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Type 2 Diabetes - What's Wrong With The ADA Diet?

Sunday, August 10, 2014 8:26:00 PM Posted by Diabetes

By Beverleigh H Piepers

The American Diabetes Association recommends medical nutrition therapy or MNT for preventing the onset of Type 2 diabetes, to manage the existing diabetes problem, and to prevent further complications associated with poor blood sugar control. In fact, the American Diabetes Association states that the MNT should be a part of every diabetic's self-management education.

However effective this diet may seem for the management of diabetes, many diabetics still see the ADA diet as a faulty eating style most people can never follow to the letter. In the forum Diabetes Daily, many concerns were expressed by real people diagnosed with diabetes:

1. The ADA appears to recommend many more carbohydrates than most diabetics can handle in one day. One diabetic who posted on the Diabetes Forum tried following the ADA diet with poor results.

2. The ADA recommends artificial sweeteners and diet drinks that seem to be a major turn-off for many Type 2 diabetics who are looking to reverse their condition.

3. Many Type 2 diabetics are confused about counting calories.

Because of these complaints, the American Diabetes Association (ADA), developed a new and easy "tool" to help make the ADA diet:

* easier to follow
* much more appealing, and
* a custom fit for diabetics.

This new diet tool is called the "Create Your Plate" method.

Create Your Plate may be one of the easiest tools ever created not just for blood sugar control but for weight loss as well. With the Create Your Plate approach it's the size of the sections that matters.

To picture how your plate should look when you use the Create Your Plate method, mentally divide it into left and right halves. Then imagine the right half split into two equal parts. The first step is to fill the left half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables, eg. spinach, green beans, lettuce, etc. Then, place only a small portion of starchy foods, such as rice, pasta or potatoes in the top right hand quarter, and a small portion of protein such as lean meat, eggs, fish or chicken in the bottom right quarter. Simple enough? With this Create Your Plate method, you don't need to worry about counting your carbs or thinking about how many calories you take it. Just eat and be satisfied with your meal.

Having Type 2 diabetes doesn't mean you need to starve yourself. Nor does it mean stuffing yourself with carbohydrates for the sake of reaching the minimum daily requirement for your carbohydrate intake.

An effective diabetic diet means choosing the right kinds of foods in the right proportions. The Create Your Plate approach is not only easy to follow, it also has three distinct advantages: it reduces caloric intake, controls carbohydrates and satisfied your hunger. So what are you waiting for?

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