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Cure Diabetes With Diet

Saturday, March 1, 2014 6:48:00 AM Posted by Diabetes

By Diane Butler

The disease of diabetes is now epidemic, causing untold suffering among its victims. Yet, few seem to realize that diabetes is a lifestyle disease. It is completely curable by diet. It is certainly not inevitable that prediabetics will develop the disease. Type II diabetes can be reversed. Somehow this message does not seem to be making it to the general public.

Today, around 61% of the U.S. population is overweight and 27% are clinically obese, strong indicators of diabetes. Along with the ballooning of America's waistlines has come this terrible epidemic of Type II diabetes which can also cause heart disease, liver and kidney failure and a host of horrible complications. In the last decade of the 20th century, the incidence of diabetes increased by 33% in just ten years. More ominous still, the incidence among those younger than 30 increased by 70%. Even children as young as 10 years old are now being diagnosed with diabetes. Formerly striking primarily the aged, diabetes now takes its place as an equal opportunity disease, hitting everyone-young, old, rich, poor-alike.

Yet, it is totally preventable. Even once diagnosed, the disease is totally curable. The root problem in Type II diabetes and in prediabetic conditions is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance develops slowly, primarily from a diet high in carbohydrates-especially sweets, breads, and flour- and sugar-based snack foods. The more these blood-sugar-raising foods are eaten, the more the pancreas pumps out insulin, which shuttles glucose from the bloodstream into the cells. In time, though, the cells become resistant to the effects of so much insulin, and blood sugar levels eventually start to creep up into ranges that are considered diabetic. Then, the real trouble begins.

Here's the good news. Type II diabetes is a nutritional disease with a nutritional cure. For protection against this terrible disease, eat a diet rich in proteins, such as lean meat cuts and especially GLA-rich wild salmon, along with mainly complex carbohydrates. These carbohydrates come from non-starchy vegetables such as salad greens, green beans, asparagus, celery and broccoli.

Eating this type of diet, combined with moderate exercise, such as walking for 30 minutes a day every day, and even diagnosed diabetics will see the disease stopped dead in its tracks. The diet and exercise, too, will cause at least a moderate weight loss which will further inoculate against the ravages of this disease.

This diabetes diet cure is not alternative medicine, though mainstream doctors don't seem to recommend it, believing, apparently, that their patients prefer to keep eating potato chips even if it means limb amputation. At the very least, doctors could present this healthy alternative instead of going straight to metformin and insulin shots.

This combination of diet and exercise is the treatment of choice for Type II diabetes. The diabetes diet cure will stop the progress of this terrible ailment.

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