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Diabetic Grocery List - How to Change Your Shopping Habits

Monday, August 25, 2014 8:34:00 PM Posted by Diabetes

By Robert Pernula

How a simple diabetic grocery list changed my life and helped me nurse my health back to normal, effectively beating my diabetes type 2 condition in less than 6 weeks.

When I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 some 20 years ago, I was not shaken or upset. I was shattered and devastated, because at 50, I was 50 at the time, this did not create a very positive image of how I had been living my life so far.

I was a little panicked and thought I would "get by" with the pills the doctor prescribed and my trust in medicine was absolute, doctors knew best as far as I was concerned.

So I remember going to a nutritionist and I also remember laying all the good advice I was receiving nicely aside, trusting the fact that my blind faith in modern medicine was well justified and did not require me to even think about changing anything about my lifestyle at all.

And so I didn't and I continued life just the way I had always lived it before being diagnosed with diabetes type 2 until one day I read a story about the Pimi Indian tribe in New Mexico. This caught my attention because the article in question explained that in their native area, these people did not know what diabetes was.

Only the people from the tribe who had emigrated to the USA and had adopted our lifestyle had developed the condition! That left me to wonder if my diabetes type 2 was not a sickness but more a lifestyle problem.

That took me to the Internet, friends and my doctor as well as my darling wife who is a nurse and I started firing questions at them. It is not a coincidence that doctors send us diabetics to a nutritionist, it is a necessity. What nutritionists are not trained for is how to slowly but surely bring people with bad habits to come to their senses and start behaving with more common sense instead of stubbornly refusing to break bad habits.

I stubbornly refused to break my inefficient eating habits until I looked up the knowledge myself which brought me to a point where I realized that I was resisting change for the wrong reasons. I realized I was loving my food and my ways more than I did my health, and as soon as that hit me, I was ready for change.

And change I did. I found out about the glycemic food index list and how slow carbohydrates slowly dissolve nutrients into the bloodstream which helps me avoid bloods sugar spikes which in turn keeps my diabetes in check.

All I needed to do was to change the way I bought my food to beat the diabetes condition. You can imagine I feel a bit silly for hanging on to the diabetes for 20 years before this dawned on me that I could easily get rid of it.

So, this is how it came to be that I set out to compile a groceries list to help me choose what I would put on my plate from that day forth. I will give it to you if you want it, no charge. It is pretty useful to me and it can be as well for you. Here is to beating diabetes type 2 with better food.

Now you also know how to change your shopping habits as well: a bit of knowledge and a touch of self motivation. It will do wonders, especially to your health.

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