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More Diabetes Myths Debunked

Like all other complicated matters, there are certain misconceptions about understanding diabetes. Here we're going to dispel some of the myths regarding diabetes.

Is diabetes Contagious?

The exact cause of diabetes is not known. But still it has been proved that it is not contagious. One my have some inherent ability to get this disease, family history, age and the lifestyles  are major contributing factors of this disease.

Eating sugar may cause diabetes

Eating sugar is not the cause of onset of diabetes. This disease is caused by the combination of inheritance and the lifestyle. Eating diet high in fat and sugar may cause somebody to become overweight. Being overweight may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. So anybody who has the family history of diabetes should take a healthy balanced diet with the regular exercise.

Type 2 diabetes is gentle diabetes

There is no such thing as gentle or mild diabetes. All kinds of diabetes are serious if not properly treated. As the elevated sugar levels may cause serious health complications.

Diabetes leads to blindness

No doubt diabetes is a leading cause of sightlessness, but the researches have proved that this can be prevented by proper control of blood pressure, sugar level and the body weight.

Diabetics should not drive

There is no problem in driving for the diabetics who have proper control on their sugar levels.

Diabetics can't play sports

There are many celebrities including players who are suffering from diabetes and successfully carrying on their games. In fact diabetics are encouraged to exercise. It keeps them active and healthy. There are certain factors that should be taken into consideration before starting any weight loss program.

Diabetics are more prone to get colds

The doctors may advice the diabetics to have flu vaccination. The reason behind this is that any infection mess about the glucose levels, which puts the diabetics at more risk to diabetic complications.

Diabetics cannot eat sweets

Chocolates can be eaten by diabetics in the same way as any other healthy person can have them. Confectionery items are high in fat and sugar so their consumption should be limited, especially if any diabetics wants to lose weight.

Diabetics cannot eat banana or grapes

All kinds of fruits and vegetables are beneficial for the diabetics. It keeps them away from heart diseases and cancers. In facts diabetics are suggested to take five portions of fruits and vegetables daily.

Diabetics have to take special foods

Diabetic diets contain no special advantages for its consumers. These diets still raise blood sugar levels and elevate blood pressure and they are much more expensive as well. The healthy diet for diabetics is same as for other individual- eat healthy, low in fat, low in sugar, and plenty of fiber rich foods.

So next time if any diabetic comes across these myths certainly he would put a deaf ear on them.

Discover the top warning signs and symptoms of diabetes and how you can cure your diabetes naturally at

By Aida M.S.

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