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Type 2 Diabetes - Keep Your Appetite (And Blood Sugar Levels) Under Control With These Tricks!

Friday, March 28, 2014 7:05:00 AM Posted by Diabetes

By Beverleigh H Piepers

Do you find yourself regularly surrounded by empty containers of cookies, crackers and chips as the wake of your latest binge eating session? Do you feel the enormous weight of guilt on your shoulders on a weekly basis as "just one bite" turned to 100?

If so, you're like many Type 2 diabetics that have issues controlling their appetite. Keeping your appetite in check is crucial for blood sugar level management as it gives you the level head to make smart choices in line with your health goals.

Here are some simple ways to tame the appetite monster lurking inside of you:

Ditch Guilt: Overeating, feeling guilty, and overeating again is a vicious cycle that's hard to break. Try to forgive yourself for the mistakes you've made in the past. Just because you've had issues with overeating or your weight doesn't make you a bad person... it just makes you human.

If guilt or emotional eating is a serious problem for you, consider seeking out a psychologist that can help you overcome this obstacle.

Eat Protein: A protein rich meal stimulates your body's production of an appetite-killing hormone known as CCK. In addition to eating protein sources like tofu, beef, chicken and eggs at meal time, consider snacking on protein as well. Low-fat beef jerky, hard boiled eggs, yogurt and cottage cheese are convenient protein sources that shut down your appetite between meals.

Flaunt Fiber: Protein helps between meals and fiber helps during meals. Eating a food abundant in fiber, like beans or vegetables, distends and stretches your stomach. A stretched stomach sends a signal to your brain saying "OK, we've had enough, you're full."

Slow It Down: With an overflowing inbox and a million errands to run, mealtime can seem like just another task to check off the list. Unfortunately, rushing through your meals is a surefire way to eat too much. It takes a solid 20 minutes for your stomach and intestine to relay the message "you've had enough" to your brain.

That's why a study published in Public Health Nutrition found that men who tended to eat their meals quickly had higher rates of Type 2 diabetes and heart disease compared to those that sat and savored their food.

Toss It: If there's junk food in the house, it's going to be eaten. Simply adding barriers to junk food consumption... like having to drive to the store... can be enough to prevent a junk food fix.

Stock your pantry with healthy snacks like:

* fruit
* baby carrots, and
* low-fat dairy

So that you're reaching for healthy options next time your stomach growls at home.

Drink Up: Studies show that drinking a glass of water before meals makes you eat less. Not surprisingly, the water literally fills up your stomach, making you feel full before the first bite.

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