understand how to control their diabetes. For others, they know what to do, but they seem to have trouble making the lifestyle changes required to get good diabetes control .and normal range blood sugar. Still others get into the mode of "it won't happen to me. I'm doing OK now so I don't have any reason to change.

Don't believe you can just take your medications or insulin and do nothing else. If you are a diabetic you must control your blood sugars for optimal health and longevity. The body is not able to handle the higher blood sugars of most diabetics. Every system in your body gets blood flow. Blood flowing through your body with high glucose levels does damage. Over time this damage shows up as chronic conditions especially with the eyes, the kidneys, the heart, and the feet. There is good news. By committing to making necessary lifestyle changes you can prevent the majority of these complications.

Diabetics can live a healthy and normal life with proper control. Some type 2 diabetics are even able to go off medications with proper diet and activity levels. How does one make these lifestyle changes and what is involved? First off it involves a mindset that you can make the necessary changes.

Good Control for Yourself and Others

You must realize the importance of controlling your diabetes...not only for you, but for your family and friends. Remember, if you are stricken with diabetes complications, you may no longer be able to function normally. Those around you may have to help you with daily life. None of us wants to be dependent upon others for our care. The choice is yours. Take control on a daily basis or suffer...It seems to me it should be an easy decision. Sadly, for most they choose just to wait and see what happens.

As a diabetic for many years, I've talked with many and have watched many diabetics suffer the consequences of poor control. They all say one thing,"I wish I had looked after myself." Or "I wish I had done things differently. If only I cold go back." Unfortunately, once complications occur you can't go back. You simply have another chronic condition you must learn to control. I'll never forget being at my cousin's funeral. She died of the diabetes complication of kidney failure at just 42 leaving behind a husband and an 11 year old daughter. I kept thinking, "Was there anything else I could have said to her to help her take better control of her diabetes?

Don't misunderstand what I'm saying. If you currently have complications of diabetes, you can improve your condition with better control. Some damage may be reversed depending on the severity of your condition. Always strive for good diabetes control, but just as with those in pre diabetes state, it is much better to make the choice for preventive care rather than face the consequences.

Simple Solutions for Diabetes Control

As I write this, I wish I had a way to shout it out to all those affected and potentially affected with diabetes. Manage your blood sugars, eat a healthy diet with lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, and exercise daily. This simple combination will do wonders for anyone with diabetes or in the pre diabetes state.

Initially, it is not easy to make these types of changes. Once you do and begin to see the results you will be amazed and have the motivation to continue. It does take time and it does take dedication. Just remember, without your health nothing else in your life will be the same. Take control before it is too late.

Janet Smith life-long diabetic, is a diabetic mentor helping others learn to live successfully with diabetes.

By Janet Smith

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