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Cut the Risk of Diabetes by Walking Everyday

Monday, March 10, 2014 6:54:00 AM Posted by Diabetes

By Veronica Whitney

Walking is great. In fact it's one of the many activities that people take for granted. We are encouraged to take walks whenever we can. They help clear our minds and keep our body fit. More importantly, walking is a great way of cutting the risk of diabetes: it helps lower the risk of metabolic syndrome, which is one of the many things that can lead to Type II diabetes.

Walking is good because it has a lot of benefits to the body. Not only does it elevate your mood, it also improves your sense of well-being, believe or not. What else can you benefit from walking every day? Read on:

1. It prevents depression and puts you in a better mood.
2. It improves sleep. Walking is good for your brain!
3. It controls your blood pressure. Whenever you walk, you exert energy. This energy given by a physical activity helps strengthen your lungs and most especially your heart.
4. It lessens the risk of a stroke or a heart attack. Walking keeps you fit. It may not be as strenuous as other activities, but when done every day for certain duration, it will make you stronger and healthier.
5. It lowers your cholesterol. Again, it lessens the risk for diabetes.
6. It helps you lose weight. Walking is a form of exercise as any other as it helps burn calories.
7. It prevents bone deterioration and fracture. It also strengthens your joints and muscles.

It is recommended that you take walks at least thirty minutes each day. Make it into a routine so that it becomes part of your nature and lifestyle. There are many ways to achieve this without making it seem so much like a chore. For example, you can do this whenever you take your dog out for a walk. You can also take short walks every morning to enjoy the sunny day, or at night to enjoy the cool breeze. Walk around your block if it makes you feel safer. You can also walk in the park and discover new things around you.

Walking is good. Don't be hesitant to do this kind of exercise. It's the simplest there is, and it's beneficial to your health. Walking is a great way to prevent diabetes, and is something you can do everything without costing you anything. Remember, if you invest a lot now in terms of taking care of your body, you will reap the rewards in the future.

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